Type of marketing research. Encyclopedia of Marketing

Every resident of Russia can be called a consumer. And the one who does not speak Russian is also a consumer, only then he is called spozhivach (Ukrainian), consumer (“consumer”, English), or verbraucher (Austrian German), or konsument (German), or something else. Every time we consume something, we make an impact on the socio-economic environment that is imperceptible to us.

By consuming, we influence sellers. Sellers, having made an act of sale, thereby influence distributors, who in turn influence producers, and those - on suppliers of raw materials. Each time such an imperceptible act of consumption leads to growing waves of influence that involve an increasing number of economic entities in a continuous process...

Under conditions of totalitarian socialism or a monarchy, this process is strictly regulated from above. In a liberal (or, in our case, rather “slightly more liberal”) economy, this process is “driven by the market.”

Each participant in the process has an alternative - what to consume. Choosing at least two proposals, we must be guided by some criteria. Often these are quite specific criteria, for example, price. Sometimes they are more difficult to grasp (eg brand preference), other times it may be the need to satisfy some deep needs (for example, the unmet need to feel power over other people may result in the purchase of a sports car).

Just in order to feel good in the market, rules of conduct were invented, which were named in the American manner marketing. Such rules (which, upon closer examination, turn out to be not so simple) allow any Russian company to compete with global giants such as Procter & Gamble. Yes, they brought together leading specialists in the marketing department. Yes, they pay good wages. But not everything is so sad, because there is such a word as "marketing".

Marketing is your guide to the market game. Anyone who has mastered marketing can, if not defeat the international monsters, then at least grab a piece of his pie.

Nevertheless, our goal is not to teach you marketing techniques, but to help you in such an important matter as market research, the results of which are the information base for marketing activities. You can learn more about this service by going now to the services section of our call center -.

Market Research

For any company striving for success, marketing research acts as the beginning and logical conclusion of any cycle of its marketing activities. Market research significantly reduces the uncertainty in making important marketing decisions, which allows you to effectively allocate economic potential to achieve new business heights!

Marketing research, the study of the external and internal environment and its regular monitoring for any enterprise is an important element of the strategy for successful development in a market economy. The role of research increases many times in the conditions of the unformed market segment or with the uncertainty of a new business.

Whether you decide to introduce a completely new product to the market or enter a new market with an existing one, you will face the problem of a lack of information about market conditions and other necessary ingredients for a successful market entry. Does the market need your product, and if so, in what volume?

Most likely, you have a certain vision of the market. But perhaps this is not enough to choose the right strategy. It is in this situation that our specialists will help you to study the market in detail and develop a competitive marketing concept.

As a first step, it is necessary, which will allow you to solve, both in combination and separately, the following tasks:

  1. Determine the real and potential market capacity. Studying the market capacity will help you correctly assess your chances and prospects in this market and avoid unjustified risks and losses;
  2. Calculate or predict your market share. The share is already a reality, and it is quite possible to build on it, forming future plans, and then increase it in the future. Market share is an important indicator of your company's success;
  3. Analyze the behavior of your customers (demand analysis). This analysis will assess the degree of consumer loyalty to the product and the company, answer the question: “Who buys and why?” And, therefore, it will help to set competitive prices for products, make changes to the product itself, optimize promotion channels and advertising strategy, organize effective sales, that is, adjust all components of the marketing mix;
  4. Conduct an analysis of the main competitors (offer analysis). Knowledge of competitors' products and marketing policies is necessary to better target the market and adjust your individual pricing and promotion policies to ensure your competitive success;
  5. Analyze distribution channels. That will allow you to determine the most effective of them and form a ready-made chain of optimal movement of the product to the end consumer.

Carrying out marketing research

- this is the collection, processing and analysis of data on the market, competitors, consumers, prices, the internal potential of the enterprise in order to reduce the uncertainty associated with making marketing decisions. The result of marketing research are specific developments that are used in the selection and implementation of the strategy, as well as the marketing activities of the enterprise.

As practice shows, without market research it is impossible to systematically collect, analyze, and compare all the information necessary for making important decisions related to market activity, market selection, determining sales volumes, forecasting and planning market activities.

The objects of market research are the trend and process of market development, including an analysis of changes in economic, scientific, technical, legislative and other factors, as well as the structure and geography of the market, its capacity, sales dynamics, market barriers, the state of competition, the current situation, opportunities and risks. .

The main results of the market research are:

  • Forecasts of its development, assessment of market trends, identification of key success factors;
  • Determination of the most effective ways of conducting a competitive policy in the market and the possibility of entering new markets;
  • Implementation of market segmentation.

Marketing research can be directed to various objects and pursue different goals. Let's look into this in more detail.

Tasks of marketing research

Qualitative research is carried out to solve the following problems:

  • Market analysis;
  • Consumer analysis;
  • Analysis of competitors;
  • Promotion analysis;
  • Testing advertising concepts;
  • Testing advertising materials (layouts);
  • Testing the marketing complex of the brand (packaging, name, price, quality).

Marketing research of consumers

Consumer research allows you to identify and explore the whole range of motivating factors that guide consumers when choosing goods (income, education, social status, etc.). The subject of the study is the motivation of consumer behavior and the factors that determine it, the structure of consumption, the provision of goods, consumer demand trends are studied.

The purpose of consumer research is consumer segmentation, selection of target segments.

