Dance studio business plan. Marketing communications in the field of cultural services on the example of the dance school "Dance Fusion" In relation to competitors

The future is already here. It just hasn't spread widely yet. (c) William Gibson

The choice of promotion strategy largely depends on market conditions and management personnel. In the case of NN Dance Complex, the influencing factors are not only the current situation on the market, but also fashion, the interests of socially active citizens, and the level of income of the population.

Since the dance studio NN Dance Complex is quite young, only a small part of Krasnodar knows about it. Therefore, the strategy in the short term should be aimed at attracting customers, and in the medium and long term, the emphasis should be on retaining existing customers. In this case, it is rational to use two types of advertising - information and image, respectively. Taking into account the conducted studies and analyzes, it follows that it is necessary to focus on marketing activities aimed at mass character, interactivity, involvement. Based on this conclusion, it turns out that the marketing strategy in different periods should achieve the following goals:

1. Long term:

1.1. Become the market leader in Krasnodar in the field of modern pop choreography (70% of the market);

1.2. Open 3 branches in Krasnodar, 1 in Novorossiysk, 1 in Sochi;

1.3. Receive a net profit of each branch of 100,000 rubles;

1.4. To conduct monthly master classes of world-class dancers since 2016.

2. Medium term:

2.1. To occupy 40% of the market share of modern pop choreography in Krasnodar;

2.2. Open 2 branches in Krasnodar, 1 in Novorossiysk;

2.3. Hold quarterly events for the media and celebrities of Krasnodar and adjacent large cities;

2.4. Conduct master classes for world-class dancers in 2016;

2.5. Organize mass image dance events twice a year;

2.6. Become the first socially oriented dance studio in Krasnodar.

3. Short term:

3.1. Arrange stylistically the premises;

3.4. Conduct a series of performances by the GLORIOUS PANDAS children's ensemble in social institutions;

3.5. Find co-marketing partners

3.6. To hold a reporting concert with the fullness of the hall 100%.

As a result of achieving the goals in all periods and the existing pricing policy, the population of Krasnodar and the Krasnodar Territory should form an image of the studio as an elite, expensive studio. There are no dance studios with a similar positioning on the market of the Krasnodar Territory; if we consider the school-studio TODES, then it is perceived as the most famous, but not as an elite one. It is these circumstances that will favorably influence the perception of the NN Dance Complex dance studio in the way it was intended.

An additional factor confirming the correct choice of positioning strategy is the feedback from the NN Dance Complex studios:

Anastasia Knyazeva: My dancing path began in the fifth grade, when my mother sent me to a choreographic school. Since I came to school quite late, compared to the girls who studied from the age of five, it was hard for me at first, but to the surprise of everyone and myself, the progress in my dancing abilities was incredibly fast, in the eighth grade I became a graduate. After going through a choreographic school, with amazing teachers, I began to practice different types of dances (oriental, hip-hop, go-go), but I lacked that organization, professionalism, a twinkle in the eyes of teachers, the zeal of girls, as before. I was not interested, there was no incentive, there were no really worthwhile studios, I was about to enter the university and I decided to leave dancing. Time passed, and I realized more and more that I was missing something, namely dancing. After 2 years, I nevertheless decided to resume training and chose 5 numbers of dance studios on the Internet, called one of them. I am happy that this number turned out to be the dance studio NN Dance Complex. Upon learning that I was engaged in dancing, I was offered to go through a casting in a show ballet, but I understood that there was a rather long break and I needed to get in shape first, in connection with which the decision was made to work out in a regular group. The teacher believed in me already at the first lesson and gave me the opportunity to prove myself in the working group. At first there was a little fear, like all newcomers, but it quickly dissipated. At the lesson, I came to understand that I am in the team in which I want to be. That faith in us in the eyes of the teacher, the friendly atmosphere, professionalism, the energy that came from the girls, the desire to win - all this made me very happy and my eyes shone again. I did not expect to find a decent dance studio in our city. As they say, to be the best, you need to be among the best. I regained interest, stimulus, my body began to remember what it means to dance professionally, I began to get in shape. It’s not enough to get into a professional team, the important thing is the atmosphere in it and the spiritual fire that kindles you at every training session. I will take responsibility to say for all the girls in our group that our common feeling is the feeling of freedom of flight in the dance. We get real pleasure from our studio, training, beloved teacher, who gives us the feeling of that very flight, kindles a fire in our hearts and gives an incentive to move forward rapidly.

Adelina Mirzaeva: At NN Dance Comlex, teachers are able not only to create an excellent atmosphere in the classroom, but also to achieve results from each student. There are actually many reasons to dance in this magical place: the first is that Anastasia Oshchipok helped me to open up in the dance - her smile and sparkle in her eyes made me believe that I could also dance; the second is my irresistible desire to learn how to control my body as if you were not driving around the city, but sailing on the sea; third - we like to have fun and joke, but our classes are the active work of the ballet Femme Fatale. We move a lot, learn to feel each other, count and listen to music, come up with figures, get confused in the legs and, of course, get tired. This is the most pleasant fatigue that a person can get.

Central to the process of marketing services is the development of the marketing mix. It includes: services as a commodity, the price of a service, channels for distributing services and a system for promoting services to the market (Fig. 3.1).

Rice. 3.1

There are four levels of service - goods:

  • 1) service - the main product, i.e. a combination of different services that solves the client's problems;
  • 2) services - related products, i.e. services required by consumers in order to use the main product;
  • 3) services - additional goods that support the main product, give it additional benefits and help distinguish it from those competing with it;
  • 4) a service as a product in an expanded interpretation includes the availability of basic, related and additional goods and services, the participation of consumers in the service process and the interaction of customers with each other.

The development of a service as an element of the service marketing mix is ​​most often the development of a new service, and in a broader sense, a new product.

The process of developing a new product (service) includes: Mironova N. V. Marketing of various types of services // Marketing in Russia and abroad. No. 4. 2006. - p. 41

  • 1. Generating ideas. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the main sources of ideas for new products (services) are company employees, consumers, competitors, distributors and suppliers.
  • 2. Selection of ideas. The main goal of such a selection is to find good ideas and get rid of bad ones as soon as possible.
  • 3. Development and verification of the concept of a new product (service). At the same time, one should distinguish between the idea, concept and image of the product (service). A product idea is an idea of ​​a product that the company's managers could offer to the market. A product concept is a trial version of an idea expressed in meaningful consumer terms. Product image is the consumer's perception of an actual or potential product (service).
  • 4. Development of a marketing strategy. It usually consists of three parts. The first part describes the target market, planned product position, sales volume, market share and target profit. The second outlines the planned price of the product, the distribution system and the marketing budget. The third includes the planned long-term indicators of sales volumes, profits and the strategy of the marketing mix - the marketing mix.
  • 5. Business analysis, which includes a review of sales, cost and profit forecasts to determine if they meet the company's goals.
  • 6. Product development, when a sample of the product is created in accordance with its concept.
  • 7. Trial marketing. At this stage, the product and marketing program is introduced into a more realistic market environment.
  • 8. Commercialization, i.e. the stage at which a product (service) is introduced into the market.

If we try to briefly outline the pricing policy of a service sector enterprise, then it comes down to solving two sets of tasks:

  • 1) choice of pricing method;
  • 2) development of a pricing strategy.

The most well-known methods of pricing for services:

  • - cost pricing, when the price is formed according to the formula: "costs plus profit";
  • - target profit pricing or customer service break-even point determination;
  • - pricing with a focus on the requests of service buyers, i.e. when the basis of pricing is the perception of the value of the service by the buyer, and not the costs of the producer;
  • - pricing based on competition, i.e. taking into account the dominant prices in the service market.

The main pricing strategies in the service market:

  • 1) prestigious pricing, which is preferable for high quality service;
  • 2) pricing policy "skimming the cream", which is possible with limited access to the market for the services of competitors or with successful market innovations;
  • 3) the pricing policy of "breakthrough to the market", which is strongly reminiscent of dumping prices set for services to oust competitors from the market;
  • 4) pricing for a set of goods (services), when it is possible to offer consumers a certain set of goods (services) at a reduced price;
  • 5) discounts for the volume of services, which contributes to a fuller load of service enterprises;
  • 6) discounts offered depending on the time of purchase (most often seasonal discounts in the service sector);
  • 7) discriminatory pricing, which allows maximizing the income of service enterprises;
  • 8) psychological pricing, when, when setting the price of a service, psychological aspects are used, such as prestige, recommendatory, tangible prices by consumers, or prices that have developed in their minds;
  • 9) price promotion of sales, which is most often associated with the establishment of various discounts and benefits.

Distribution channels as elements of services marketing complexes are a set of independent organizations involved in the process of meeting the demand for services and making them available to consumers. Service marketers call the following distribution channel functions:

  • 1) information - collection and presentation of research results on the service marketing environment;
  • 2) promotion - creation and dissemination for advertising purposes of persuasive information regarding the offer of services;
  • 3) contact - the acquisition of prospective consumers and the establishment of appropriate relationships with them;
  • 4) adaptation - the formation and adaptation of the offer of services by consumers to buyers;
  • 5) negotiations - coordination of supply and demand for services;
  • 6) physical distribution - the actual provision of services to consumers;
  • 7) financing - the use of resources to cover the costs of ensuring the operation of the distribution channel;
  • 8) risk taking - taking financial risks, including compensation for losses due to underutilization of service providers.

