Opening a dental office from scratch: where to start? An effective business plan for a dental office with calculations Development of a business plan for stimulating staff in dentistry.

Former Medsi employee Ekaterina Mukhina opened a private dental office. The neighborhood with a large university provides her small company with a constant flow of customers

The owner of the dental clinic "Medek" Ekaterina Mukhina (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

1 year for license

Ekaterina Mukhina thought about creating her own clinic while still a fifth-year student at the Moscow Medical and Dental University (MGMSU named after A.I. Evdokimov). It took ten years of study and practice in public and private medical institutions to realize the dream. For example, Mukhina worked in the polyclinic of the Administration of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, which is now part of the network " Medsi. “At first I chose departmental clinics, then private ones,” the entrepreneur explains. “The former were sharpened to work hard, the latter to hit the jackpot.”

In 2013, Mukhina nevertheless set about organizing her own clinic: “I planned that there would be several professionals and interns on the staff. It was assumed that the clinic would primarily provide assistance to people from some organizations whose offices are located in the neighborhood.

One of the requirements for the premises of Mukhina was the rental price of less than 70 thousand rubles. per month “Having examined the surroundings, I stopped at the Moscow Technological University of Communications and Informatics, in its closed territory I found a 36 sq. m, five minutes from the metro, ”she recalls. The amount of rent was much lower than the set bar. “Once upon a time, there was such a practice in the Soviet Union - dental offices were located on the territory of universities, and now there is such a story at Moscow State University. I decided to follow this path in order to be sure that the walls would not be empty,” explains Mukhina. She gave the name "Medek" to the dental clinic, derived from the word "medicine" and her name.

When the premises were found, Mukhina began to repair, purchase equipment and obtain a license. “It was important to think over the layout of the future office: how and where the chair will be located in it, because it needs to be connected to electricity, water and sewerage, how the doors will open so that everything meets regulatory requirements,” says Mukhina. “For example, according to the standards of the fire inspection, doors should always open outward.” Repair cost 300 thousand rubles. lasted five months - from December 2013 to April 2014.

In parallel with the repair, Mukhina launched the process of purchasing the necessary equipment, which lasted about a year:without it, it is impossible to obtain a license. “If for some reason the equipment is not available, for example, if it is not yet needed in the course of work, then it can be rented for a while,” adds entrepreneur . - The list includes many items: a complete chair, additional replacement tips, helioreflecting lamps, apex locators, radiovisiograph , sterilizer and so on. Since some equipment was bought during the decline in overall demand in 2014, in general, about 1.5 million rubles were spent. Part of the money is a bank loan, the rest is an installment plan from friends, says Mukhina.

In order for an organization to obtain a medical license to provide dental services with a therapeutic direction, its staff must have at least one employee who has a certificate, an intern and resident diploma, as well as more than five years of work experience. That is, anyone can open a clinic, but they will have to immediately hire a practicing dentist, Mukhina notes. To issue a license, a conclusion of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, the permission of the Fire Inspectorate, as well as an agreement with the landlord with a special note that he allows you to open a licensed dental office on its territory is required.

“Actually obtaining a license looked like this,” says the entrepreneur. - I filled out all the necessary forms, attached the available title documents and permits, the TIN certificate, an extract from the USRN, the Unified State Register of Taxpayers, and took it all to the Moscow Department of Health. An inspector came to me from the department, who confirmed that I had all the tools in the required quantity, checked the lease agreement, examined the premises, and made sure that it was not through.” The size of the state fee for issuing a license amounted to 7.5 thousand rubles, in total it took about a year to obtain a license, sums up Mukhina.

Armchair in the center

Rospotrebnadzor has established that the area of ​​the dental clinic should be at least 30 square meters. m, including the dentist's surgery roomat least14 sq. mper chair, next to it there should be an examination room - from 7 sq. m (SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities"). The height of the ceiling in the office should be 3 m or more, the depth of the room - 6 m or less; The area of ​​the hall should be within 10 sq. m, and the bathroom - 5 sq. m. Repair is carried out on the basis of the layout: electricity, water and sewerage must be connected to the chair.

