Profession pilot: features, pros and cons. Profession pilot Pilot what does he do? flies

The profession of an aviation pilot involves managing various categories of aircraft. Under the general name, the specialty combines several positions. Pilots include the commander, co-pilot, flight engineer and navigator. Aviation pilots fly both civilian and military aircraft. Specific duties, in addition to piloting and landing the aircraft, include monitoring instrument readings. The crew commander signs the accompanying documents. The profession also requires pilots to make timely decisions in emergency situations. Do not forget that in the case of work in the field of passenger transportation, the commander is responsible for dozens of lives.

Personal qualities

The first requirement for a pilot is absolute health. Long hours of flights and sensitive overloads during takeoff and landing require endurance. Considering constantly changing weather conditions and the possibility of force majeure on board, stress resistance will be an additional advantage. Successful crew management requires leadership and confidence in your actions.

Where to study

Aviation pilot training takes place in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. The applicant can choose between educational institutions of civil and military orientation. Even a slight deviation in medical indications may be a reason for refusing to accept an applicant. The main academic disciplines are navigation and routing. Students study the structure and control capabilities of the aircraft, and become familiar with the orientation of the vessel.

The educational status of the educational institution determines how long the applicant will study to become an aviation pilot. Typically the duration of training ranges from 3 to 5 years. However, during his working life, the pilot undergoes some kind of advanced training courses. In addition, flight schools offer courses for amateur pilots. In a short course you can learn how to operate an ultra-light boat. This option is suitable for those who consider piloting a hobby.

Required exams: Russian language, mathematics, physics (selectively), standards for physical training.

Suitable specialties:

  • "Flight operation of aircraft"
  • "Testing of aircraft"
  • "Air navigation"
  • "Operation of aircraft and air traffic management"

Examples of educational institutions where they teach for the chosen profession:

Civil Aviation:

Military aviation educational institutions are distinguished by stricter discipline and barracks-type dormitories. Students receive not only higher military education, but also a civilian specialty.

Military aviation:

  • Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serova
  • Syzran Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots
  • Chelyabinsk Higher Military Aviation School of Navigators

Pros and cons of the profession


Demand in the labor market;

Decent salary;

The ability to travel;

Social security;

Early achievement of retirement age.


Emotional stress during the flight;

There is no guarantee that the next medical examination will be passed;

Frequent absences from home;

Inability to maintain close contact with loved ones all the time.

Career, places of employment

After graduating from specialized institutions, the graduate has the required number of flight hours to get a job in a company. Although it should be noted that the more serious the organization, the more experience is required from applicants. There is fierce competition for prestigious positions in Russian airlines. In most cases, test pilots are graduates of military schools. The average salary of a beginning specialist is 70,000-90,000 rubles.

Inspired by the heroic biography of the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, you can forever become infected with the dream of becoming a pilot. Making a dream come true is a feasible idea.

Average salary: 194,000 rubles per month




Entry barrier


Perhaps many people in childhood dreamed of becoming a pilot - they wanted to fly a passenger, commercial and cargo, military, or even a small private two-seater aircraft. But the reality, of course, is not as cloudless as it seems to us in childhood.


People have wanted to fly like birds for a very long time. In ancient Greece, many myths were created about human flight. Until now, many are confident that especially enlightened Indian yogis and Tibetan monks are able to levitate, i.e. take off into the air without any aircraft. And, of course, in fairy tales and legends of many nations there are flying characters: the Russian Baba Yaga, European witches on brooms, oriental peris. The greatest Italian scientist Leonardo da Vinci was developing a project to create artificial wings with which any person could fly.

Later, he abandoned this idea and began to develop the design of an aircraft, which, according to the description, is very reminiscent of the first airplanes. The Montgolfier brothers, who made the first successful flight in a hot air balloon, can be considered the founders of the pilot profession. But the first pilots in the modern sense of the word should be called the Wright brothers, who, after decades of testing and calculations, in 1903 made their debut airplane flight in the history of mankind.