Features of the choice of distribution channel are determined by the following factors:

  • - high degree of service uncertainty;
  • - compatibility of processes of production and consumption of services;
  • - the difficulty of choosing service providers;
  • - the complexity of assessing the quality of services;
  • - inertia in the consumption of services (repeated contacts are quite frequent);
  • - complexity of price guarantee and service level guarantee;
  • - the difficulty of maintaining constant contact with decision-makers on the procurement of services;
  • - complexity of quality control of services;
  • - relatedness of services with other goods and services.

With this in mind, the main forms of interaction between participants in the service distribution channel can be:

  • 1) competing relations, which come down to achieving sub-optimization of the position of each participant in the service distribution channel to the detriment of system-wide optimization;
  • 2) substantiated relations, which imply the possibility of agreements within the framework of conventional (traditional) marketing systems for the sale of services;
  • 3) complementary relationships, which are usually built as contractual vertical marketing systems for the sale of services;
  • 4) qualitative relationships, which are most often possible as multi-channel marketing systems for the sale of services.

The decision-making process for managing the distribution channel of services can be represented in the form of four successive iterations (Fig. 3.2).

Rice. 3.2 Major Channel Management Solutions

When selecting participants in the distribution channel for services, the management of the company - the producer of services - must evaluate the potential development opportunities for each participant in the channel, its profit, profitability, ability to cooperate and reputation. At the same time, the company must constantly motivate the participants in its distribution channels, including not only its employees, but also independent intermediaries. To ensure the effective functioning of the distribution channel, it is necessary to regularly evaluate the performance of your intermediaries and help them with recommendations. With the change in the purchasing model of consumers of services, the expansion of sales markets, the complication of goods and services, the emergence of new competitors, there is a need to modify the structure of the distribution channel, which must be used to create a creative structure of distribution channels for services.

The system for promoting services to the market is a program of general marketing communications for a company that produces services. Marketers name four main means of promotion:

ü sales promotion - short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service;

l public relations - building good relations of companies with various segments of the public;

ü personal selling - verbal communication with one or more prospective buyers for the purpose of making sales of goods and services.

Applied aspects of marketing in the service sector are more or less specific, which will be shown on the example of a number of service industries.

Running such a type of business as a dance school can become not only a bright and interesting occupation for life, but also a full-fledged commercial project that brings regular income to its owner.

First of all, you need to choose which dance classes will be taught at your school. When choosing dance directions, attention should be paid to modern dances, street dances, as well as social dances.

Modern dancing- tectonics, go-go, strip-dance, pole-dance, jazz-funk, etc.

street dancing- break-dance, hip-hop, house, street-dance, etc.

social dances- salsa, bachata, reggaeton, rumba, brazilian zouk, rueda, merengue, etc.

Initially, a dance school can be created as a highly specialized one (for example, only in paired social dances) or a general one. It depends not so much on the general demand of the population, but on the qualifications of the teachers who will work in your school.

It is better to attract well-known and talented teachers in similar areas and position the school as a specialized one. This, in turn, will increase the average check, since a narrow specialization implies the acquisition of deeper skills.

The reputation of a school is closely related to the reputation of the teachers working in it. Therefore, in order for teachers to be attentive to students in the group and constantly improve the quality of teaching, it is necessary to maintain healthy competition in the team. This is achieved by increasing the percentage of sales when a certain number of people are recruited into the group.

This business plan considers the opening of a social dance school.

The dance school can be developed in two ways:

  1. The presence of one large center with 2-3 halls;
  2. Development of a branch network in different districts of the city.

In the first case, the coverage of the target audience is somewhat less, but there is a significant saving on administrative costs.

However, no matter what development path you choose, the first hall should be rented in the city center in close proximity to the metro station and public transport stops.

The full equipment of the dance hall consists of two fully mirrored walls, choreographic machines, musical equipment, air conditioning, and stretching mats. For specific dance directions, the installation of additional equipment is required. For example, for a pole-dance class, you need a pylon (pole). In this example of opening a social dance school, no additional equipment is needed.

The dance school business has a pronounced seasonal character. As a rule, the maximum demand is reached during the period from September to December and from February to May. During the summer months, people prefer to spend more free time in nature or go on vacation. As a result, demand drops sharply.

In winter, demand also decreases by 20-30% due to long holidays and school/student holidays.

The amount of initial investment - 436,400 rubles;

Break-even point - for 3 months of work;

The payback period is - 9 months;

The average monthly profit is 89,965 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

A dance school is a type of business in the field of additional education and leisure. You provide clients with the opportunity to learn how to dance in a specially equipped hall under the guidance of an experienced professional. It does not matter the level of training and age of the student. Groups are divided according to the degree of skill. However, as a rule, children and the elderly are engaged in separate groups.

At the dance school there is an opportunity to study both in a group and in individual lessons. The main difference lies in the cost. Individual training costs 2.5-3 times more. For each type of training, you can purchase both a separate lesson and a subscription. The Standard Membership is valid for one month and includes either 4 or 8 lessons. The subscription is nominal in nature and applies only to the person for whom it is registered.

A complete list of services with an indication of the cost you can see in the table:

Name of service

Number of lessons

Cost, rub.)

Individual lesson

Individual subscription

group lesson

Subscription for group classes

Universal subscription*

Travel pass**

All subscriptions, except for the universal one, apply only to one direction of dance and are assigned to a specific teacher. This is a necessary measure in order for the group to have a permanent composition and develop steadily. A universal subscription is an opportunity to attend 8 classes within one month in any direction and with any teacher. The only limitation is the compliance of the student with the level of physical fitness of the group.

A travel pass is valid for 2 months and applies to one dance direction. At a cost, such a subscription is more expensive than a group one, but cheaper than 8 one-time lessons. That is, if a client is forced to go on a business trip for work, then he does not lose his classes, and the school retains the client.

If a student regularly attends classes during a month, then he can purchase a subscription for the next month with a 10% discount. If a client brings a friend who buys a subscription, he (the client) receives a 15% discount.

This flexible payment system allows you to retain customers and increases demand for services.

3. Description of the market

Target audience of the dance school

The target audience of a dance school can be very diverse. Everyone loves to dance: children, adults, and even the elderly. Therefore, a more detailed definition of your audience will directly depend on what areas of dance you will develop in your school.

For example, if for such directions as belly-dance or pole-dance, the target audience will be unmarried girls from 18 to 30 years old. And break-dance classes are mostly attended by young guys aged 15 to 25.

For a social dance school, the target audience would be described as follows:

Men and women aged 20 to 35 years. As a rule, these are already working people who are not married. 80% of dancers are in search of a "second half". In addition, these people are open to communication and well socially adapted. The main purpose of visiting dance classes is to take a break from work and at home, to plunge into the holiday atmosphere. They are loyal to the design and equipment of the hall. For them, the main thing is the communication that takes place within the group. An important criterion for finding a school is location, contingent, regular dance parties.

Based on the described criteria, we can conclude that the main attention in the service should be directed to establishing "friendly" relations with the client. Educators should devote extra time to holding activities that promote team building - holding weekly parties and organizing outdoor events. As for the external positioning of the dance school for potential clients, a friendly, well-organized team, consisting of both beginner students and experienced teachers, will stand out as the main advantage.

Competitor analysis

Competitive advantage of the dance school

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

Any entrepreneurial activity must begin with the state registration of the organization. When opening a dance school, the best solution would be to register as an individual entrepreneur. The indicated OKVED code is 92.34.2. Activities of dance floors, discos, dance schools. The taxation system used is the simplified tax system (6% of income). Since the individual entrepreneur provides services to the public, a cash register is not needed, it is enough to issue strict reporting forms (BSO).

After registration, you need to choose a room for the school. The room should consist of a main hall, two dressing rooms - separately for men and women, a bathroom, a reception room (reception), a staff room. The hall must be at least 50 sq.m., have a rectangular or square shape and even walls. Thus, the rented premises must be at least 100 sq.m.

Location selection criteria:

  • City center;
  • Proximity to transport interchanges, metro stations and bus stops;
  • Availability of parking.
  1. Wooden flooring (parquet or laminate);
  2. Large mirrors on the surface of two walls;
  3. Good lighting;
  4. Floor mats, water cooler.

A reception desk is installed in the reception area, 3-4 chairs for clients. There are benches and lockers in the locker rooms. The staff room is equipped with a table, chairs, wardrobe. This is a place for teachers to relax.

While you are setting up your work space, you need to start looking for teachers. You can search for them online by browsing the websites of famous dance schools in your city, and then the personal pages of teachers on social networks. You can look for employees at dance forums and festivals, at master classes in areas of interest. However, be prepared for the fact that all experienced and in-demand teachers are already working. You need to not only analyze the market and identify the best dance gurus, but also offer them more favorable terms of cooperation. You will have to use all organizational skills to create a close-knit team of professionals.

After you have formed a staff of workers, you can begin to conduct the first trial lessons, after which you will sell subscriptions and form the first groups of students. In parallel, disseminate information about your school on the Internet and in print format.

6. Organizational structure

To start the work of a dance studio, it will be enough for you to work with 3 teachers in different directions. In addition, to work with clients, you need to hire an administrator. Since the flow of customers will be small at first, the school will fully function only in the evenings on weekdays and during the daytime on weekends.