Under the portrait of Gagarin

Medeka works on average four days a week: usually Mukhina sees patients herself for three days, and a visiting doctor works in the office for another day. There are two employees: both the doctor and the assistant are registered on the terms of a civil law contract, says Mukhina.

“The assistant is an intern girl, she comes to me three times a week, in addition to the functions of a nurse, she helps with cleaning the office, I spend about 20 thousand rubles a month on her,” explains Mukhina. The doctor is due about 25 thousand rubles. per month for four reception days: as a rule, he earns approximately 70 thousand rubles during these days, of which 45 thousand rubles. goes to the clinic.

According to Mukhina, the flow of her own patients now is about ten people a week, most come from MTUCI, but summer is not the season for her business. Approximately half of the patients are the primary appointment, the rest are repeat visits. The average check in Medek is 4.5 thousand rubles, this is “treatment of simple caries, installation of a reflective filling and brushing of teeth.” Thus, Mukhina herself helps out 180 thousand rubles, and if we add to them a payment in the amount of 45 thousand rubles. from the second doctor, then the total monthly revenue of the clinic will be equal to 225 thousand rubles. “For more revenue, we need more doctors,” the founder dreams. “Ideally, two chairs and two doctors.”

The cost of a conventional filling in the clinic " Medek » is 2.5 thousand rubles. “The price of a filling is anesthesia, tooth treatment before treatment, elimination of bleeding,” describes Mukhina . “It takes a little material, 80% of the cost of a seal is the work of a qualified specialist, the rest is materials.” A more expensive procedure is the installation of a crown: from 30 to 50% of the cost is the work of the technician.

In every mouth

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, 100% of adults suffer from caries and the majority - from 60 to 90% - of schoolchildren. Between the ages of 35 and 44, 15-20% of the population has a serious form of periodontitis. Carious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity are the main causes of tooth loss, only 30% of people aged 65-74 years have natural teeth. Oral diseases are exacerbated by unhealthy diet, smoking, alcohol consumption and poor hygiene.

The clinic does not have too many operating expenses: they fit into 14 thousand rubles, says Mukhina. “I buy everything months in advance so I always have stock. The shelf life usually allows materials to be stored for about two years, she explains. - I order through suppliers on the Internet, they bring it the next day, there are no problems with this. If possible, I buy a lot half-finished, for example, cotton turundulas, this saves time and labor. Means for root canal treatment and burs are purchased once every two months - for about 5 thousand rubles. Once every six months, they are bought for 12 thousand rubles. consumables for orthopedics and Dodonti filling agent for 15 thousand rubles. Also from 8 thousand to 16 thousand rubles. is spent on the annual maintenance of the dentist's chair: for example, hoses are changed every two years. Once a week, a cleaner is cleaned at Medek, her services cost 3,000 rubles. per month.

“Certainly, while the clinic does not bring high income. But when I make a profit, I put it aside to pay installments to friends, a loanwe have already managed to give back for the purchase of equipment,” says Mukhina.

The main promotion channel for Medeka is word of mouth: many professors come to the office, who then tell their friends about the clinic. In addition, next to the "Medek" is the university canteen, which also gives its own flow of visitors: someone just comes in to ask about prices. By agreement with MTUCI, information about the clinic should be placed on stands near the departments. “Now we are cooperating with MTUCI, we offer discounts - they are willing to come to us,” the entrepreneur notes.

According to Mukhina, she spends a total of 5,000 rubles on marketing and advertising. per month - these are business cards, booklets, website maintenance, advertising in Yandex. Direct”, positioning in the 2GIS service. “My friends helped me with the development of the site,” says Mukhina. - During the discussions, the idea arose to place all the information against the background of the building of the hotel "Ukraine". It is speaking - it is a symbol of the capital. As a reminder of the Soviet symbol of the “perfect smile”, a radiant portrait of Yuri Gagarin hangs in the Medeki lobby.​

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The text will consider the main components of organizing a business in the field of paid medical services using the example business plan for dentistry. Despite the fact that most of the population, regardless of age, is afraid of dental procedures, their use is a necessity and the demand for the services of experienced doctors is great and constant. This is a very profitable business, given the cost of a simple filling, not to mention prosthetics using modern materials.