Description and characteristics of the profession

A pilot, with the exception of racing drivers, who are also called that way, is a person who controls an aircraft for any purpose. This profession is more than responsible: situations often arise in which the pilot has no right to make a mistake, because too much depends on his actions - the integrity of the cargo, the aircraft itself, the lives of passengers and crew members. It is also considered one of the most technically complex, since the pilot must monitor the readings of a huge number of instruments and, based on them, make decisions. At the same time, he needs to coordinate his actions with the co-pilot, the airport dispatcher and the pilots of other aircraft located nearby.

The crew usually has two pilots - a commander and an assistant. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the co-pilot must be prepared to take full control of the aircraft.

The assistant, like the commander, must know everything about the structure of the aircraft, its behavior in any conditions and safety rules during its operation. Immediately before the flight, the pilot carefully studies the route of the upcoming flight, consults with specialists, checks the results of maintenance, and sets up the operation of radio communications.

As with any profession, there are pros and cons to being a pilot. Official employment, high salaries, good social security, early retirement - these are not all the advantages of the profession. It makes childhood travel dreams come true. You are guaranteed to see many countries. Pilots flying international flights usually have time to walk around the city, see the sights, and have a good rest. Rest is a separate plus: airlines scrupulously monitor the physical and moral condition of their pilots, because in order to make the right decisions, the pilot must feel impeccable.

The list of disadvantages is small, but they are significant:

  1. Firstly, pilots are extremely rarely at home. In this sense, they are like long-distance sailors.
  2. Secondly, constant emotional stress: to control such a huge and complex apparatus, to keep in mind a lot of numbers and data, realizing that you have passengers in the cabin, whose lives are in your hands - this requires a lot of mental effort. Therefore, pilots have to undergo comprehensive medical examinations, including communication with psychiatrists, more often than many other people.

Directions, specialties and educational institutions according to the profile of training

In the Russian Federation, you can become a professional pilot by receiving an education in flight school or one of the following universities:

  1. St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation (UGAvSP). The duration of study is at least 5 years.
  2. Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation named after B.P. Bugaev (UI GA), also known as the Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation. The duration of training is four years.

For admission, you will need Unified State Examination results in physics, specialized mathematics and the Russian language. In addition, applicants pass physical training standards.

Specialties that give the right to be a pilot:

  • aircraft testing,
  • operation of aircraft and air traffic management,
  • aircraft control systems,
  • use of aviation complexes and flight operation,
  • air navigation.

However, becoming a pilot is not so easy. The main document that gives the right to fly an airplane is not a university diploma, but a flight certificate. Profile education is only the first stage of obtaining it. Next, you will need to pass theoretical and practical exams, pass a medical examination and fly at least 150 hours.

Professional Responsibilities

The main responsibilities of an aircraft commander are:

  • Organization of crew preparation for flight;
  • Ensuring flight safety;
  • Flight in difficult weather conditions, in case of automatic system failures and in other non-standard situations;
  • Fuel level control;
  • Analysis of meteorological and ornithological conditions;
  • Suppression of actions of passengers that threaten safety on board;
  • Filling out documentation;
  • Flight debriefing with crew members.

Duties of the co-pilot:

  • Preparing for flight;
  • Selection and study of flight documentation;
  • Studying the flight plan and informing the crew about it;
  • Checking flight and navigation equipment;
  • Performing a flight using automatic systems;
  • Performing the duties of a navigator in the absence of one.

Who is it suitable for?

The profession of a pilot is not suitable for any person, but only for those with the following qualities:

  • iron self-control, the ability to control oneself, not to panic in any situation;
  • cold, clear mind, penchant for analytical thinking;
  • high intelligence and good memory;
  • impeccable health, one hundred percent vision and color vision;
  • attentiveness, pedantry, rationalism.

Visual acuity, depth of eye, the ability to perform monotonous actions for a long time, emotional stability, and accuracy are fundamentally important.

This work is contraindicated in cases of visual impairment, vestibular system disorders, nervous, mental and cardiovascular diseases, diseases associated with loss of consciousness, and impaired coordination of movements.

It is also not allowed to have a criminal record for intentional crimes and administrative penalties for the use of narcotic substances.