For the well-coordinated work of the team, you need to write down detailed job descriptions for each employee. Before starting work at the school, each employee must pass an exam on knowledge of their job description, as well as the general rules for interaction between employees within the current organizational structure of the school.


Administrator duties include:

  1. The opening of the hall half an hour before the start of the lesson;
  2. Checking the working condition of musical equipment;
  3. Checking the condition of the premises (cleanliness of the hall, availability of additional equipment);
  4. Pre-registration of clients for classes;
  5. Maintaining a client base;
  6. Meeting students, familiarizing everyone with the rules of the dance school;
  7. Sale of subscriptions and acceptance of payment;
  8. Accounting for class attendance, maintaining the rating of teachers;
  9. Drawing up a schedule of classes for each month, taking into account the wishes of clients;
  10. Answering calls, consulting on all school services and work schedule;
  11. Looking for new clients;
  12. Cleaning the room after class
  13. Closing of the dance hall.

Depending on the number of employees in the administrator position, the schedule and rules of the work of your school, the items of the job description will change. However, even before starting work, you must make sure that the applicant for the vacancy is familiar with all the responsibilities, since it is the studio administrator who is the face of your school for each client.

The salary for an administrator consists of a fixed and percentage part (7,000 rubles + 3% of the amount of revenue). The administrator's work schedule also depends on the workload of the studio. As a rule, the administrator works from Mon. by Fri. afternoons and full day Saturdays.


Dance instructor responsibilities include:

  1. Timely start of each lesson;
  2. Familiarize students with safety at the beginning of each lesson;
  3. Maintaining order in the hall during the lesson;
  4. Individual approach to each student - control of achievements and consultation on any issue that concerns classes in this area of ​​dance;
  5. Continuous independent professional development in the chosen area of ​​teaching;
  6. Improving the reputation and expanding the base of regular students.

The teacher's salary depends on the number of students in the group and is determined as follows.













In the conditions of market relations, a special place is occupied by marketing, as a system for managing the production and marketing activities of a company, aimed at effectively satisfying consumer demand.

In my work, I chose a dance school to develop a marketing program, as I believe that this type of business in my city is currently quite promising. In the development of the program I:

I chose the main idea of ​​​​forming a business

Chose development strategies in relation to the market, product, competitors.

Chose the market segment that my business will target.

Developed some individual features of the development of this business


The service I want to offer to the consumer is an art school. I chose this activity after talking with some of my circle of friends, and also after seeing the hype of young people for the film Step Up 3. If the film is so popular, then it can be concluded that a lot of people like modern dance. Hence the conclusion that some of these people would like to learn to dance beautifully themselves. In our time, there is a promotion of a sports lifestyle, including dancing is also a sport. However, any sport is a big cost for those involved in it and a good profit for those who implement it.

There are few schools in our city that would teach all the known modern types of dances, or rather, almost no such school, with an equipped hall and highly qualified specialists. There are separate sections in which certain types are taught. The most popular now are tectonic, R'n'B, house. breakdance, etc. However, these sections usually do not operate year-round. Usually this is something like seminars from famous specialists who come to the city for a few weeks and teach their art for a very round sum. However, it is worth noting that they are aimed at the contingent who already have some skills in dancing. So it turns out that we have almost no really good schools with competent specialists. The exception is Studio C. However, sports dances are taught there, which are now somewhat outdated.

To start the activities of the school, a room of about 150 m 2 will be needed, with a shower, a dressing room, a recreation room and a hall. After that, it will be necessary to re-equip and repair this room. Carry out a small promotional activity to find recruits (through newspapers and employment offices) and to find clients (newspaper, TV, radio, various posters). This ends the initial cost.

Thus, what is available at the beginning of the activity:

1. For this service, demand exceeds supply, i.e. there is a circle of clients that will immediately be possible to capture.

2. There is a need for the service. To generate income, it will only be necessary to carry out the correct advertising policy, as well as set reasonable prices and establish yourself for the first months of activity.

3. Initial costs are relatively small. For everything, including the first salary, repairs, payment for the first month of rent and the purchase of equipment, it will take a maximum of 500,000 rubles.

4. Training mainly takes place in the evenings or on weekends. Therefore, you can find additional income by renting out the premises during the daytime and morning hours on weekdays for private classes, as well as for training by other dance groups that do not have their own high-class hall.


2.1 Choice of territorial market

My service is specific and not promoted in any corner of my city. Based on this, we can conclude that for clients it will not matter where the school is located. Although a trip through the whole city can still serve as a negative factor for a certain number of customers. Thus, the city center will be the best place to open a school. But there are several problems in the city center. Firstly, there are very few rooms available for rent that are suitable for a school. Secondly, the high cost of rent. In this regard, the most relevant will be to rent a room somewhere close to the center. I thought that the best place would be the 60th anniversary of October Avenue, which is relatively equidistant from all parts of the city and renting a room in which is cheaper. Rather than downtown.

2.2 Conducting research

The life cycle of a product or service goes through five stages during its existence:




To determine the stage of the service life cycle, I analyzed each of them in relation to my product.

At this point, I think my service is about at the end of the growth stage. Its implementation and growth has been active for about the last 10 years. Thus, the cream of the crop can still be harvested at the end of the growth stage, and also, especially, at the maturity stage.

To obtain the necessary information before entering the market, the following studies were carried out:

· Office. The offer of other representatives of this service was analyzed, the prices requested by competitors were analyzed, and some youth forums on the Internet were analyzed, where it became possible to determine the attitude to this service, to see the need for it.

· Field. First, a personal survey was conducted among their own acquaintances on the attitude to the service, the preferred price for the provision of the service, the preferred time for the provision of the service, as well as the specific type of service (dance style). Then the same questions were posed in some popular forums, where a lot of results were also received.

The results of the research can be summarized as follows:

1. Passion for modern dance is mainly observed in the contingent of 15-24 years old

2. Most respondents would agree to attend dance lessons for a price of about 300 rubles for a 2-hour lesson (with 8-10 lessons per month), but they agreed to this price taking into account the available shower, highly qualified specialists, equipped and meeting Western standards hall.

3. The vast majority of respondents are ready to study in the evening on weekdays and at any time on weekends.

4. Based on paragraph 3, an additional desk study was carried out, as a result of which it was concluded that the hall can be rented out periodically for other dance groups, during the time not occupied by school classes. However, it is not worth counting on such a lease as a permanent income, since it is usually one-time rather than permanent. Although, with constant optimization of the school's work schedule, it would be possible to maximize the number of such rentals per month, while the rental price will be about 1000-1500 rubles. per hour. (This price was proposed by me based on the fact that usually in groups of no more than 10-15 people, for a 2-hour lesson, the average price for private choreographers is about 200 rubles. In such a way that the teacher or organizer of this group remains in profit , it is necessary to set the price less than 3000 rubles for 2 hours, i.e. less than 1500 rubles).

5. About 80% of the respondents agreed to periodically perform at concerts organized by the school, where they could show off the skills they have acquired, and just feel like a little star. At the initial stage, these concerts will not even pay off. Even at a low price of about 50-100 rubles, mostly friends of the performing dancers will go there. But with the promotion of the school, these concerts can become as popular as films about dances, which are attended by a large number of people.

6. The worst result is the lack of qualified specialists in the city. In this regard, fairly young specialists will be recruited (there is a bet that these specialists will work for the school for a very long time) with a good knowledge of choreography, and in the future, expenses will be incurred for holding seminars for them from well-known specialists. As a cheaper option - showing video seminars, which can either be downloaded from the Internet, or you will have to buy it also via the Internet.


In the marketing of individual use services, there are several groups of criteria by which you can identify your potential buyers.

Regarding the geographical criterion, I think that in our region, and specifically in the market in which I am going to distribute my product, it will not have any effect. The same can be said for the national criterion.

It would seem that, based on the analysis of the two criteria listed above, it follows that everyone and everywhere can learn to dance, but here comes another criterion - gender and age, which indicates that all the same, some people will not be my clients. For example, small children, people over 30 years of age, people with health problems.

However, it is worth noting that the dance school allows you to kill 2 birds with one stone, namely, to learn your favorite style of dance, learn to understand it, invent something yourself, as well as just a good opportunity to keep fit (which applies more to girls), the ability to realize yourself in dance, discover new possibilities in yourself.

There are not many competitors, but they are. Basically, these are small sections of private teachers.

At the same time, most of these teachers teach not modern dances, but more classical ones. Therefore, they certainly capture a group of clients from 30 years old, who, for the most part, do not need youth dances at all. My school, based on previous studies, gets the segment from 15 to 24 years. However, there are private teachers who teach the same dance styles as in my school. The price of such teachers ranges from 150 to 300 rubles per lesson, however, they either conduct such classes in non-specialized rooms or in small rooms. Those. their level of service is much lower. Therefore, with a small difference in price, my school will have a much higher one. Also they are not as reliable as the official school.

Thus, entering the industry, conquering the necessary market segment and then reaching a high level is not so difficult.


4.1 Regarding the service

With regard to the service, I chose the strategy of concentrated growth, and specifically the strategy of market development. This strategy suits me, because for my service I use those segments that are currently either not occupied with such a service or are not fully satisfied. In this way, I will be able not only to profit from my school, but also to develop my service in my region.

4.2 In relation to competitors

In relation to competitors, a narrow specialization strategy suits me. As stated earlier, modern dance is not well developed in my city as a service that can be readily available. By creating a school, I will be the first to start implementing this service at a high level, and not at the level of private classes. And while I will be the first - all the profit due to this specialization of my service will be mine.