Competitor Research

The main task of competitor research is to obtain the necessary data to provide a specific advantage in the market, as well as to find ways of cooperation and cooperation with possible competitors.

For this purpose, the strengths and weaknesses of competitors are analyzed, the market share they occupy, the reaction of consumers to competitors' marketing tools, and the organization of business management are studied.

Exploring Potential Intermediaries

In order to obtain information about possible intermediaries through which the company will be able to be present in the selected markets, a study of the company's market structure is carried out.

In addition to intermediaries, the enterprise must have an idea about transport, forwarding, advertising, insurance, financial and other organizations, creating a set of marketing infrastructure for the market.

Research of the product and its values

The main purpose of product research is to determine the compliance of technical and economic indicators and the quality of goods with the needs and requirements of consumers, as well as an analysis of their competitiveness.

Product research allows you to get the most complete and valuable information from the point of view of consumers about the consumer parameters of the product, as well as data for the formation of the most successful arguments for an advertising campaign, the choice of the most suitable intermediaries.

Objects of product research: properties of analogue products and competitor products, consumer reaction to new products, product range, service level, prospective consumer requirements

The results of the research enable the company to develop its own range of products in accordance with the requirements of customers, increase their competitiveness, develop new products, develop a corporate identity, and determine the ability of patent protection.

Marketing price analysis

Price research is aimed at determining such a level and price ratio that allows you to get the most profit at the lowest cost.

The objects of study are the costs of development, production and marketing of goods, the degree of influence of competition, the behavior and reaction of consumers to prices. As a result of the conducted studies of the goods on prices, the most effective ratios of "cost-price" and "price-profit" are selected.

Merchandising and sales research

The study of product distribution and sales aims to determine the most effective ways, methods and means of quickly bringing the product to the consumer and its implementation. The objects of study are trading channels, intermediaries, sellers, forms and methods of sale, distribution costs.

It also analyzes the forms and features of the activities of various types of wholesale and retail enterprises, identifies strengths and weaknesses. This allows you to determine the possibility of increasing the turnover of the enterprise, optimize inventory, develop criteria for choosing effective channels of product distribution.

Study of sales promotion systems

The study of the sales promotion system is one of the important areas of marketing research. The objects of research are: the behavior of suppliers, intermediaries, buyers, the effectiveness of advertising, the attitude of the consumer community, contacts with buyers. The result of the study makes it possible to develop a policy of "public relations", to determine the methods of forming the demand of the population, to increase the efficiency of commutative communications, including advertising.

Research of advertising activity

Stimulating the promotion of goods on the market concerns not only advertising, but also other aspects of the company's sales policy, in particular, research on the effectiveness of competitions, discounts, premiums and other benefits that can be applied by the company in their interaction with buyers, suppliers, intermediaries.

Research of the internal environment of enterprises

Studies of the internal environment of the enterprise aim to determine the real level of competitiveness of the enterprise as a result of comparing the relevant factors of the external and internal environment.

Marketing research can also be defined as the systematic collection, recording and analysis of data on marketing and marketing issues in order to improve the quality of decision-making and control procedures in the marketing environment.

Goals of marketing research

The objectives of marketing research can be divided as follows

  1. Search targets- collection of information for a preliminary assessment of the problem and its structuring;
  2. Descriptive purposes- description of the selected phenomena, objects of study and factors influencing their state;
  3. Causal goals- testing the hypothesis about the presence of some causal relationship;
  4. Test Goals- selection of promising options or assessment of the correctness of the decisions made;
  5. Forecast goals- predicting the state of the object in the future.

The principal feature of marketing research, which distinguishes it from the collection and analysis of internal and external current information, is its targeted focus on solving a specific problem or a set of marketing problems.

Each company independently determines the subject and scope of marketing research based on its capabilities and needs for marketing information, so the types of marketing research conducted by different companies may be different.

Basic concepts and directions, experience in conducting marketing research

Previously, it was emphasized that marketing research is a scientific analysis of all factors influencing the marketing of goods and services. It follows that the scope of this function is practically unlimited, and therefore we will consider only those types of research that are most often encountered in practice.

Essentially, the goal of marketing research is to answer five basic questions: Who? What? When? Where? And How? Related question: Why?- expands the study to contact with the field of social psychology and sometimes stands out in an independent area known as motivational analysis (motivation research), that is, the study of the motives of consumer behavior.

Ways to organize marketing research

Marketing research can be organized and conducted either through a specialized research agency or through the firm's own research department.

Organization of research with the help of our own research department

Own research department is engaged in marketing research in accordance with the information needs of the company.

Organization of research with the help of a specialized research agency

Specialized research agencies carry out a variety of studies, the results of which can help the company solve existing problems.

  • The quality of research is high, as research firms have rich experience and highly qualified specialists in the field of research.
  • The results of the study are highly objective, as the researchers are independent of the customer.
  • Specialized firms provide great opportunities in choosing research methods due to the availability of special equipment for conducting research and processing their results.
  • The cost of research is quite high, research is more expensive than that performed by an internal research team.
  • Knowledge of product features is limited to general ideas.
  • There is a higher chance of information being leaked as there are many people involved in the research.