Pilots in any country are paid very well. In the USA, at Delta Air Lines - $212 per hour with a mandatory flight time of 65 hours. In the Russian Federation it is an order of magnitude less, but by our standards it is also excellent. Aeroflot pilots, net, excluding bonuses and bonuses, earn 290,000 rubles per month with a mandatory flight time of 85 hours. With excess flight hours, the pilot's salary increases significantly. Thus, for 90 hours, Aeroflot pilots are already awarded 340,000 rubles.

How to build a career

As for a career, the fate of a pilot is guaranteed to almost any graduate of the relevant university. True, it is unlikely that a young pilot will be hired immediately into a serious company, since his flight hours will be minimal. You can gain experience in small companies, on commercial routes and in light aviation. No more than two years will pass, and it will be possible to apply for the position of aircraft commander. In the future, quite a lot of opportunities will open up for career advancement: from the position of chief pilot to the head of an airline structural unit.

Prospects for the profession

In our country, transport as a sector of the economy has been in a dilapidated state for a long time. Its restoration requires more and more new personnel, so the pilot profession has good prospects.

Pilot- aviator, specialist who controls an aircraft (helicopter, airplane).

Features of the profession
Military aviators are usually called pilots. And civilians are pilots. In addition, there are pilots of experimental aviation - they test new models of aircraft and carry out factory flights of mass-produced ones.

The composition of the flight crew depends on the type of aircraft and flight conditions. In addition to the commander (first pilot), it may include a second pilot, navigator, etc. (The composition of the crew of an experimental aircraft or helicopter is determined by the developer.)

The commander controls the aircraft, makes decisions about takeoff and landing, and the actions of the crew in difficult situations. Having received permission from the air traffic controller, the first pilot taxis to the runway, where the plane accelerates and, taking off from the ground, gains altitude. He controls the aircraft in accordance with the calculated flight path and time. The commander is helped to make decisions by dispatcher messages, instrument readings and the so-called flight sense, which consists of the sound of a running engine, sensations of vibration and roll.

The pilot, and especially the ship’s commander, has to work within strict time frames, when very little time is allotted for each operation. At the same time, you need to maintain high concentration and constantly be ready to get involved in solving complex problems that may arise unexpectedly during the flight.

From both military and civilian pilots, the work requires full dedication of time, effort and thoughts. In addition, aviation is constantly evolving. More and more new cars are appearing. Therefore, aviators study all the time, constantly pass various exams, and retrain from one type of aircraft to another.

Important qualities
What is important for a pilot is a high sense of responsibility, leadership qualities, lack of fear of heights, high emotional-volitional stability, the ability to quickly switch attention, quick reaction, high intelligence, perseverance, and the desire to master something new. Impeccable health, sharp vision and hearing, a well-developed three-dimensional eye, and stability of the vestibular apparatus are required.

Knowledge and skills
Knowledge of the aircraft is required, as well as skills to fly it.
When working on international lines, knowledge of spoken English is required.

Where do they teach
Military pilots and civil airline pilots are trained in flight schools.

civil Aviation
Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation (Institute)

St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation
Has a branch: Buguruslan Flight School of Civil Aviation (college).
And etc.

Military aviation
Kachinsky branch of the VUNTS Air Force "VVA" (Kachinsky branch of the Air Force Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky) trains pilots on aircraft with higher military-special education. Name until 2010: Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots (Military Institute).

Syzran Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots (military institute). (branch of the N.E. Zhukovsky Air Force Academy) Trains helicopter pilots with higher military-special education.
And etc.

In Russia, the profession of a pilot is considered one of the most prestigious. Photos of pilots in uniform evoke languid sighs from women and genuine envy from men. That is why many young people so passionately dream of conquering this profession. However, this is quite difficult to do, especially if you don’t know where to start.

Pilot's profession: description

A pilot is a specialist capable of controlling a specific aircraft: an airplane, a helicopter, an airliner, and so on. It is noteworthy that previously only civil aviation aviators were called pilots, and military pilots. Today this line has been blurred, but the division between civilians and military is still in force.

In addition, there is a certain hierarchy on the plane itself. The captain of the ship is the first pilot, his deputy is the second pilot, and on large airliners their company is supplemented by a navigator. Thus, a young specialist does not immediately get into the commander’s chair, but only after the expiration of a probationary period, which depends on the type of vessel and the speed of the person’s learning.