4.2 Regarding market share

In terms of market share, only an aggressive strategy suits me, since I am just entering it. In no other way than by aggressively capturing the segment of the market I need, I will not be able to succeed. although there is no need to apply special aggression, since the market for this service is now free and is waiting for a solid business to take it.


Since I am entering the market without strong competitors, the price could be set at any price, starting, for example, from 500 rubles. But there are private choreographers on the market who charge much less for their classes. Therefore, initially you will have to set a price similar to theirs, only a little more, playing at a higher quality of service. Only then will their actual and potential clients want to compare the quality of their service with the quality of mine. Then, after capturing most of the customers, prices can be gradually increased.

If we talk about the specific policy I have chosen, it will be the policy of market segmentation. Those. those people who are willing to overpay a small amount will study with me and get real satisfaction from the classes, since everything in my school will be specialized for my service. Those who are not able to pay more than they pay private choreographers will receive less, incomplete satisfaction with this service. However, later, when my school acquires an image, it is quite possible that that part of the clients who stayed with private choreographers will be interested in my service. After capturing this segment, it will already make sense to change prices upwards, based on the authority of the school.


6.1 Selection and justification of the distribution channel

Sales (distribution) channel - a set of independent organizations involved in the process of promoting a product or service from a producer to a consumer who uses this product or service either directly or for the production of other goods or services based on them

Based on this definition, we can conclude that I will have a direct distribution channel. They will mainly be educational institutions of the city. There are two options for this.

The first is to use student organizations, trade unions as this channel, which can carry out advertising activities at the university, school.

The second is to personally carry out this promotional activity. For example: spread information about this service through acquaintances. Those will pass it on to their friends, and those to theirs, and so on along the chain.

On the other hand, there is a third option, based more on psychology. It lies in the fact that modern dances are practiced/want to be practiced by active people themselves, who are more likely to find my school on their own than any promotional activity will reach them. It is enough to post information about it on the Internet or on any forum.

6.2 Measures to form demand for the service

A flexible pricing policy is an effective means of generating demand and maintaining it at the required level. But before being interested in the price of the service, the buyer must be sure that this is exactly the service that he needs.

In this regard, at the initial stage of development, one cannot hope that if one simply advertises the school as the best in the city, then a wide range of customers will immediately appear. Therefore, the school first of all needs to earn an image, authority, popularity. To do this, I came up with the following methods:

· Performances of own students. It is on such performances that schools win a decent segment of the market. However, this is the case if the students of the school show a really high class of dancing. Therefore, before holding such performances, it is necessary to personally attend rehearsals from the very beginning and only after that organize extensive promotional activities to invite a wide range of people to these concerts. Moreover, if possible, tickets for them should be made at a minimum price, or even give out invitations to potential customers. On the one hand, we are losing profit on the concert, but at the same time we are betting on the future, which can subsequently pay off these costs if these spectators become our customers.

· Constant cooperation with night clubs. This interaction can result in clubs quite often needing a small circle of energetic dancers to get the crowd going. At the same time, the club allows our students to come to their party for free, maybe even pay extra (which is an even more huge plus for motivating students to continue their education), and in return we get a good image.

Thus, I will use active marketing. Constantly using the opportunities for the performance of school students in other institutions, showing them what the school can give, the constant improvement of the teachers themselves, drawing up the optimal schedule for the provision of services, etc., will constantly keep the demand at the right level and even increase it.

6.3 Measures to form the sale of services

Perhaps the most effective means of generating sales and maintaining it at the required level are discounts and something free. The mentality of any person, and especially Russian, always craves something free, accessible, easy. Based on this, I will suggest the following:

· Free first lesson. It will allow the client to get to know the teacher, evaluate his teaching culture, see if this choreographer can really teach something. It will also allow the clientele to see a really high class of service, an excellent level of room equipment and more.

· System of discounts for inviting friends, as well as for paying for a full month or a certain number of classes.

· This can also include possible further employment. Dancers are now quite needed for filming in various clips, films, etc. The pupils of my school might well be needed in these directions.


In order to get the most benefit, as well as to ensure that any commercial idea will be successfully implemented, in most cases you need to have a marketing idea. This idea can be a carefully developed business plan, or it can be a simple idea, but in which there are already fundamental principles for building the future, or an already established business. There are no specific calculations in my marketing program, no premises, no clients, that is, in principle, there is nothing at all, but there is an idea, approximate calculations based on newspaper and Internet advertisements, there is a potential circle of clients that was formed as a result of a simple survey . This is my marketing development for business, which can either take place or be unsuccessful. However, the development plan I have chosen increases almost to the maximum the positive result of such a business as a dance school.




Under the Government of the Russian Federation




discipline MARKETING


Completed by: 1st year student

Evening education

Shitova O.A.


Moscow 2010


CHAPTER.1 The concept and development of a marketing strategy…………

    1. Marketing strategy………………………………………………..

1.2. Marketing strategy as part of the overall strategy of the enterprise ... ..

1.3. The role of the marketing mix in marketing strategy……………..

1.4. Features of planning the marketing strategy of a sports organization……………………………………………………………………..

CHAPTER 2. Analysis of the industry and the market of a sports organization…………….

2.1 Industry and market analysis……………………………………………………….

2.2 Characteristics of the fitness center "Amsterdam-fitness"…………………….

2.3 Product Description of the Amsterdam Fitness Center………………..

CHAPTER 3. Development and evaluation of the marketing strategy for the fitness center "Amsterdam Fitness"………………………………………………………………

3.1 Analysis of competitors…………………………………………………………..

3.2 Development of a strategy for the fitness center "Amsterdam Fitness"……………….

3.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the marketing strategy…………………………





Already now, most managers understand that the success of an enterprise largely depends on effective management, making optimal decisions, studying the market, and recruiting personnel. And all this is fully or partially included in the subject area of ​​the marketing strategy for the development of the enterprise.

The modern concept of marketing strategy is that all activities of the enterprise are based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future. Moreover, one of the goals of marketing is to identify unsatisfied customer requests in order to orient production to meet these requests. The marketing system puts the production of goods in a functional dependence on requests and requires the production of goods in the assortment and quantity required by the consumer. That is why marketing, as a set of established methods of studying markets, in addition to everything else, directs its efforts to create effective distribution channels and conduct integrated advertising campaigns.

Sports organizations that sell a specific product on the market - sports services, are also interested in their successful promotion. The development and implementation of a competent marketing strategy contributes to the effective implementation of services.

Marketing, being an integral component of the effective management of physical culture and sports organizations operating in a market economy, is itself an object of management. Russian and foreign practice shows that the effectiveness of market activity management increases when strategic and opportunistic types of management are combined with a predominance of the strategic type.

Based on the foregoing, the topic of the course work seems to be relevant.

The purpose of this work is to study and develop a marketing strategy for a sports organization.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set:

    to study the essence of a marketing strategy, principles of construction, goals and tools;

    describe the sports market of fitness centers

    develop a marketing strategy for the fitness center "Amsterdam Fitness";

The tasks determine the structure of the course work, which consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources and an appendix.

CHAPTER.1 The concept and development of a marketing strategy.

1.1. Marketing strategy

Strategic marketing is an active marketing process with a long-term plan horizon, aimed at exceeding the average market indicators by systematically pursuing a policy of creating goods and services that provide consumers with goods of higher consumer value than those of competitors.

The role of strategic marketing is to trace the evolution of a given market, identify various existing or potential markets and their segments based on an analysis of needs that need to be satisfied, and develop company development strategies.

Strategic marketing targets a company in attractive economic opportunities and directions tailored to its resources and strengths, providing the potential for its profitability and growth.

The complete process of strategic marketing planning includes the following main steps:

    conducting marketing analysis with identification of the target market;

    development of the company's mission;

    definition of the company's goals;

    development of a common strategy;

The marketing strategy defines how the marketing structure should be applied in order to attract and satisfy target markets and achieve the organization's goals. In decisions about the structure of marketing, the main thing is product planning, sales, promotion and price.

The strategy should be as clear as possible. For example, planning for new products should include prioritization, responsibilities, time and production schedules, promotion support, and staff training needs. Here is an example of a bad, fuzzy strategy: in order to increase market share for product 4, additional funds will be allocated to design and advertising. A good strategy for the same organization should show clearer lines of action. Product 4's market share is to be increased from 6% to 8% within 12 months through the development of attractive and functional packaging; increased advertising to attract the 200 main consumers, changes in the reconstruction of the product to improve its appearance without increasing costs.

Often a firm chooses a strategy from two or more possible options. For example, a company that wants to increase its market share to 40% can do this in several ways: create a more favorable image of the product through intensive advertising; increase the number of sales staff; present a new model; lower prices and sell through a large number of retail stores; Effectively combine and coordinate all these elements of marketing.

Each of the alternatives opens up different opportunities for marketers. For example, a pricing strategy can be very flexible, since it is easier to change prices than to create different product modifications. However, a strategy based on low prices is the easiest to copy. In addition, a successful pricing strategy can lead to a price war that is very bad for bottom line. In contrast, a location-based strategy is difficult to replicate due to long lease periods and unavailability of suitable locations for competitors. But it can be inflexible and poorly adapted to environmental changes.