Marketing Research Department

Judging by how often one hears the statement that competition in business is becoming more and more intense, one would assume that most firms probably have marketing research departments. In fact, very few firms have such departments. The most recent data is hard to come by, but it is known that in a survey conducted by the British Institute of Management, only 40% of the responses were received from 265 companies surveyed (in all likelihood, because most firms did not have research departments).

However, it would be a mistake to assume that this fact means the same low level of use of the research results, since a significant part of the work on marketing research is carried out by specialized organizations. Also, in many companies, marketing research departments often go by other names, such as “Economic Information Department,” etc.

The decision to create your own marketing research department depends on an assessment of the role that it can play further in the activities of the company as a whole. Such an assessment is mainly qualitative and varies from firm to firm, which makes it difficult to establish precise criteria. For our purposes, it is sufficient to assume that the decision to create such a structural unit has been made and attention is focused on those issues that should be taken into account in this case.

They can be grouped as follows:

  • The role and functions of the marketing research department;
  • Position in the organizational structure of the company;
  • The role and functions of the department manager.

Role and Functions of the Marketing Research Department

Considering the above list of types of research related to marketing, it is obvious that a very large department would be required to cover all the areas mentioned.

When a firm undertakes this kind of work for the first time, it is strongly advised to create a list of tasks, ranking them in order of importance, and limit yourself to trying to achieve the most important ones first. This does not mean that other studies should not be carried out at all, since setting too rigid demarcation lines between tasks can only lead to an inflexible approach and to the fact that auxiliary studies that complement the main ones are abandoned.

Too often, firms make the mistake of making a newly created marketing research department responsible for maintaining the company's accounting records. Transferring this function to him inevitably generates friction and reduces the efficiency of the company, since, on the one hand, this slows down the work of departments that need reporting data for their current activities, for example, the sales department, and on the other hand, it distracts the marketing research department from its main function - research.

In cases where the creation of a specialized research department is preceded by extensive data collection and reporting, it is better if other departments retain this function, providing information they have as needed. To avoid both duplication and dissipation of effort, the responsibilities of each department should be clearly defined, and only those reports that are essential to in-house research activities should be required from the marketing research department.

Place for marketing research in the organizational structure of the firm

The location of the marketing research department within a firm largely depends on its organizational structure. As a rule, he should have a direct relationship with the managing director, since this department performs an advisory function and in many cases provides the chief administrator with the initial data on which the general policy of the company is based (as opposed to operational decisions).

In large organizations where executive directors lead function-based divisions, the marketing director may be given the responsibility of setting the direction of the research department and deciding what reports should be presented to the head of the firm.

Even in this case, it is advisable to provide a direct link between the managing director and the research department, in order, on the one hand, to ensure that reports that criticize this or that aspect of the company's activities will be heard by the head of the company in order to avoid deterioration of relations between the director of marketing and directors responsible for other divisions.

In addition, it is the managing director who deals with the effectiveness of the company as a whole and. therefore, it is better than other managers to assess the significance of research results for a particular department.

Some authors believe that the manager of the marketing research department should have the same status as the heads of the main operational structural units, but this is not true in view of the usually existing differences in the size of departments and the level of responsibility. Provided that the manager has access to the board of directors, his status should be directly determined by the importance that the department has within the organization as a whole.

Role and Functions of the Marketing Research Manager

The nature of the job of the manager of the marketing research department depends on the size and function of the department, as well as on the degree of control and leadership from above. At the same time, in any case, the manager must be a person competent in his field and have personal integrity and honesty.

Competence implies not only experience and knowledge in the field of marketing and methods of its analysis, but also the ability to turn management problems into real research projects, carried out taking into account time and financial constraints.

The requirement of personal integrity and honesty means that the manager of the marketing research department must interpret the results of the analyzes carried out objectively, in accordance with generally accepted principles of scientific research. “Statistics in the service of lies” - such a situation can only exist when unscrupulous people use facts fabricated through subjective selection, manipulation and deliberate presentation to prove unfounded conclusions, i.e., as the researchers say, “looking for data” .

The manager must meet not only the basic requirements mentioned above, but, in addition, possess the qualities that are necessary for all managerial positions, namely: have the ability to administrative work, be able to understand the behavior of people and be able to effectively influence them.

Planning and conducting marketing research

Marketing Research Process

Marketing research can be divided into two main categories: permanent And episodic. Marketing is a continuous process taking place in constantly changing conditions. Therefore, systematic research is essential if a firm is to remain aware of changes in the underlying determinants of demand and be able to modify its policies accordingly. Extensive information of this type is collected by specialized organizations and government departments, but this information is often too generalized and may not meet the specific requirements of an individual firm. As a result, it has to be supplemented by research conducted by the firm itself.

In addition, many marketing situations are so peculiar (for example, launching a new product on the market) that they require special studies.

Such studies are carried out according to a certain scheme, consisting of the following stages:

  1. Justification of the need for the study;
  2. Analysis of the factors that determine this need, i.e. the formulation of the problem;
  3. Exact formulation of the purpose of the study;
  4. Drawing up a plan for an experiment or survey based on the analysis provided for in paragraph 2;
  5. Data collection;
  6. Systematization and analysis of data;
  7. Interpretation of results, formulation of conclusions, recommendations;
  8. Preparation and submission of a report containing the results of the study;
  9. Evaluation of the results of actions taken based on the findings of the researchers, i.e.
  10. Establishing feedback.