For a successful start, you need to have certain knowledge and experience, without which work in the field of medicine is impossible. A large amount of external financing will also be required for the purchase of expensive dental equipment, which is planned to be attracted with the help of an investment project.

In a situation where your new business requires urgent financial investments, a ready-made business plan for opening a dentistry will help attract them and ensure the start and development of the company.

Key features of a business plan for opening a dentistry with calculations

Features of applying a business plan for dentistry

Commercial projects in the field of medical services is a very complex and specific topic. In addition to the traditional issues disclosed in the process of designing the activities of commercial enterprises, it is necessary to take into account all the organizational, professional and legal nuances of the medical services sector. For this it is best to use business plan for dentistry.

It is used in all areas, has a structural and logical content, and, with an appropriate level of elaboration, is able to take into account the maximum of the nuances of a particular area of ​​business activity. And one of its main advantages is the availability of well-developed models of financial and economic calculations that will be of interest to potential investors in the first place.



Features of the medical business

As part of business plan planned discovery of dentistry, which provides a wide range of services, from diagnostics to complex operations for the extraction of teeth and their prosthetics.

The target audience is people with medium and high incomes who need professional services with a guaranteed result, only high-quality materials and equipment.

Business stages:

  • finding and equipping suitable premises;
  • team building;
  • opening and providing medical services.

1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The amount of investment to start dentistry with calculations

1.3. Work results

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market Dynamics

4 - Staff

4.1. staffing

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding plan

5.3. Sales plan for the development of the discovery of dentistry with calculations

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of opening dentistry with calculations

7 - Conclusions

A business plan for opening a dentistry with calculations is provided in MS Word format - it already has all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it's ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, then this is easy to do in the "Project Concept" section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and charts will be ready immediately: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model for themselves.


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We express our gratitude for the work done on the creation of a business plan for a cleaning company. With this business plan The bank approved a loan for 18 million rubles for 6 years.

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Feedback on a business plan for dentistry

When my colleagues and I started the process of opening our own clinic, we needed to attract a large amount of investment. For this, a ready-made business plan for dentistry was purchased from the Plan Pro company. We appreciated its depth and structure, as well as the functional model of financial calculations, which made it possible to calculate the optimal variant of the economy. As a result, we convinced one of the investment funds to invest 35 million rubles in our clinic.

Setekhov P., chief physician, Nizhny Novgorod region

About company

Dentistry of their XXX cabinets, providing filling, prosthetics, surgery and tooth extraction services.

Preparation for the implementation of the project of opening dentistry

Since the chosen industry is specific, great attention should be paid to preparatory measures in order to prevent disruption of the implementation deadlines. business plan By discovery of dentistry:

  1. To formalize the activities of the clinic in the form of a legal entity.
  2. Open a bank account and register for tax purposes.
  3. Choose a location and suitable areas for opening.
  4. Negotiate with suppliers of dental equipment.
  5. Obtain appropriate licenses and certifications.
  6. Determine the sources of formation of an experienced team of specialists.

Design Basics

In the process of creating a project, the content of all its sections is consistently stated, each of which ends with an analytical or digitized conclusion, with the necessary calculations.

The structure of a business plan for opening a dentistry

Sample structure business plan, according to which opens with tomatology, should contain the following sections:

  • study of the market of paid medical services in the region, prospects for their further development;
  • amount and composition of investment expenses;
  • technologies and equipment used;
  • calculation operating expenses ;
  • income budget;
  • wage fund and staff;
  • plan for marketing and promotion of services;
  • calculation the period during which the project will pay off.