There are four approaches to planning a marketing strategy:

    opportunity matrix by product/market (Ansoff matrix);

    BCG matrix ("Boston Consulting Group");

    impact of market strategy on earnings (PIMS);

    Porter's general strategic model.

In all of these approaches, the organization separately evaluates and uses all of its capabilities, products and activities. Based on these assessments, the efforts and resources of the company are allocated, and appropriate marketing strategies are developed.

1. Product/Market Opportunity Matrix (Ansoff Matrix) involves the use of four alternative marketing strategies to maintain and / or increase sales: market penetration, market development, product development and diversification:

The choice of strategy depends on the degree of market saturation and the company's ability to constantly update production. Two or more strategies may be combined.

A market penetration strategy is effective when the market is growing or not yet saturated. The company expands sales of existing products in existing markets through intensification of product distribution, offensive promotion and the most competitive prices. This increases sales: it attracts those who have not previously used the products of this company, as well as competitors' customers, and increases the demand of already attracted consumers.

A market development strategy is effective if: a local firm seeks to expand its market; as a result of changing lifestyles and demographic factors, new market segments are emerging; new applications are being identified for well-known products. The firm seeks to increase sales of existing products in the markets or encourage consumers to use existing products in new ways. It can penetrate new geographic markets; enter new market segments, the demand for which is not yet satisfied; re-propose existing products; use new methods of distribution and marketing; intensify promotional efforts.

A product development strategy is effective when a firm has a number of successful brands and enjoys customer loyalty. The firm develops new or modified products for existing markets. It focuses on new models, quality improvements and other small innovations that are closely related to already introduced products and sells them to consumers loyal to this company and its brands. Traditional marketing methods are used; promotion emphasizes that new products are produced by a well-known firm.

The diversification strategy is used to ensure that the company does not become too dependent on one product group. The company launches new products aimed at new markets. The goals of distribution, marketing and promotion are different from the traditional ones for the company.

2. BCG Matrix (Boston Consulting Group) allows a company to classify each product line by its market share relative to major competitors and annual industry growth rate. Using the matrix, the firm can determine, first, which of its divisions plays a leading role compared to competitors, and, second, what is the dynamics of its markets: are they developing, stabilizing or shrinking.

The matrix is ​​based on the assumption that the larger the unit's market share, the lower the relative costs and the higher the profits as a result of economies of scale, the accumulation of experience and the improvement of the bargaining position.

The matrix distinguishes four types of divisions: "stars", "cash cows", "problem children" and "dogs" and suggests strategies for each of them. Zvezda is a leader in a growing industry. The main goal is to maintain the firm's distinctive advantage in an increasingly competitive environment. Zvezda generates significant profits, but requires large amounts of resources to finance continued growth. Market share can be maintained or increased by lower prices, more advertising, product changes and/or more extensive distribution. As the development of the industry slows down, the "star" turns into a "cash cow".

Cash Cow is a leader in a relatively mature or declining industry. This division usually has a loyal following among consumers, and it is difficult for competitors to poach them. Since sales are relatively stable, without significant marketing and development costs, a cash cow generates more cash than is necessary to maintain its market share. This money supports the growth of other divisions of the company. The marketing strategy focuses on reminder advertising, periodic price discounts, maintaining distribution channels, and offering new options to encourage repeat purchases.

Problem Child has little market impact in an emerging industry. Consumer support is low, distinctive advantages are unclear, and competitors' products dominate the market. Significant funds are needed to maintain or increase market share in a highly competitive environment. The company must decide whether to expand promotional spending, seek new distribution channels, improve features and lower prices, or withdraw from the market. The choice of strategy depends on whether the firm believes that the division can compete successfully with appropriate support, and what that support will cost.

"Dog" is a limited sales division in a mature or declining industry. Despite a fairly long presence in the market, he did not manage to attract a sufficient number of consumers and he is significantly behind competitors in terms of sales, image, cost structure, etc. A company with such a division may try to enter a specialized market; profit through liquidation to a minimum of providing maintenance, or withdraw from the market.

3. Profit Impact Market Strategy (PIMS), involves the collection of data from a number of corporations in order to establish the relationship between various economic parameters and two characteristics of the organization's functioning: return on investment and cash flow. Information is collected by divisions and aggregated by industry. By analyzing general industry data, an organization can determine the impact of various marketing strategies on performance.

4. Porter's general strategic model considers two main concepts of marketing planning and the alternatives inherent in each of them: the choice of the target market (within the entire industry or individual segments) and the strategic advantage (uniqueness or price).

Combining these two concepts, Porter's model identifies the following basic strategies: cost advantage, differentiation, and concentration.

Using a cost advantage strategy, the firm focuses on a broad market and produces goods in large quantities. Through mass production, it can minimize unit costs and offer low prices. This allows you to have a higher share of profits compared to competitors, better respond to rising costs and attract price-oriented consumers.

Using a differentiation strategy, a firm targets a large market by offering a product that is seen as stand out. The company produces a product that is attractive to many, which is nevertheless considered by consumers as unique due to its design, characteristics, availability, reliability, etc. As a result, price does not play such an important role, and consumers acquire sufficient loyalty to the brand.

As part of the concentration strategy, the company highlights a specific market segment through low prices or a unique offer. It can control costs by focusing on a few key products for specific customers, building a particular reputation for serving a market that may not be satisfied by competitors.

According to Porter's model, the relationship between market share and profitability is U-shaped, as shown in Figure 4. A firm with a small market share can succeed by developing a well-focused strategy. A company with a large market share may succeed as a result of a total cost advantage or a differentiated strategy. However, a company can get stuck in the middle if it does not have an efficient and unique product or a total cost advantage. Unlike the Boston Consulting Group Matrix and Porter's PIMS program, a small firm can profit by focusing on a single competitive "niche" even if its overall market share is negligible. A firm doesn't have to be big to perform well.

1.2 Marketing strategy as part of the overall strategy of the enterprise.

The organization of marketing activities of the enterprise is a process of implementation of specific activities in accordance with the developed plan. In turn, an objective prerequisite for the development of marketing is a comprehensive study of the market (domestic, regional, world) opinions and needs of product buyers, sales volume.

Based on this premise, each marketing service develops its own program of action in the market, contributing to its comprehensive study.

The tasks of complex market research include:

    determination of opportunities for the sale of goods;

    product range planning;

Marketing planning is the most important stage and a prerequisite for all activities. It is in the plan of activity of the marketing service that the tasks, the time of production of types of products and their sale are most specifically determined.

Plans are developed for a short period of activity (usually one year) and for a long term (from five to ten years), there are also medium-term plans (from two to five years). Before their installation, goals, objectives of the marketing service and methods for achieving them are developed. At individual enterprises, instead of current plans, a Business Plan is being developed, which will be discussed in the Marketing and Business Planning section.

The short and medium term sets the exact marketing goals and strategies for each product offered by the enterprise.

In the long term, a forecast of the external environment for this period is usually given, and the long-term needs of the relevant market segment are determined.

From the experience of planning marketing activities at different enterprises, we can conclude that the plans developed for a short period of time, say, for a period of 1 year, are most widely used. In addition, these plans are not unified, and their development in terms of content is determined by economic circumstances and situations, tasks in the field of marketing.

Marketing plans vary in scope: there may be a marketing plan for each of the main products, there may be an integrated one that includes all products, and finally, marketing plans can be drawn up, like plans in general, either from the bottom up or from the top down.

Bottom-up plans are realistic because they are based on operational information. But there may be difficulties in coordinating them and bringing them together into a single integrated plan. Nothing of the kind happens if the plan is developed from the top down, when planning activities are centrally managed and controlled. But in this case, there is a risk of rejection and misunderstanding of the purpose of the enterprise by the heads of departments, so it is better when both approaches are combined.

The marketing plan and policy is developed in a certain sequence:

    collection of information;

    analysis of the position of competitors;

    product segmentation;

    developing a market strategy;

    development of market tactics;

    determination and analysis of costs;

    control over the implementation of the marketing program.

At the same time, a marketing program is drawn up, which is an internal document. The most important elements of the program are a set of production tasks, a product range, a system of measures in the field of demand for these products, advertising, sales channels, sales operations, etc.

Control over the implementation of the program mainly includes control over the dynamics of sales volume, timely commissioning of facilities and equipment, etc. If there is a significant deviation from the planned course of the program, then it is corrected. In case of successful achievement of the set goals, new tasks are put on the agenda that determine the future strategy of the company.

At the very beginning of the plan, a summary of benchmarks is given. It makes it possible not only to understand the main focus of the plan, but also to control the implementation.

The next section sets out the current marketing situation - this is actually the main section of the plan, which describes the nature of the target market and the position of the enterprise in this market, an overview of the main products, lists competitors and indicates product distribution channels.

The last section of the marketing plan outlines how to monitor its progress.

1.3. The role of the marketing mix in marketing strategy

Any business - large, medium or small - requires the daily performance of a huge number of different operations or actions. These operations are managed in most cases in three main areas: finance, production and marketing. All three divisions in this typical company management organization structure work towards one common goal - the growth and prosperity of the company, increasing its capitalization. They are united by a common corporate strategy, which is designed to direct the activities of the company's employees at all levels of management to solve specific problems in accordance with the general line of development of the enterprise.

Each division performs its specific functions. So, for example, scheduling and organization of production or purchases belong to the production sphere, accounting - to the financial sphere.