It is obvious that constant research is built according to the same scheme as at the beginning, however, in the future, the first four stages disappear.

Marketing research methods

The first task of choosing methods for conducting marketing research is to familiarize yourself with the individual methods that can be used in the collection and analysis of marketing information.

Then, taking into account the resource capabilities of the organization, the most appropriate set of these methods is selected. The most widely used methods of conducting marketing research are the methods of document analysis, sociological, expert, experimental and economic-mathematical methods.

The goals of marketing research can be exploratory in nature, i.e. be aimed at collecting preliminary information designed to more accurately identify problems and test hypotheses, descriptive, i.e. consist in a simple description of certain aspects of a real marketing situation and casual, i.e. be aimed at substantiating hypotheses that determine the content of the identified cause-and-effect relationships.

Each such direction includes certain methods of collecting and analyzing marketing information.

Exploratory study is carried out in order to collect preliminary information necessary to better identify the problems and assumptions (hypotheses) put forward within which marketing activities are expected to be implemented, as well as to clarify terminology and set priorities among research tasks.

For example, it has been suggested that low sales are due to poor advertising, but exploratory research has shown that the main cause of undersales is poor distribution system, which should be studied in more detail in the subsequent stages of the marketing research process.

Among the methods of conducting exploratory research, the following can be distinguished: analysis of secondary data, study of previous experience, analysis of specific situations, work of focus groups, projection method.

Descriptive research aimed at describing marketing problems, situations, markets, for example, demographics, consumer attitudes towards the organization's products.

When conducting this type of research, answers are usually sought for answers to questions that begin with the words: who, what, where, when and how. As a rule, such information is contained in secondary data or collected through observations and surveys, and experiments.

For example, it is investigated, "who" is the consumer of the organization's products? "What" is considered as the products supplied by the organization to the market? "Where" is considered as the places where consumers purchase these products? "When" characterizes the time when consumers are most actively buying these products. "How" characterizes the way the purchased product is used.

Note that these studies do not answer questions that begin with the word “why”. "Why" increased sales after the advertising campaign? Answers to such questions are obtained by conducting casual research.

casual research conducted to test hypotheses regarding causal relationships. At the heart of this study is the desire to understand some phenomenon based on the use of logic such as: "If X, then Y."

For example, the hypothesis being tested is: Will a 10% reduction in the fee for a given organization's service result in an increase in the number of customers sufficient to compensate for the loss from the fee reduction?

If we consider the methods of marketing research in terms of the nature of the information received, then they can be divided into two groups: quantitative and qualitative.

Quantitative Marketing Research aimed at studying consumer behavior, purchase motivation, consumer preferences, attractiveness and consumer qualities of the product, price / consumer qualities ratio, assessment of the capacity and characteristics of the real and potential markets (various segments) of the product or service.

Quantitative methods make it possible to obtain a characteristic of the socio-demographic, economic, psychological portrait of the target group.

Characteristic features of such studies are: a well-defined format of the collected data and sources of their receipt, the processing of the collected data is carried out using streamlined procedures, mostly quantitative in nature.

Data collection in marketing research

Methods for collecting primary data in quantitative research include polls, questioning, personal and telephone interviews based on the use of structured closed-ended questions that are answered by a large number of respondents.

The survey is conducted at points of sale or by address/route sampling at the place of residence (place of work) of the respondent. The reliability of the results is ensured by the use of a representative sample of respondents (respondents), the use of qualified interviewers, control at all stages of the study, professionally compiled questionnaires and questionnaires, the use of professional psychologists, sociologists, marketing specialists in the analysis, the use of modern computer tools for statistical analysis of the results, constant contact with the customer at all stages of work.

Qualitative research involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data by observing what people do and say. Observations and conclusions are of a qualitative nature and are carried out in a standardized form. Qualitative data can be quantified, but this is preceded by special procedures.

The basis of qualitative research is observational methods, which involve observation rather than communication with respondents. Most of these methods are based on approaches developed by psychologists.

Qualitative analysis methods make it possible to describe the psychographic characteristics of the studied audience, behavior patterns and reasons for preferring certain brands when buying, as well as to receive from consumers the most in-depth information that gives an idea of ​​the hidden motives and basic needs of consumers.

Qualitative methods are indispensable at the stages of developing and evaluating the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, studying the image of brands. The results are not numeric, i.e. presented solely in the form of opinions, judgments, assessments, statements.

Types of marketing research

An enterprise in the modern world can only succeed if it does not ignore the needs of consumers. To increase efficiency, research and satisfaction of the maximum number of customer requirements is required. Marketing research contributes to the solution of such problems.

Marketing deals with the study of consumer behavior, which includes its needs and requirements.

The principal feature of marketing research, which distinguishes it from the collection and analysis of internal and external current information, is its targeted focus on solving a specific problem or a set of marketing problems. This purposefulness turns the collection and analysis of information into marketing research. Thus, marketing research should be understood as a targeted solution to the marketing problem (set of problems) facing the company, the process of setting goals, obtaining marketing information, planning and organizing its collection, analysis and reporting on the results.

The main principles of conducting marketing research include objectivity, accuracy and thoroughness. The principle of objectivity means the need to take into account all factors and the inadmissibility of accepting a certain point of view until the analysis of all the information collected is completed.

The principle of accuracy means the clarity of setting research objectives, the unambiguity of their understanding and interpretation, as well as the choice of research tools that provide the necessary reliability of the research results.