The value of the market analysis of paid medical services

Since your dentistry will not be the only one in the city, it is important to understand what factors affect the commercial success of such companies and what strategic advantages should be built into business plan opened dentistry to provide it with the necessary number of patients:

  • transport accessibility;
  • the best doctors;
  • modern office equipment;
  • own surgery;
  • used materials of the European level;
  • competent pricing and promotional policy.

Another possible option for business development is the opening of a public pool. will help you evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of this business, as well as the required amount of investment to start.

Investment component of the dentistry project

Dental clinic equipment is very expensive. And in the process of developing a project, it is important to form such an economic model that will prove the possibility of payback within the stipulated time to future investors. To do this, download on our website a ready-made full-fledged business plan for dentistry With calculations the main financial and economic parameters of the project. The project will convince the owners of the capital of the profitability of the business and attract their finances to the project.

Investment structure:

  • repair work - XXX rubles;
  • supply and installation of medical equipment and materials - XXX rubles;
  • program to promote the new clinic - XXX rubles;
  • hiring employees - XXX rubles;
  • other expenses within the framework of the financing program - XXX rubles.

In total, it will take from 20 to 70 million rubles to start the project.

Service delivery technology and equipment used

The service provision scheme is typical for the selected area: receiving a visitor, establishing a medical record, initial examination and determination of the list of medical services, coordination with the patient and payment, dental procedures.

Equipment for the implementation of the technical side business plan discoveries dentistry:

  • dental modules, including chairs, instrument stands and bur-machine;
  • dental x-ray;
  • other diagnostic equipment;
  • radiovisiograph;
  • tools;
  • prosthetics laboratory equipment;
  • air sterilization systems;
  • air conditioner;
  • furniture and office equipment;
  • security and fire alarms.

Economics of Dentistry Investment Plan Business Plan

Operating costs

The main items of operating costs that form the total amount of expenses for the current activities of the investment project dentistry:

  • the cost of renting a building - XXX rubles;
  • services of communal and energy supplying enterprises - XXX rubles;
  • supply of materials, tools - XXX rubles;
  • maintenance of medical equipment - XXX rubles;
  • depreciation - XXX rubles;
  • advertising - XXX rubles;
  • remuneration of specialists - XXX rubles;
  • taxes and fees - XXX rub.

The total amount of operating costs within the framework of the project is equal to XXX rubles. per month.

Revenue from the provision of services under the business plan for financing dentistry

The main factor that affects the profitable part of the investment project discoveries in dentistry, this is reputation, range and quality of services provided, price level and convenience of location, professionalism of doctors, comfortable and modern technological equipment.

Revenue structure:

  1. Sealing - XXX rub.
  2. Prosthetics - XXX rub.
  3. Extraction of teeth - XXX rubles;
  4. Other paid operations for the provision of medical dental care - XXX rubles.

The planned amount of revenue from the provision of services will be XXX rubles. monthly

Personnel and pay

In order to attract experienced dentists and attendants, it is necessary to lay down such a level of material remuneration that will allow you to form a staff in a short time and start providing services for business plan opened dentistry.

An example of staff structure and salary levels

  • chief doctor - XXX rubles;
  • administrator - XXX rubles;
  • accountant - XXX rubles;
  • hiring manager - XXX rubles;
  • dentists - XXX rubles;
  • nurses - XXX rubles;
  • promotion specialist - XXX rubles;
  • purchasing manager - XXX rubles;
  • cleaners - XXX rubles;
  • drivers - XXX rub.

Calculation of the payback period for an investment project in dentistry

Subject to the target economic parameters of the project, its payback will come within 3-5 years.

There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. It contains comprehensive information about the operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows of the company, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Download ready business plan for dentistry with financial calculations and Excel financial model

Professionalism is highly valued in all spheres of human activity. It is difficult to entrust your health to a doctor if you are not sure of his experience and qualifications. It is the same with investments - a credit institution or a private investor will finance your project only if they are completely sure of the quality of its development and the achievability of the indicators laid down in it.