The marketing department performs mainly three main functions:

    Market research and study of the needs of the population in order to find favorable marketing opportunities for the development of the company;

    Development of the company's marketing strategy - determination of target market segments, positioning of the company and its products and services;

    Development and implementation of marketing programs, or a marketing mix, which consists of five elements - product, price, place, promotion, people (the "5 Pi" concept):

Product, the company's product policy (product marketing) is a market-oriented development of a range of products, their properties (quality), packaging, brand image, etc.

Price, pricing policy of the company (price marketing) - market-oriented development of the level and behavior of prices, price methods of sales promotion.

Promotion, product promotion (communications marketing) - a system of informing potential customers, creating a positive opinion about the product and the company through various methods of sales promotion (advertising, service, etc.).

Place, place and time of sale, product distribution (sales marketing, distribution) - a system for developing optimal distribution channels and resellers, organizing the storage and transportation of goods, places of sale.

People, sellers and buyers of goods (relationship marketing) - development of the company's personnel policy (selection and training of personnel focused on the client and the goals of the company), creation and updating of the system for generating demand and maintaining relationships with regular customers. As a direction of marketing activity appeared relatively recently.

1.4. Features of planning the marketing strategy of a sports organization

The main feature of planning the marketing strategy of a sports organization is the object of planning. Sports organizations provide sports services, i.e. the object of planning is sports promotion strategy.

Services is a broad concept that includes:

    services related to physical products (i.e., in essence, this is a reinforcement, especially of a complex product - computers, cars, etc.);

    services related to the use of the product (installation and connection of additional security devices in homes, etc.);

    pure services (services of various consultants, teachers, etc.).

A service, unlike a product, may have the following distinctive features:



    variability (variability);

    the dependence of the need for it on time.

The most tangible part of the service is the people. In practice, the sale is carried out "face to face" (the service is sold and usually provided to specific persons).

Place of delivery of services, methods of promotion and use of the trademark are the most significant tools of marketing services.

Inseparability consists in the fact that a service (service) usually connects production and consumption, it cannot be transferred through distribution channels.

The variability of the service stems from the non-modification of human needs, the difficulty of documenting such services (in comparison with goods).

As noted above, most services are produced and consumed at one point in a specific period of time, after which the service "dies" (a product, in contrast, can be stored and wait for demand by another consumer).

These essential differences between services and goods require special marketing techniques for services. Some restrictions in service marketing and ways to overcome them are given in Table. eleven

Table 1.Characteristics of Service Marketing

Service characteristicG


Someways to overcome them


Difficulties of choice.

Focus on benefit.

Difficulties with the method of arranging the elements of promoting the marketing mix.

Increasing the tangibility of services (eg their physical presentation).

Patenting is not possible.

Use of brand names.

Difficulty in substantiating the goal and quality in promotion

Use of specific persons in the personal service. Reputation use


The presence of the manufacturer is required.

Training for large groups of people.

Direct sales.

Work acceleration.

Limited action limits

Training more competent service providers


The standard depends on who provides services and when.

Careful selection and training of staff.

Difficulties in quality assurance

Monitoring the provision of service standards, pre-prepared mechanization of quality control.

Isolation of predetermined characteristics

"Quick Dying"

Stocks cannot be created.

Improving the relationship between delivery and order.

Problems of order flow fluctuation

Improving the relationship between supply and order (for example, reducing prices at off-peak times)


The consumer is served but does not own the actions or facilities of the service

Highlighting the benefits of not owning (e.g. easier pay system)

From a marketing point of view, the service of a sports organization is also characterized by certain positive features:

    well-defined positioning strategy;

    expressiveness of quality;

    consumer retention;

    acquisition and use of this consumer;

    close connection of marketing, human and production resources.

The expansion of the elements of the marketing mix in the service sector is explained by the specifics of the service as a product and the need to use additional strategies to promote this product to the market. Since additional elements of the marketing mix in the service sector also begin with the English letter "P" (Pi), this complex is conventionally called "5 Pi".

A marketer in the service sector of a sports organization, in addition to traditional decisions (setting a price for a service, thinking through distribution channels and informing consumers about the availability of such a service on the market), is forced to develop a process for servicing consumers; motivate staff for quality service; create a material environment where the service process will take place.

Accordingly, when developing a communication strategy, a sports organization marketer needs to inform consumers about how the company's product (service process; personnel involved in the service; service environment) differs from similar products of competitors. This is the specificity of developing a communication strategy in service marketing. However, despite the differences, marketers in the two sectors have only four identical means of influencing the consumer, which make up the so-called complex of marketing communications.

Features of planning a strategy for promoting the services of a sports organization in marketing. The sequence of stages in planning a promotion strategy is the same for both the service sector of a sports organization and the manufacturing sector. These include formulating promotional goals, selecting target audiences, and setting a budget for each of the four consumer influencers. However, due to the distinctive characteristics of a service as a product, the content of these stages differs significantly when planning a promotion strategy in service marketing.

It is believed that there is no complete division of goods into goods in real form and goods in the form of services. Each product of a material form carries elements of an intangible service, and each service implies the presence of some material aspects.

Eight principles of service promotion:

When developing and planning a promotion strategy for services, experienced marketers recommend using eight main principles.

Firstly, the promotion strategy should be based on the behavior of service consumers. According to V. Zeithaml, in comparison with consumers of goods in real form, consumers of services at the stage of information search rely more on information gleaned from personal sources. The price and the material environment are the main sources for the consumer to judge the quality of the service. The required set of potential firms when choosing services to buy is, as a rule, much smaller than for manufactured goods. When buying services, the consumer feels a greater risk of being dissatisfied; consumers of services are more difficult to get used to and accept new services, but are much more loyal and faithful to their favorite brand compared to manufactured goods. Service consumers often blame themselves if they are not satisfied with the quality of the service, and for this reason they are much less likely to express their dissatisfaction with the quality of the service, which in turn creates a quality control problem.

Secondly, it is necessary to more accurately determine the target audience for advertising messages. Students and pensioners can buy toothpaste and washing powder without interfering with each other. However, being together in a hotel, at a concert, in a restaurant or a bank, these two segments can significantly influence the perception of the service. In the first case, there is no need to separate segments, in the second - it exists. Accordingly, in the first case, the advertising message can be of a general nature, in the second it must be selective.

Thirdly, when planning a promotion strategy, you need to include the staff of your company in the secondary target audience. Services are usually provided by contact personnel. When staff sees themselves advertising the services they provide, they feel a sense of pride in their work and the company. A sense of pride is a significant motivational factor, which, in turn, significantly affects the work of staff and, consequently, the quality of services provided to the end user. This task is partially solved by developing an internal marketing strategy aimed at motivating staff.

Fourth, the interactive interaction between staff and the consumer should be emphasized. Service as a product, in essence, is the interaction between the staff and the client, leading to a certain result. Showing how both sides achieve it serves as a compelling motivator for staff and a buying motive for the consumer.

Fifth, it is necessary to influence the opinion of consumers that the provision of services in the firm is stable, regardless of time and place.

Sixth, it is recommended to emphasize the advantages of your three "P" (service process, material environment and personnel) in comparison with competitors. They form the uniqueness and distinctiveness of the service offered to the market. This problem can be solved with the help of thoughtful positioning of the service or company in the eyes of the consumer.

Seventh, if the emphasis is on quality, then it is necessary to emphasize the criteria for the quality of your service: material elements, reliability, conviction, empathy and responsiveness. 2

Eighth, do not exaggerate your advertising promises, which largely form consumer expectations. Their non-confirmation leads to consumer dissatisfaction and distrust. In turn, dissatisfaction of the consumer is the reason for his departure to competitors, and distrust leads to the need to increase the amount of funds to attract the consumer. Interestingly, with the help of advertising, it is also possible to lower consumer expectations. Such a maneuver makes it easy to confirm and even exceed consumer expectations.

The promotion of services on the market is significantly different from the promotion of goods of a material form. This is largely due to the intangible nature of the service as a commodity. Accordingly, the development of a communication strategy for services is much more difficult compared to physical goods. In essence, the marketer is faced with the task of advertising “air”, since it is possible to evaluate the service only after it has been consumed.

CHAPTER 2. Analysis of the industry and market of a sports organization

2.1 Industry and market analysis

According to the research agency MAGRAM Market Research, the capacity of the Russian sports services market is about 250 million dollars a year, of which 150 million falls on the Moscow market.

To date, the annual turnover of the domestic fitness business is only $50-60 million. While in the United States, where 17,807 commercial fitness clubs unite 32.8 million citizens, this figure was $11.6 billion a year ago. In Russia 3-4% of the population go in for some kind of sport or fitness, in contrast to the Western 30-40% 3 .

In developed countries, the desire for a healthy lifestyle is supported by a fairly high purchasing power of the broadest segments of the population. In Russia, the demand for a healthy lifestyle and fitness services is limited by low budgets and low willingness to play sports.

The fitness, sports and dance industry hosts annual fitness conventions, workshops and competitions. The first convention was held in 1994 under the guidance of experienced Americans and gathered 200 people. Today, under the auspices of World Class, about 4 thousand professionals and amateurs meet, international master classes are held, where professionals exchange experience. The conventions have another task: they bring the ideas of fitness to the masses, introduce new products, and provide an opportunity to communicate with instructors and teachers from different cities.