The principle of thoroughness means detailed planning of each stage of the study, high quality of all research operations, achieved through a high level of professionalism and responsibility of the research team, as well as an affective system for monitoring its work.


In a competitive environment and constantly changing market conditions, a lot of attention is paid to marketing research. The results of these studies in the future are the basis for the formation of sales estimates, and based on this, the planned levels of revenue and profit from product sales.

The most frequent problems arise in the process of selling goods. Therefore, the main tasks of marketing research are the study of:

  • market;
  • buyers;
  • competitors;
  • offers;
  • goods;
  • prices;
  • effectiveness of the product promotion policy, etc.

Marketing research helps the company to solve the following tasks:

  • Determine the possibility of mass production of goods or services;
  • Establish a hierarchy of characteristics of goods or services that can ensure their success in the market;
  • Conduct an analysis of the typologies and motivations of existing and potential clients;
  • Determine prices and optimal conditions for the sale of goods and services.

The purpose of marketing research is to resolve the following problems of the enterprise:

  • Studying and establishing the potential of the market or product on the possible volume of its sales, terms of sale, price levels, the ability of potential clients;
  • Study of the behavior of competitors, the direction of their actions, potential opportunities, pricing strategies;
  • Sales research to determine the best territory in terms of sales, sales volume in the market, which is the most effective.

Companies develop a general marketing research plan, which is drawn up in the context of marketing of individual goods or services, by type of buyer, by region.

Thus, we can say that marketing research is a comprehensive system for studying the organization of production and marketing of goods and services, which is focused on meeting the needs of specific consumers and making a profit based on market research and forecasting.

The most difficult tasks of marketing research are the analysis and decision-making on pricing and sales promotion.

The result of marketing research is the development of the company's marketing strategy, the purpose of which is to select the target market and marketing mix, the compliance of which will help ensure the maximum effect of product and service sales.

When choosing a target market, it is necessary to justify the answer to the question: what product does the consumer need? To do this, it is necessary to establish rational segments of a concentrated, differentiated or undifferentiated market that the organization will serve.

The choice of a marketing complex is associated with the establishment of the optimal combination of its elements: the name of the product, its price, place of distribution and sales promotion. On the basis of the adopted marketing strategy, the main management decisions are developed that orient the company's activities to resolve problems that arise or may arise for a potential consumer of goods, works and services.

This principle may be feasible if the basis for making decisions on organizational, technological, social and production issues is the result of an analysis of the needs and requests of potential buyers.

External sources

In the event that internal sources do not bring enough information, the company can use external ones. They represent a wide variety of data collected by other companies, both in the field of market research and in other areas. External sources - the environment is very extensive and changeable, and therefore they need a correct, and strictly controlled approach.


  • Government sources - information from them may be useful to the company if we are talking about a specific entity, the population and market of which needs to be studied.
  • Universities and Colleges - Some university research on market processes, sociology, and so on can provide a lot of useful information to an enterprise.
  • The Internet - it is the most widely used source for secondary research, but has one significant drawback - contains many untrustworthy sources with incomplete or inaccurate information.
  • Competitor data - often companies use information about competing enterprises, collected both independently and through other firms.

There are also many mistakes that companies can make when working with different sources.

Such as:

  • Conducting secondary research only

    Many companies limit themselves to secondary research in order to save time, effort, money and other resources. However, it is important to know that primary research can provide a vision of new perspectives, long-term results, and help to take a fresh look at the market segment in which the company operates. Such important things as values, psychology, lifestyle and interests of clients can only be obtained through primary research.

  • Conducting only primary research

    Businesses often make the mistake of spending a lot of time on primary research and forget that using secondary sources can be beneficial and save a lot of time. Secondary research can provide, for example, valuable statistics so that the company does not need to spend time and energy on its own calculations.

  • Using only the internet for research

    You can find valuable information on the web, but betting only on it, there is a risk of making a serious mistake. The Internet cannot always offer reliable sources and complete information. Therefore, its use must be strictly dosed, and the sources checked for reliability.

  • limited perception

    People see what they want to see. But when it comes to marketing research, the company that runs the business shouldn't allow itself "tunnel vision." Often, business leaders, having some idea in their head, literally "close" themselves in it, not wanting to see what is beyond it.

Market research is one of the key factors in business development. Most enterprises, firms and private companies draw up an action strategy based on the results of the study. Recently, the demand for forecasting modern market trends has increased significantly. In this regard, various methods and methods of data analysis began to be developed. One of them is called marketing research of the market, to which this article will be devoted.


Marketing research of the market is a process of constant and continuous collection of information about behavioral factors, demand, motivation of the subjects of market relations that operate in a certain segment, as well as its analysis.

Many people often confuse the concepts of “market research” and “market research of the market”. In the first case, as a result of the experiments, it is possible to obtain generalized data that relate not only to the market for products and services, but also to other economic segments. In the second case, the research pursues more specific goals.


Market marketing research has an important target orientation. Their main task is to find new opportunities for a particular enterprise, identify a free niche, identify competitors and develop specific recommendations for the effective implementation of a product or service. The target orientation of the research is as follows:

  • Search. It consists in collecting information that will help to give a reliable assessment and forecasts.
  • Descriptive. The factors to be investigated are selected in advance, and their influence on the general state of the market is described.
  • Causal. Checking cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Test. As a result of the study, the most acceptable solutions are made and tested in real conditions.
  • Predictive. Summarizing all the results obtained in the course of the study, it is possible to predict the further state of the unit under study.