You can download just such an investment project on our website, it is a ready-made structured business plan for dentistry, including calculations key parameters of the project economics. As an alternative, you can order an individual turnkey business plan, in which we will take into account all the specifics of working in the medical industry and the specifics of your particular vision of the clinic. This decision will finance the project and ensure the achievement of a strategic position in the market.

Dental services will always be in demand and among all groups and segments of the population. This is an objective necessity, since toothaches can cause a lot of discomfort and serious problems, not to mention the aesthetic side of the issue. To become a leader in your field, use professional business plans developed by our experts.

One of the most profitable business sectors in our country is paid medicine. Many citizens prefer to apply to commercial organizations, because they are sure that in this way they will receive the highest quality of services provided. In addition, the level of service, lack of queues, more opportunities, respectful attitude towards each of the clients favorably distinguish such organizations as opposed to state ones.

Thus, the establishment of a dental clinic can be a profitable investment. To open a dental office, there is no need to be a doctor with a specialized education. To do this, it will be enough to hire qualified specialists who will be able to solve current problems and take into account the nuances and specifics of this type of business.

Bureaucratic issues regarding the opening of an office: registration of activities and obtaining a license

One of the first points included in the drawn up business plan of dentistry is the solution of various bureaucratic issues that, in any case, will accompany a novice businessman. Medical services in the field of dentistry are different from the usual business, for example, food production, repair services, opening a store. The difference is that they require more necessary documents so that the activity is carried out exclusively within the framework established by the current legislation.

Even before opening dentistry, you will need to register as a business entity. If we are talking about opening a dental office, then in such a situation, registration as an individual entrepreneur may be a suitable option. In such a situation, a person opening a business must have the appropriate education. It is equally important to comply with the legal requirement that all doctors employed in a dental office or clinic providing prosthetics and treatment services must be licensed. Without such a license, even a registered business entity is not allowed to work.

If a decision is made to organize a legal entity, for example, an LLC, in such a situation, the founder does not have to have a specialized education. Similar requirements will already be presented to those employees who are employed as dentists. One of the advantages of registering a legal entity is the ability to organize a business by attracting several investors, who subsequently become co-founders. Since the contribution of each individual is clearly recorded at the time of organization, it will be much easier later to determine the amount of profit that is due. It will also be possible to resolve the issue of withdrawal from the composition with the need to withdraw the invested capital (or a similar amount in cash if the contribution was made in the form of property, equipment, etc.).

An entrepreneur can open both a large clinic and a separate office - everything will depend on the desire and financial capabilities

Next, you need to decide on the taxation system that will accompany the activities of the entrepreneur. The dental business, as an option, can be conducted under the general taxation system, but it is quite complex and is characterized by the need to provide more reports. In this case, it will not be entirely appropriate to use it. The most optimal option would be a simplified taxation system, in which a fairly common “income minus expenses” scheme is applied. This technique makes it easy to determine the amount of profit on which subsequently the established company will pay the established percentage of taxes.

Having decided what will be carried out - the registration of an LLC or an individual entrepreneur, it is also worth paying special attention to what type of activity code will be indicated. He further determines the list of those services that will be provided to patients, and in case of violation of the procedure established by the rules, the entrepreneur may be held liable. Thus, activities in the field of dentistry must be accompanied by an indication of the OKVED code 85.13 "Dental practice".

When obtaining a license, first of all, you should familiarize yourself with the main provisions reflected in the following documents:

  • Federal Law of May 4, 2011 “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities”;
  • RF GD dated April 16, 2012 “On Licensing Medical Activities”;
  • Letter from the Ministry of Health and Social development of the Russian Federation No. 537-12, which defines some norms regarding the organization and further functioning of a dental clinic;
  • SanPiN No.