Main question

But how does one master the profession of a pilot? After all, flying an airplane requires skills and knowledge that will not appear on their own. Well, the answer to this question can be quite simple - the first thing you should do is enroll in a flight school. However, you should select it based on what kind of pilot you want to become: civilian, military or test pilot.

civil Aviation

Civil aviation is rightfully considered one of the highest paid in the country. The monthly salary of these specialists starts at 70 thousand rubles and ends at a threshold of 350-450 thousand. Agree, a very attractive salary, especially for those who love the sky. However, before getting a job at an airline, a person will have to go through a difficult learning curve.

It’s worth starting with a flight school or flying club. However, the second option is suitable only for those who plan to fly a small aircraft. The rest need to choose one of the following universities:

  • St. Petersburg University of Civil Aviation;
  • Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation in Ulyanovsk.

Any of these institutions allows you to learn flying skills. To enter, you need to pass several exams (mathematics, physics, Russian), and also have excellent physical shape. After graduating from an educational institution, the named profession will be available to the person. Now he can get a commercial pilot's license and get a job with an airline.

In the service of the Russian Air Force

Military aviation is a place where only people who are strong in body and spirit go. However, in the end, only a few of them become real pilots. This is due to the great complexity of training: the pilot needs not only to master the control of the aircraft, but also to understand how to act in combat conditions.

In addition, you should be prepared that this is a rather multifaceted profession. A pilot can be the captain of a fighter, bomber, military transport aircraft, attack helicopter, or even a reconnaissance vessel. Therefore, you need to choose a certain direction in advance in order to comprehend it perfectly.

As for the training itself, it takes place in two ways:

  • Firstly, a conscript may express a desire to serve in the Air Force when passing a commission at the military registration and enlistment office. If the physical and mental characteristics of the conscript are in order, then he can be sent to the appropriate unit. True, this is not the most reliable method, since it does not guarantee 100% hitting the right troops.
  • Secondly, every Russian citizen can enter a military flight school. There are several such establishments in our country. However, the most prestigious is the Air Force Academy. N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin.

Still, it should be remembered that a military pilot is an extremely difficult profession. The pilot must be prepared for the fact that, if necessary, he will have to open fire on other aircraft that will contain living people. Not to mention the fact that at any moment his life could be on the verge of death. And it is the awareness of this fact that most often leads to people quitting their career as a military pilot halfway through.

The dangerous profession of test pilot

Test pilot is a rather rare profession. The chosen ones include only those who have proven themselves to be true specialists in their field, as excellent aces in the sky. Most often, test pilots are former military pilots who have served more than five years for the benefit of their homeland. But there are also exceptions.

The main task of these masters is to test new types of aircraft, helicopters, control systems, guidance, and so on. At the same time, the pilot must not only determine how well the new car works, but also be able to notice shortcomings and possible shortcomings of the designers.

The problem is that sometimes new planes can malfunction during flight. This leads to dangerous situations. And if the pilot fails to quickly find a way out of them, then he risks paying for it with his life.

Pros and cons of working in the sky

Among the advantages, it is worth noting the prestige of the work, which is supported by good wages. In addition, many pilots get indescribable pleasure from flying an airplane. No less attractive is the fact that a person has a unique opportunity to see the whole world while working for major airlines.

But there are also disadvantages. Pilots always risk their lives when flying. Some more, some less, but everyone has a chance to fall. In addition, we should not forget about the great strain on health that arises due to all kinds of stress.

Pilot is a specialist who has all the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to control aircraft. The latter can be airplanes and helicopters. The words “pilot” and “pilot” are almost synonymous, but are used in slightly different contexts: pilots usually refer to those who fly civil aircraft, and pilots refer to those who work in the military industry. There is also a specialization as a test pilot who tests new air vehicles. In any case, the profession falls into the “human-technical” category. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Brief description: who is a pilot?

The safety, health and life of passengers and crew of the aircraft (or the safety of cargo) depends on the pilot. This is a very big responsibility, and it is rarely assigned to just one person. As a rule, there are two pilots on a ship; a commander, a navigator, and a flight engineer may also be present. In emergency situations, pilots can seek help from air traffic controllers on the ground. This is a profession that requires excellent physical and psychological health.