Market research is a long and multi-layered process, the main task of which is to determine the possible volume of sales of goods, services and products, as well as to assess the level of demand for a particular product or service. This information is achieved by determining:

  • the entire market capacity.
  • Its part in a common container.
  • Demand analysis. It is necessary to determine the level of consumer loyalty.
  • Offer analysis, the main purpose of which is to identify competitors.
  • Sales opportunities. An important task is to analyze the distribution channels for products or services.

Theory and practice

In general, the tasks of marketing research are divided into two types: methodological support of activities and market research. Methodological support consists in determining the subject and object of the study, as well as collecting data and choosing the methods of the study itself. Market conjuncture is based on determining the dynamics, properties, opportunities, prospects and patterns of development.


Market research methods refer to special techniques, operations or campaigns that are designed to theoretically and practically study the marketing environment where a certain organization operates. Market research methods are fundamental and applied. Fundamental methods show the general picture of the studied market and some individual characteristics. While applied ones examine the position of the enterprise in the selected market segment. Each method differs in the collection and processing of information. In general, techniques can work with primary or secondary information. The latter has nothing to do with the research being done here and now. It has been collected and analyzed for a long time, but it is well suited for drawing certain conclusions and forecasts.

Primary information is collected during ongoing research. Depending on the method by which data is collected, they can be divided into three types:

  • Quality. Consist in the collection of practical material. That is, the research team observes what is happening, interprets and analyzes the data obtained. Qualitative methods include focus groups, in-depth interviews and protocol analysis.
  • Quantitative. Surveys are usually referred to as quantitative research. They mean the use of closed-type questions and their further processing. Surveys can be conducted in a variety of ways. Most often they use telephone surveys, street, apartment, postal.
  • Mixed. Mixed studies include a variety of tests and the work of mystery shoppers. Recently, if there is a need to bring a new product to the market, locations are used.

For quality

Market research and analysis is impossible without quantitative and qualitative analyses. Qualitative methods are used to determine consumer preferences and predict behavior patterns when a new product or service is introduced to the market. For this apply:

  • Focus group. This is an analytical market research that is conducted among a small group of potential consumers. The focus group leader creates a specific scenario according to which the discussion is held. The main advantage of this technique is the opportunity to study the personal opinion of each consumer. And the informal atmosphere contributes to obtaining more reliable information.

  • Protocol analysis is often used for product market research. The essence of this method is that the researchers model the process of acquiring a product (most often expensive: real estate, a car, household appliances), and the consumer describes his thoughts and actions.
  • An in-depth interview consists of interviewing one of the consumers. The main difference from a survey is that all questions are open, that is, a person does not choose an answer option, but talks about his attitude to a product or service. In the process of such an interview, it is easy to study the train of thought of a potential consumer, as well as determine his attitude to aspects of the material under study. Often, market research of services is carried out with the help of in-depth interviews. The only drawback of this method is the need for a highly qualified specialist who not only understands the topic, but is also a good psychologist.

For Quantity

Market research is also carried out with the help of quantitative methods, which express a certain problem with quantitative indicators. In this way, the opinion of a huge number of people is studied, which makes it possible to apply a statistical evaluation of information. Basically, quantitative methods are practiced if it becomes necessary to determine the size of the market, brand awareness, consumer attitudes, etc.

Quantitative methods are divided into:

  • Mass polls. They consist in the analysis of respondents' answers to the questions of the questionnaire. Such surveys differ in the place of conducting, the method of communication (telephone, Internet, mail), the subjects (legal entities, individual entrepreneurs or experts), and the type of sample.
  • Personal interviews. Unlike a mass survey, an interview provides more reliable information. The interviewer can ask the same questions as in the questionnaire, but does not offer answers.

Retail Audit

There is another effective method of market research - retail audit. This method is difficult to attribute to qualitative, quantitative or mixed, so it is often defined separately. The essence of the methodology is to evaluate the market and its products by collecting publicly available information. That is, researchers analyze pricing policy, product units, advertising campaigns. In a word, all aspects that reflect the characteristics of the market or its individual segment can be attributed to the audit of retail trade. Conducting market research in this way allows you to quickly identify an unoccupied niche and identify the main competitors.

Mixed methods

Mixed methods are based on the basic aspects of quantitative and qualitative research methods. These include the following methods:

  • Locations. For research, a group of consumers who are not experts in the field of research is recruited. They are offered to test a certain product and answer the questionnaire along the way. This method is very expensive, but it allows you to adequately evaluate the product, its relevance and quality, which is important when introducing a new product to the market.

  • Home testing. Consumers are provided with a product that they use in the natural environment for this product, that is, at home, in nature, at sea. Using the product for its intended purpose, consumers must record responses in special questionnaires.
  • Mystery shopper. Marketing research of the service market has long mastered this method. It is used to determine the level of service quality. This technique allows you to assess the level of sales decline due to the subjective factors of implementers, which include rudeness and unprofessionalism.