The organization of the work of an office or clinic should be established taking into account the fact that a license will need to be issued for each individual type of activity. Thus, these will be completely different documents for the provision of therapeutic, surgical services, pediatric dentistry, prosthetics, orthodontics, orthopedics, etc. It is also worth considering that in order to establish the work of an office or clinic, it will additionally be necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate and the sanitary and epidemiological station. It must be understood that since this type of activity is very closely related to the treatment of people, the requirements are more stringent. So, in particular, they pay attention to the sanitary condition of the premises, the availability of cold and hot water, heating, working clothes of the staff, the availability of a health book for each of the employees, indicating their state of health, allowing them to perform labor duties in such an institution.

The market of dental services is associated with incurring costs even at the stage of registration of a business entity. So, in general, registration can cost a businessman in the amount of 30 to 60 thousand rubles. In this case, only a license will cost 7.5 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that the issuance of a license must be treated carefully - not every specialist providing services can even claim to receive it. The main requirements for applicants are the presence of a diploma of education (it must be specialized), as well as the minimum allowable work experience in a similar specialty - 5 years. In addition, the doctor must have certificates of completion of specialized courses for doctors of this specialty. In accordance with the provisions of applicable law, he may provide services in tandem with a nurse. At the same time, the obligatory point is that the nurse must necessarily be arranged under the contract.

What services to provide - decide for yourself. But do not forget that some of them may remain unclaimed.

The nuances of arranging a dental office

Many businessmen or entrepreneurs who are going to organize their own business in the field of dentistry are not always familiar with the intricacies of such activities, especially if they themselves are not dentists by profession. In this regard, they often make annoying mistakes, which as a result leads to losses and the closure of a business that has not really had time to develop yet.

First of all, the entrepreneur is faced with the question of where to start his activity. How to correctly determine all the main parameters of entrepreneurial activity and generally decide whether it is advisable to organize a dental clinic. It is safe to say that this type of business can bring high income. This fact is proved by the existence of a large number of open dental offices and clinics that successfully operate throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. With the proper level of services, the availability of highly qualified specialists, the number of satisfied customers and, as a result, those who wish to use the services of the office, will steadily grow.

In order to take into account in more detail all aspects of organizing a business, you will need a dental office with calculations. As an example, consider the following:

  1. Analysis of the market of dental services in the region where it is planned to operate. To do this, the best option would be to involve third-party specialists who are able to accurately determine the need for another unit of this type of medical service. At the same time, in parallel, the principles of functioning of existing competitors and the identification of their weaknesses can be worked out. It is determined how many clients are served at these points, which specialists work in other clinics and what reviews are available about them;
  2. Organize a business on your own or purchase a ready-made, so to speak, turnkey dental office. As a rule, a business is rarely sold if it is sufficiently profitable. In most cases, this just the opposite indicates the lack of financial strength of the clinic being sold. If the dental office was opened and, after working for a short time, closed even without receiving a sufficient amount of profit, then more investments may have to be attracted to its promotion. Possible difficulties in this may be present if, during its existence, the clinic received negative reviews and earned a bad reputation for itself. In such a situation, it would still be more expedient to organize a business on your own so that you do not have to spend time and money on attracting customers who were scared away by poor-quality services;
  3. Regardless of whether the decision was made to buy a ready-made business or organize it from scratch, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is registered, and the necessary documentation and licenses are obtained. When applying for a license, it must be taken into account that the duration of their registration is 1.5 months. Therefore, documents will need to be submitted in advance so that there is no situation when the dentistry itself is already ready for opening, and employees do not yet have the right to provide any services;
  4. Determining what the size of the clinic or office will be. In this case, it does not mean the area, but how many specialists will be involved. Alternatively, the most common are clinics that open for three chairs. At the same time, the doctors themselves can either work in shifts, when each is separately assigned to a specialist, or change in such a way that they are constantly busy. With the second option, a faster payback of the project will be ensured and, as a result, the profitability of the business will be higher;
  5. Finding suitable premises. When performing such a step, it is worth considering all the basic requirements that apply to clinics, otherwise the cost of renting a building or buying it will be superfluous;
  6. Definition of services provided in an open clinic. For this, first of all, data on the services provided by competitors are used. The list of such services can be quite extensive and include whitening, caries treatment, prosthetics, therapy, implantation, computer physiography, aesthetic dentistry, etc.;
  7. Acquisition of necessary equipment and other materials, furniture, etc.;
  8. Carrying out repairs, which can be both cosmetic and capital;
  9. Search for personnel and conclusion of employment contracts. Alternatively, the provision of chairs for individual dentists may be used, but in such a situation compliance with corporate standards cannot be guaranteed, since specialists will work for themselves and not be subordinate to the management of the clinic. If any problems arise with an individual doctor, the shadow of a negative reputation can affect the entire clinic;
  10. Carrying out advertising and marketing moves aimed at attracting customers at the stage of preparation for the opening. Such expenses will not constitute the bulk of the investment costs, and many businessmen unreasonably miss this very important step. In its absence, the promotion of the clinic can take much longer and at a certain stage there will no longer be funds to keep the business afloat;
  11. The opening of the clinic and the beginning of the provision of the declared range of services.