Features of the profession

It is not unreasonable to believe that a pilot is not so much a profession as a vocation. Successful performance of the duties of a pilot requires constant concentration, regular study (as more and more new models of aircraft, helicopters and related equipment appear on the market), as well as attention to one’s health and condition even during non-working hours. The main scope of work that applicants for a pilot position must complete is as follows:

  • Operation of aviation complexes that meets safety requirements (in peacetime and wartime).
  • The use of automated systems and computer technologies when controlling aircraft.
  • Interaction with services providing aircraft flights.
  • Making and implementing management decisions under time pressure and in critical situations.
  • Assessing the level of flight safety, making a decision on the possibility/impossibility of carrying it out.
  • Performing adjustment and testing of aviation complexes.
  • Configuring and adjusting on-board equipment.
  • Filling out accompanying documents.
  • Organization of work of aviation personnel.

It may seem that the answer to the question of who a pilot is can be answered in one simple phrase: the one who is responsible for the flight of an aircraft from point A to point B. However, in practice, the preparation for this flight, its implementation, and its successful completion dependent on a huge number of factors. In order to correctly recognize and take them into account, and make optimal decisions in every second of working time, you need to have deep knowledge and impressive experience.

Pros and cons of being a pilot


  1. A prestigious profession (and the height of its status is equally great anywhere in the world).
  2. High level of income.
  3. Demand in the labor market.
  4. Full social package.
  5. As a rule, early retirement age.


  1. Great responsibility.
  2. Strict requirements (both for admission to educational institutions and for employment).
  3. The need to constantly maintain your health.
  4. Frequent absence, difficulties in maintaining relationships with family and friends.

Important personal qualities

As has already been noted several times, physical and psychological condition is of great importance for the pilot. Representatives of this profession should not have any chronic diseases, problems with vision, hearing, vestibular apparatus or other sensory systems. Pilots regularly undergo medical examinations, and if any illnesses appear, they may simply not be allowed to fly.

In addition, responsibility, emotional stability, the ability to concentrate, high reaction speed, the ability to quickly switch attention, lack of fear of heights and confined spaces, certain communication and leadership abilities, and analytical thinking are important for such specialists.

Pilot training

There are two main options for where to become a pilot: these can be either colleges or universities. So, in colleges you can pay attention to the specialty “Testing of aircraft” (code 02.24.03). In higher educational institutions that provide the opportunity to train as a pilot, the most suitable specialties are “Flight operation and use of aircraft complexes” (code 25.05.05), “Aircraft control systems” (code 24.05.06) and “Operation of aircraft and organization of aircraft movement" (code 25.05.05).

To enter a secondary school, a certificate is enough (the competition is held based on the average score), and to study at a university to become a pilot, you must pass the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, mathematics and physics or computer science. Training in this responsible and difficult profession, in any case, will last at least 5 years (even when entering a college). Moreover, when studying at a university in correspondence or evening form, you will need to spend 6 years to master the profession of a pilot, and when entering a secondary school after the 9th grade, it will take 4 months more.



This specialization is quite complex and responsible, so there are no easy and quick courses where you would only need a few months to study to become a pilot. There are courses, for example, at the Aeroflot flight school: they last two years and are suitable only for candidates with a higher technical education, and it is highly desirable - in aviation.

The best universities for pilots

  1. SPbGUGA
  2. SPbGUAP
  3. MSTU im. N.E. Bauman

Place of work

Pilots work in public and private airlines, can be personal pilots of private aircraft, and engage in test flights at enterprises involved in the development and production of helicopters and airplanes.

Pilot salary

As a rule, pilots receive high salaries even when working for state-owned aviation companies. For even greater income, they can exceed the norms for departure per month, but there are restrictions on such excesses, and it is not recommended to do this all the time due to the need for proper rest.

Salary as of 02/13/2020

Russia 30000—42300 ₽

Moscow 20000—55000 ₽


A pilot's career begins with work on commercial routes, in small companies, and in light aviation. Once he has gained at least a couple of years of experience and enough flight hours, he can get a job at a more serious company. Over time, the pilot can become the chief pilot, crew commander, or take one of the leadership positions in the airline itself.