Research stages

Distortions of the final results directly depend on the violation of the stages of the study. This may lead to the adoption of an incorrect management strategy and development line, so it is worth considering the sequence of research:

  • Problems and goals. It is necessary to identify the main research problems, and on their basis to formulate the goals pursued. Goals are exploratory, descriptive, and experimental. The former help to find the reason for the decline in sales and bring the company to a new stage of development. The latter provide the main indicators of the market or its segment. Still others show a causal relationship between the actions of the company's management and the level of sales.
  • Information sources. Based on the goals, you need to choose research methods.

  • Collection of information. According to the selected research methods, the necessary information is collected.
  • Analysis. Having received the necessary information, the researcher must analyze it, convert it into numbers and make certain forecasts or draw conclusions.
  • Solution. Based on the data obtained, the company's management makes an appropriate management decision, which will lead to the development and expansion of the company.

Data analysis

All data obtained as a result of marketing research of the market must be analyzed accordingly. The essence of the analysis is to convert the information received into meaningful facts. This procedure consists of two steps:

  • At the first stage, all received data is entered into a computer, checked for errors, encoded and displayed in the form of a matrix.
  • The second stage consists in the statistical analysis of the obtained values. After receiving the statistical data, the researchers give their comments and recommendations. Based on all the materials, conclusions and forecasts are made

As you can see, market research is a time-consuming and costly process, but only thanks to it can companies choose the right course of development and delight consumers with the right products and services.

In a strict sense, marketing research is any research activity that meets the needs of marketing. That is, marketing research involves the collection and analysis of data that is required for marketing activities. Marketing research is the beginning and logical conclusion of any cycle of the enterprise's marketing activities. Marketing research is necessary to reduce the uncertainty that always accompanies marketing decisions.

Of course, "solid" definitions from books by respected authors are much more significant than the above explanation. Therefore, for connoisseurs, we give the classic definition of F. Kotler: “Marketing research is the systematic collection and objective recording, classification, analysis and presentation of data related to behavior, needs, attitudes, opinions, motivations, etc. individuals, enterprises, public institutions in the context of their entrepreneurial, economic, social, everyday activities”.

How is marketing research different from market research?

Marketing research can provide information on a variety of aspects related to the market. However, market research should not be confused with market research. Marketing research is a more general concept that includes market research, consumer research, competitor research, and so on.

Is marketing research necessary?

Of course they are. In fact, almost every company, to one degree or another, is engaged in marketing research, studying the market in which it operates. Of course, not always "objectively" and even more so "systematically". Nevertheless, the collection of information about the state and prospects of the market, about competitors (assortment, prices, marketing policy) and consumers (behavior and preferences), at least in the simplest, intuitive form, is carried out by almost all market participants. There is no need to prove that the completeness and relevance of marketing information to a large extent determine the success of the company in the market.

Effective decisions cannot be based on intuition or simple reasoning. Without marketing planning, companies cannot achieve a sustainable advantage in their markets. Without marketing research, it is impossible to make effective strategic decisions in the field of marketing.

What does marketing research allow?

Marketing research allows:

  • make more informed management decisions;
  • better understand the needs and preferences of customers;
  • assess the market prospects of products;
  • evaluate and improve the effectiveness of a campaign to promote goods / services;
  • choose the most effective means of promoting goods/services;
  • determine your strengths and weaknesses in relation to competitors;
  • develop effective ways to counter competitors.

Why is the importance of marketing information increasing?

In recent years, a number of factors have emerged that increase the importance of marketing information:

  • the marketing environment is changing very dynamically;
  • more and more companies operate in remote markets;
  • Consumers are becoming more sophisticated and discriminating.

Market participants need timely, clear and verified marketing information. Therefore, marketing research must be carried out professionally and thoughtfully at all stages, from the choice of the type of marketing research to the methods of data processing and the form of presentation of the results.

Who conducts market research?

Many large manufacturing companies have marketing departments that promote goods and services on the market and collect marketing information (about the market, competitors, etc.). However, there are also specialized companies that conduct market research. The main advantage of an independent marketing agency in comparison with the marketing department of a company is its objectivity and professionalism.

Most regional companies do without serious market research, or prefer to conduct market research on their own. This choice has both positive and negative sides. In any case, a decision must be made carefully, having determined the objectives and scope of the planned study.

Market research is the most common area of ​​marketing research. As many experts note, without market research it is impossible to systematically collect, analyze and compare the array of information necessary for important decisions that are related to functioning in the market, market selection, establishing sales volume, planning and forecasting market activities.

The objects of market research are the trends and processes of market development, which include an analysis of the modification of economic, demographic, scientific and technical, legislative, environmental and other factors. In addition, market research is designed to study the structure and geography of the market, its dynamics, capacity, market barriers, competition, market conditions, risks and opportunities.

The main results of market research can be:

Forecasts of market development, assessment of market trends, identification of key success factors;

Establishment of the most effective methods for implementing competition policy in the market;

Potential to conquer new markets;

Market segmentation. In other words, it is the choice of target markets and / or market niches.

Macrosystem analysis designed to study changes in environmental conditions. The latter, although it does not have a direct connection with the market in which the company operates, but also has an equal impact on all firms that are engaged in this market.

Study of the internal environment of the company aims to establish the real level of competitiveness of the enterprise as a result of the analysis and comparison of the relevant factors of the internal and external environment. The study of strengths and weaknesses aims to identify strengths and weaknesses in relation to its main competitors. This makes it possible to answer questions about what needs to be done in order for the functioning of the company to be fully adapted to dynamically changing environmental factors.