Finding a suitable place to organize a room for a dental clinic

When looking for a room where the workplaces of dentists will be directly located, it is worth considering the requirements that are imposed on such clinics by regulatory organizations. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the location of the premises plays an important role in the final number of people who want to use the services. Despite an extensive advertising campaign and marketing moves, a disadvantageous location can become a factor that will scare away potential customers. In this regard, the location of the future clinic should be in an area where a large number of people are concentrated. Moreover, it can be both sleeping areas, and those that are located among other offices. It is considered a good neighborhood to place an office near centers that also provide medical services, but at the same time they (services) should not intersect.

The chosen room itself must be equipped with serviceable communications. Separate requirements are also imposed on the size of the area that will be used to organize the clinic. The minimum area in this case will be 30 square meters, and the height of the ceilings - from 3 meters.

When arranging the seats, it must be taken into account that at least one of them should have at least 14 squares. If the number of seats will be more than three, then the development of the layout should be carried out taking into account separate sterilization, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should be at least 6 square meters. In addition, it will be necessary to equip a sanitary unit, as well as a hall where patients can familiarize themselves with the range of services provided and wait for their appointment time.

Do not exclude from the business plan the item on the need for repairs, even cosmetic ones. Such savings, according to some entrepreneurs, help to significantly reduce the payback period. However, in fact, the unsightly appearance of the clinic, both outside and inside, can scare away potential customers who will not feel comfortable.

Procurement of equipment and other equipment for the clinic

The next stage of step-by-step planning will be the purchase of the necessary equipment. This item of expenditure is the most expensive, but in order to provide better services, it is necessary to install equipment that will allow for high-quality treatment. You can purchase both new equipment and used ones, but at the same time you should pay attention to its performance - it will not be superfluous to seek advice from a specialist in such devices so that he can evaluate them. In addition, even for such equipment it will be necessary to have documents, since the regulatory authorities have the right to check them and, in the absence of papers, may not give a work permit.

The high quality of the equipment is a guarantee of the provision of services at a high level, unless, of course, your specialists are true professionals.

Among those devices that may be required to launch a dental clinic, it is worth noting the following:

  • Dental chairs;
  • Autoclave;
  • X-ray;
  • Sterilizer;
  • Special lamps according to the number of seats;
  • A set of tools, separately necessary for each of the dentists.

When selecting equipment, it will be possible to get advice from those employees who will be employed in the dental clinic. Their extensive experience will help determine what equipment is needed, which brands should be preferred, etc.

Staff recruitment

When selecting personnel for your clinic, first of all, you should pay attention to those employees who have specialized education and work experience. The number of employees and the list of positions will be determined individually, based on the range of services provided and how many seats it is planned to open the clinic. For example, you can take the following list of employees:

  • Dentists. As an option, it is possible to employ twice as many workers as it is planned to install chairs;
  • Nurses. The number of persons hired for such a position, it is more expedient to equalize with the number of doctors. For example, 10 nurses will be required for 10 doctors;
  • Administrators. For the full operation of the clinic, it is necessary to hire two people. Thus, if necessary, they can replace each other;
  • Accountant.