Health, beauty, family well-being, that is, complete internal and external harmony - these are simple basic values ​​on which fitness grows and develops. Some of the money in the fitness industry is what the client pays for the atmosphere. Its natural regulator is the price. Many come to the club not to get serious physical activity, but to chat with friends, sit in a bar or take a look at the sauna. That is why fitness is sometimes referred to as the entertainment business.

It is possible to single out elite clubs, democratic, oriented to the middle class, network (Planet Fitness, World Class, Reebok, World Gym) and "single". In another category, small budget sports clubs and health centers located in residential buildings can be distinguished, their plus is the convenience of location, the main disadvantage is a small area, the absence of a pool and sauna.

The main trend of the industry is that previously customers had enough of classical aerobics, a swimming pool and a gym, now fitness centers have to expand their list of services, more than 10 dance styles, martial arts and children's programs appear. Group activities such as cycling (on exercise bikes) and trekking (on a treadmill) are gaining more and more popularity. Alternating intensity with speed and incline will give you the best results. Every year there are at least 2-3 new fitness programs.

Currently, there is the greatest demand for programs that allow the client to gain balance (balance), mobility (speed), improve posture. Clients are increasingly leaning towards more gentle, gentle forms of fitness, such as yoga or stretching, which are equally good for all categories of practitioners, including older people and women 4 .

The specifics of the main directions in fitness for 2009-2010:

Training for balance (balance), mobility, improving posture. They are popular with beginners, athletes, baby boomers and seniors.

More gentle, gentle fitness formats such as yoga and stretching. They are popular with middle aged women and women just before giving birth, the elderly, newbies, baby boomers.

Individual training with a personal trainer. Popular with all age groups, especially older people, baby boomers and women.

Training with a partner. (Actually, this is two people training with one personal trainer). Popular with people with limited means, women, couples, children and parents, friends, work colleagues.

Recovery training. Popular with people who need to recover from operations, the elderly.

Training in small groups. (Typically three to five people per personal trainer). Popular with all age groups and categories of preparedness of clients. Particularly attractive because of the opportunity to share the fee for the lesson for everyone.

Programs more popular than a year ago:

Personal training

Core Conditioning/Abs Classes


Stretching/flexibility training

Group strength training

Fitness testing

Market analysis

According to the Program for the construction of physical culture and sports facilities in Moscow until 2010. indoor sports facilities in the city (palaces, halls, arenas, swimming pools) are only 12% of the standard requirement.

Today, about 4% of Muscovites attend fitness clubs. Basically, these are those whose earnings exceed $1,000 per month. Recently, the fitness services market has been developing quite rapidly, if a few years ago two or three large centers were presented a year, now at least five or six are opening. The niche of the premium class, where people with incomes of $2,000 or more per family member, and budget clubs and fitness and dance studios are actually filled and is about 80%, and in the middle price category there is a clear deficit, it is filled by 50-60%. Now there is a struggle for the middle class.

The cost of services for VIP-persons exceeds $800 per month. This segment is already filled by more than 80%, but wealthy clients are very capricious.

The next category of consumers of fitness services is ready to pay for health from $150 to $300 per month. It is here that work is being carried out now, since it is believed that the market is still only half in demand by this category of citizens. The third, bottom layer of health center visitors are those who pay between $100 and $150 a month. This segment is filled by 80% and there is the toughest competition here than in higher price niches.

Analysts believe that the potential audience of fitness clubs in the capital is huge. To attract additional customers, clubs begin to arrange classes for the whole family or for employees of one firm. Those clubs that are located close to places of accumulation of various institutions and organizations are in a good position 5 .

Fitness centers offer different sets of services:

An inexpensive club ($300-900/year) will most likely not have a pool and, accordingly, water polo with aqua aerobics. There is no sauna in the locker room, but a locker with a lock is issued for the duration of classes. You will have to rent a hair dryer or a towel (40-50 rubles), or bring it with you. The standard subscription package includes access to any group classes and unlimited time to use all the simulators.

The set of fitness zones in the club of the middle price category (1000-1700 dollars per year) is an order of magnitude wider. Most likely, there is a swimming pool with hydromassage, a cycling room (imitation of a bicycle race), a cardio theater (the ability to run while looking at the TV screen and listening to the sound through headphones), separate halls for martial arts and yoga, a boxing ring. Large clubs of this category may have indoor tennis courts, a multi-purpose hall (futsal, basketball, badminton, etc.). There is a doctor, functional diagnostics. A non-alcoholic bar is available to clients. For an additional fee, personal training, massage, solarium, beauty salon or SPA are possible. Children (from 3 years old) have their own full-fledged "mini-club" with a variety of sports and educational lessons.

Clubs of the premium category (from $2,500) do not differ much from the previous group, but make a serious bet on the level of service. The program includes exotic fitness areas that require special, expensive equipment. These clubs usually operate around the clock. The program for children, in addition to fitness, may also include training, for example, in English.

Description of target consumers

People with an income of more than $1,000 for each family member.

people interested in professional training in dance and martial arts.

people who want to keep their physical shape and get acquainted with new methods and classes in fitness, dance and sports.

Children from 6 years old and their parents, teenagers, students, men and women up to 50 years old.

Description of the target market segment

The North-Western Administrative Okrug and adjacent areas of the Central and Northern Okrugs of Moscow, where, according to statistical studies of the Government of Moscow, about 900 thousand people live. Of these, according to preliminary studies, the potential customers of fitness centers that focus on the middle class (people with an income of more than $ 1,000 per family member) may be about 8% i.e. about 72 thousand people. There are about 20 middle-class fitness centers and clubs in the area that can reach only 30,000 potential customers at best. Less than 50% of the potential demand for fitness services and sports.

The research results confirm the general trend in the capital that the middle class segment (from $800 - $1000 per year) is 50-60% full. The main orientation of the business in the field of sports and dance services is now towards the middle class.

This implies:

the existence of a need and potential demand for fitness services and dance

lack of strong competition in this market segment

Competitive environment

There are no competitors with a similar offer, a set of additional services and a level of teaching, as in the project Center, but there are centers, dance studios and fitness centers with a similar range of services and aimed at introducing people to fitness and sports.

2.2 Characteristics of the fitness center "Amsterdam fitness"

    Project description:

Center for Contemporary Dance and Fitness "Amsterdam-Fitness"

Location: m. Street 1905 5 minutes walk from the subway. Total area 255m 2 .

Equipment: Two halls "East" and "Western", each of which can accommodate up to 23 people on average, a massage room, a solarium, a tea room, two dressing rooms with showers, a room for inventory, coaching and administration.

    The main objectives of the activity:

    Increase the profitability of the enterprise by 5% quarterly in the first year.

    To gain a foothold in the sports services market within one year, and become a recognizable company among interested parties.

    During the first year of existence, increase the number of regular customers to 280 people.

    Create a good name and image of the company in the market.

    Increase monthly sales up to 500 subscriptions within a year.

    Achieve a high level of production and provision of services, in accordance with the latest trends and methods in this business area.

    Achieve a high level of customer service.

    Create an effective system of work with employees by creating a system of motivation and improving their skills.

Annex 1 shows the schedule of the fitness center.

    Distinctive characteristics:

Studies have shown that there is no organization in the Moscow market that offers a similar range of services and is organized according to the same principle. Fitness clubs aimed at the middle class offer approximately the same list of services, but as a general sports training, and focus on those who want to improve their figure or health. People wishing to receive professional training, according to preliminary studies, will not go to fitness clubs to study and train. Dance studios mostly offer a limited range of dance styles and do not provide other services, and often there are no showers in the studios, which is a serious repulsive indicator for middle-class clients. The same goes for martial arts clubs. In the Amsterdam-Fitness Center, all the above shortcomings are taken into account. Our clients will be able to receive professional training as well as train for their own pleasure in well-equipped and specially adapted facilities. In addition, the project is designed to create a club atmosphere: it will be a place where people will come not only for training, but also to communicate with friends and acquaintances. The center is mainly aimed at people interested in getting professional dance training, as well as all those who are fond of martial arts and philosophy. Based on the results of previous studies, it can be concluded that a group of clients who are seriously aimed at receiving this kind of training will not go to fitness clubs, but will look for a specialized institution, which is our center.

    Organizational legal form:

For the enterprise, the organizational form of LLC (Limited Liability Company) was chosen. This form is easy to organize and is most suitable for an enterprise operating in the service sector, using a relatively small number of labor (28 people) 6 .

Project participants:

The founders of the center are individuals:

Kurochkina D.V.

Kireeva I.A

Pavlyuk A.Yu.

The founders have experience in the fitness and entertainment business. One of the founders will be appointed as director of the center

    Authorized capital:

The authorized capital of the enterprise is 1,160,000 rubles.

The shares of participants in the authorized capital are 500,000 rubles, 330,000 rubles, 330,000 rubles. respectively. During the implementation of the project, participants receive dividends in the form of a fixed percentage of the profit. One of the founders will be appointed as director of the center.

    Legal basis:

In carrying out its activities, the Center will be guided by both binding legislative acts for all organizations, and those specific only for this field of activity, such as:

    Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" (as amended and supplemented on December 30, 2001, January 10, June 30, 2003)

    Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Children's out-of-school institutions (institutions of additional education) Sanitary-epidemiological requirements for institutions of additional education of children (out-of-school institutions)", approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on April 1, 2003

    Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor for the City of Moscow dated May 23, 2000 N 7 “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Conclusion on Compliance with the Sanitary Rules of Economic and Other Activities, Works, Services”, including a list of economic and other activities, works and services that represent a potential danger to humans, compliance with sanitary rules must be confirmed by a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion

  • Staff Responsibilities

Table2 . Job Descriptions

Job title

Job Responsibilities



General coordination of the work of the center, development and control of marketing activities, solving personnel issues.