Enterprise potential analysis aims to verify the resources of the enterprise, as well as their suitability for the implementation of strategic directions of activity.

Consumer Research allows you to establish and study the entire set of motivating factors that influence consumers when choosing goods (for example: social status, income, education, gender and age characteristics).

The objects of research can be private consumers, households, families, organizations.

The subject of marketing research is:

Motivation of consumer behavior in market conditions, as well as factors determining it;

The structure of consumption, product offer, trends in demand for goods are analyzed and carefully studied;

The analysis of processes and conditions for satisfying consumer requests is carried out.

The purpose of this study is consumer segmentation, as well as the choice of target market segments.

Competitor research is called obtaining the necessary information that would provide a competitive advantage in the market, as well as help find ways to effectively cooperate with potential competitors. For this purpose, an analysis is made of the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, a study of their market share is carried out, as well as the reaction of consumers to marketing activities of competitors (such as improving the consumer properties of the product, pricing features, trademarks, features of an advertising campaign, ways of service development). In addition to the above, a thorough analysis of the material, financial, labor potential of competitors is carried out.

The result of these studies is the choice of means and ways to achieve the most advantageous position in the market relative to competitors, finding active and passive strategies for securing their price advantage, or the advantage provided by the higher quality of the goods offered.

Exploring possible intermediaries, with which the firm will be able to "be present" in the preferred markets, as a rule, a thorough study of the firm's market structure is carried out. In addition to trade, commercial or other intermediaries, the company must also have a correct understanding of its other “assistants”: advertising, freight forwarding, legal, insurance, financial, consulting and other firms and organizations, which together create a marketing market infrastructure.

Product research is referred to as finding the conformity of the quality of goods and their technical and economic indicators to the needs and requirements of buyers present in this market, as well as an analysis of their competitiveness. Commodity research provides an opportunity to acquire the most complete and valuable data from the consumer's point of view on the consumer properties of the product (reliability, design, ergonomics, price, after-sales service, functionality), as well as some data for the formation of optimal arguments for an advertising campaign, the choice of the most suitable resellers.

Thus, the objects of research are the consumer qualities of competing and analogue products, the reaction of buyers of these new products, the assortment, the level of service, packaging, product compliance with legislative norms and rules, and prospective consumer requirements.

Thanks to the results of the study, the company has the opportunity to form its own product range, which would best meet the requirements of customers. Marketing research makes it possible to:

Increase the competitiveness of the product offer;

Establish strategic directions of activity, depending on the current stage of the "life cycle" of goods;

Develop new products;

Modify existing products;

Develop a unique corporate identity, improve labeling, establish patent protection methods.

Price research allows you to determine such a ratio and price level, which could make it possible to maximize the level of profit at minimal cost.

The objects of research in this context are:

Expenses for the development, manufacture and marketing of goods;

Studying the level of influence of competition (comparison of consumer and technical-economic and parameters of similar goods produced by other firms);

The reaction of consumers to a change in the price of a good (that is, the elasticity of demand).

The results of the conducted research make it possible to choose the most effective ratio of "price-profit" (the so-called external conditions) and "costs-prices" (production costs or internal conditions) .

Merchandising and sales research aims to determine the most effective ways, means and methods of bringing the product to the end consumer as quickly as possible.

Here, the main objects of study are trade channels and intermediaries, sellers, methods and forms of sale, distribution costs. These studies also include an analysis of the functions and features of the functioning of various types of wholesale and retail firms, the determination of their strengths and weaknesses and the characteristics of the nature of their interaction with manufacturers. This information makes it possible to determine the potential for increasing the company's turnover, optimize inventory as much as possible, develop clear criteria for choosing effective channels for promoting goods, and develop effective methods and techniques for selling goods to target consumers.

Research of the advertising incentive system and marketing is also one of the most important points of marketing research. This study is designed to identify how you can optimally stimulate the sale of goods, increase the credibility of the manufacturer of goods in the market, and successfully conduct advertising campaigns and promotions.

The objects of this study are: the behavior of suppliers, buyers, intermediaries, the effectiveness of promotional activities, contacts with buyers.

The results of the conducted research make it possible to:

Develop an effective public relations policy;

To form a favorable attitude towards the company and its products;

Establish methods for the formation of consumer demand;

Maximize the effectiveness of communications, in particular advertising.

Comparison of expected and actual results from the carried out promotional activities;

In addition to the above, this study provides an opportunity to make decisions on the activation of promotional activities, the search for new means of influencing the target consumer audience.

It is worth noting that measures to enhance the promotion of goods on the market include not only advertising, but also other aspects of marketing policy. They can be, in particular, studies of the effectiveness of ongoing competitions, bonuses, discounts, awards, etc., etc.

Forms of marketing research can also be divided into primary and secondary.

Primary marketing research includes:

Survey. Interrogations can be oral, written, and also telephone;

Observation (systematic study of circumstances without affecting the object of study). They are divided into field, laboratory, and personal.

Experiment. There are field and laboratory.

- panel (repeated data collection from one group at certain equal time intervals). There are consumer, trade and service panels.

Secondary marketing research is an analysis of an actual marketing problem according to the information collected or already published. This type of research is used for strategic marketing planning.