Carefully approach the selection of personnel - this is the "face" of the clinic

According to experts, personnel and equipment are the two main components on which the success of the entire business largely depends. Other articles also have an impact, but the quality of the services provided will not suffer so much.

Marketing plan and advertising of a dental clinic

One of the cost items in the process of organizing a dental clinic will be the preparation of a marketing plan and the phased implementation of all points, as well as promotions. A certain part of the initial capital can be spent on such actions, since the cost of providing services will vary widely depending on the chosen strategy, the size of the clinic itself and the initial budget, which determines the possible costs and their acceptable value. These actions can be varied, but the most effective, according to experts in the field of advertising, are the following:

  • Placement of various types of advertisements. They can be located in the media, social networks, other sites that are most popular;
  • Carrying out various promotions aimed at attracting customers. These may be discounts on the services provided, some of them are completely free. At the same time, it is worth finding the so-called middle ground between attracting consumers and not contributing to an increase in costs beyond the calculated rate, when the implementation of therapeutic or preventive actions without payment from the client already becomes unprofitable;
  • Colorful signboard equipment. It should attract attention and it is desirable to be highlighted in the dark - this way, even in the dark, advertising will work;
  • Distribution of salon business cards and advertising information during the opening and the first days of work. As the calculations show, such actions are most effective only during the first month of operation. This is how information is provided that the office or clinic is already open and what list of services a client can receive by visiting it;
  • Conclusion of agreements with organizations that can carry out certain actions of an advertising nature. A striking example is the situation in which in a beauty salon all its clients are given business cards of a dental clinic. Such services can be provided both for a fee and for reverse advertising, when data about a beauty salon will be presented in a similar way in dentistry;
  • Placement of banners on the streets, illuminated advertising, etc. This type of advertising is more expensive than others, but along with this, its effectiveness is also quite high.

Due to the fact that recently many people suffer from various diseases in the field of teeth, many dentists have appeared who have more than enough work. Therefore, if you decide to start your own business and love dentistry, then this is another reason to think about how to open a dental office.

Suppose your main goal is to open a private dental clinic. Or maybe your office. Of course, it would be wrong to say that this idea is original, because recently services have been offered not only in city centers, but also in residential areas, but this does not prevent specialists from having a good flow of regular customers and providing them with professional services. After all, people have a lot of teeth, and if you also take into account children's teeth, then there will be enough work for everyone.

Dentistry is considered one of the most profitable types of medical care.

How to open a dental clinic

At the moment, the market for the provision of services is unstable and is only at the initial stage of its development. Therefore, you can find in practice a variety of examples of dental care and support provided. For example, public services that continue to work due to the possibility of a doctor to earn extra money at his main workplace. The minus of the establishments is the low quality of service, but the price of services is low. Also popular are private clinics, which employ high-class doctors, real professionals in their field. In general, the situation on the market is somewhat problematic and ambiguous, which leads to the need to create new services.

Note: Dentistry is a promising area, but before starting your own business, it is important to understand the general procedure.


This is the first thing that you will have to face when opening the corresponding clinic, because without it you will not be issued the appropriate license: not only the services provided by the doctor are subject to licensing, but also the condition of the room with the equipment. In this case, you can go in two ways: rent the area or purchase it at your own disposal. All factors depend on your financial capabilities. The first case provides more savings, but the second - more reliability and freedom of action. It's up to you to decide.

Most often, the premises for the clinic are rented. The price of rented real estate in Moscow and other large cities has a range and depends on a number of factors:

  1. Convenience of location (are there large shopping centers, bus stops, metro stations nearby).
  2. District of the city - the center or the outskirts, a sleeping area or an industrial area, and so on.
  3. The condition of the premises and the need for repair.