Higher education, work experience in this business area for at least 3 years, knowledge of legislation, rules and regulations of labor protection, specifics of the organization. Knowledge of the basics of psychology and business ethics

Accountant / cashier

Accounting and tax accounting, registration of settlement and cash transactions, reporting and compliance with document flow.

Higher financial and economic education, work experience as an accountant, knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation, computer skills.

Center administrator

Registration of clients, sale of subscriptions, drawing up personal schedules. Informing clients. Working at the reception, issuing keys and numbers, answering phone calls.

Communication skills, experience in the fitness industry, computer skills.

Consultations of clients regarding each class, control of the condition of equipment and the availability of consumables. Coordination of the work of the coaching staff. Monitoring compliance with the rules for visiting the Center by customers.

Higher education, communication skills, experience in the fitness industry, managerial and organizational skills.


Conducting classes, consulting clients, observing safety precautions in working with clients, selecting musical accompaniment, preparing competitive programs and numbers, observing the rules for working with equipment.

Special education in the field of fitness, sports and dance, sports titles and titles, work experience, knowledge of the basics of psychology, anatomy, communication skills, relevant external data.


Conducting massage sessions, consulting clients, drawing up individual schedules, observing safety precautions in working with clients.

Special education, work experience, medical book.

tea room waiter

Tea preparation, customer service, cleanliness on the tables and in the hall. Accounting for tea consumption and maintaining relevant documentation. Cooperation with the administrator on the supply of consumables.

Work experience, medical record.

Cleaning woman

Maintaining cleanliness in all areas of the Center: washing floors, mirrors, dusting, washing towels. Disinfection of showers and toilets.

Responsible approach to business.

Organizational structure of the Amsterdam Fitness Center


Center administrator

Hall and tea room manager


Cleaning woman


tea room waiter

Rice. 2.1. Organizational structure of the Center

In the Amsterdam Fitness Center there are two halls "East", which will be used for training in martial arts, as well as yoga, wushu, stretch, Pilates and "Western", which offers professional training in the most popular types of dance styles, including R'n'B (rhythm and blues), jazz, Latin American, club dances, etc.

Such a system will help to cover different groups of customers, and at the same time will not isolate them from each other. Our clients can use the services of two rooms, as well as a massage room and a solarium, and after a workout they can relax and chat in the tea room, where they can enjoy the taste of various types of tea at the expense of the club. In the tea room, as an element of club culture, there will be an easel and paints, and everyone will be able to express their mental and emotional state in paints, the best paintings will be placed in the center and, if desired, everyone will be able to take the painting for themselves, auctions will be arranged for the best specimens. Such an attitude towards customers and such a business organization is aimed at creating harmony and beauty around each of us. People will come to the Amsterdam Fitness Center not only to improve their body and spirit, but also to relax and communicate, in a word, enjoy sports and recreation.

2.3 Product Description of Amsterdam Fitness Center

The center offers vocational training in the areas presented in Table 1, and also offers services such as massage, solarium and tea room. The center works according to the system of fitness clubs, but it is aimed at people who want to professionally engage in the types of services provided, as well as for those who want to keep themselves in good physical shape and mood. Additional services such as a tea room, massage and solarium will create a pleasant and friendly environment for clients.

Table 3. List of services provided

East Hall

Class name



This program covers all possible aspects of the use of balls, without conflicting with the system of wellness training accepted throughout the world. Allows:

    Qualitatively work out all muscle groups

    Relieve stress on the spine

    Strengthen the vestibular apparatus

Exercise with minimal health risk

Pilates (Pilates)

A safe, non-impact exercise program that stretches and strengthens the major muscle groups in a logical sequence while also taking care of the smaller, weaker muscles. This system meets the requirements of any organism. The main difference between Pilates and all other types is the possibility of injuries and negative reactions reduced to almost zero.


The lesson is held at a low pace, with pleasant music. The main task is to develop joint mobility and muscle elasticity. The class includes many different movements for flexibility. It is popular with middle-aged women, useful for all ages, prolongs the youthfulness of muscle tissue and skin.


The target orientation of the classes is the development of mobility in the joints, the harmonious development of strength and flexibility. Passes with weights, expanders and other special equipment.


A system of physical, mental and spiritual training. Aimed at achieving harmony between the physical, mental and moral aspects of life. But even physical exercise alone leads to profound changes, going far beyond muscle work.

Over the course of a number of centuries, Wushu (Ui) improved, absorbing the methods of owning various weapons and one's own body, becoming as a result a kind of synthesis of things, both heterogeneous and complementary, and turning not into a simple combat system, but into a path to self-perfection

Taijesuan (Chinese gymnastics)

Gymnastics of smooth movements. The goal is to maintain health and prolong life, to reveal unrealized opportunities and abilities of a person, both physical and spiritual.


One of the varieties of Japanese wrestling. In addition to the philosophical aspects, aikido has quite an effective applied application: the techniques of this struggle, which allow you to neutralize the attacker without causing him such damage as when using karate, can become a good way of self-defense.

Belly dance

According to the canons of oriental plasticity, the energy of belly dance movements allows you to feel your body, develop joint flexibility, spine mobility and muscle elasticity.

Indian dance

There are many styles in Indian dance. We present 2 of them:

Kuchipudi - Dance movements are in harmony with the symbolism of the dance. The facial expressions and movements of the hands and fingers (mudras) are important, with their help whole phrases are reflected. This style is also called a performance in miniature.

Kathak - Connects the traditions of the Hindu temple and the Muslim court. It is characterized by the natural movements of bodies in combination with complex elements. The main characteristic is the rich gestural language, enhanced by expressive facial expressions and the play of the eyes.

West Hall

HipHop, R" n" B

Recently, hip-hop culture has been re-emerging in clubs. Almost all clubs have hip-hop and R'n'b parties. Hip-Hop is performed in a special soft manner, an integral part of the dance - facial expressions and gestures.

Clubdance(club dance)

Includes very varied and sharp hand movements. Performed to modern club music at a high tempo. Club dance is aimed at strengthening all muscles and cardio training. One of the most popular classes, has many directions and is very diverse in movements.

Latin American dances

The class includes a modern approach to learning and subsequent performance of those elements of Latin American dance that are able to blow up the dance floor with their energy and virtuosity.


This style of stage dance was created at the beginning of the 20th century, as opposed to ballet. It doesn't mean he's old fashioned. On the contrary, modern dance is constantly evolving. Here, the vast experience of the past is very harmoniously combined with new and unexpected ideas. Dancing in this technique, people not only illustrate the music (in response to its changes, character, etc.), but also put their soul into the dance, their attitude towards themselves and the environment around us. The main jazz trends are: modern jazz, musical jazz and afro-jazz.


African ethnic dances are the most lively and independent. This class is a mixture of elements of club dance and ethnic ritual African dance to the rhythms of ethnic drums. This is a real surge of emotions and energy.

ballroom dancing

Ballroom dance is one of the most spectacular, elegant and romantic sports, where the dance turns into a kind of theatrical performance, where a beautiful costume emphasizes the character and image of the dancers, where the synthesis of music and refined, plastic movements is more of an art than a sport.


Capoeira begins when the technique stops and the Game appears. The players form a circle called Roda and symbolizes the sun. Two people go to the center and begin to perform a mysterious dance. This dance is like a fight, but sometimes it is a fight like a dance. Roda is accompanied by music, which is an integral part of Capoeira. Captivating Latin American and African rhythms help build morale and improve concentration. Capoeira is characterized by low stances, sidesteps, dives, frequent changes of position and completely unpredictable direction of attacks. The technique of Capoeira is full of complex acrobatic elements. Players are required to develop the ability to listen to themselves, the opponent, the rhythm and master the space.


Break is a fusion of dance, sports and extreme sports. The lower (athletic) break is more complex from a physical point of view: various strength exercises, twists on the back, arms, and head require some preparation. The top break is based on isolation, i.e. the dancer must be able to separately control each muscle of his body.


A class that combines several dance styles. During the lesson, up to 4 directions can change, ranging from flamenco to oriental or club dance. The class is aimed at expanding the horizons of the client, it is diverse and suitable for those who do not like to be bored and do not have certain preferences in dance directions.

Individual training

The Center provides time for personal training, the client can choose the direction of dance he likes, martial arts or fitness and, by prior arrangement with the instructor, use this service at a convenient time.

massage room

      general massage, toning

      relaxing massage


      Horizontal, double-sided solarium, cosmetics

tea room
(decorated in oriental style with small tables and cushions)

      varieties of green, black and red tea

      herbal, fruit, etc. teas

      easel, paints

Theatre, competitions

(for teenage and children's groups organization of monthly visits to theaters, exhibitions, competitions, etc.)

The center is aimed at active, young people who will visit the center not only to attend training, but also to meet their friends, chat in their free time and at the same time keep fit. To do this, in addition to basic services, the center will have club elements that create a friendly atmosphere. Such as: an easel with paints in the tea room, where everyone can draw whatever they want, the works will hang in the club, and friendly auctions among customers will be arranged for the best ones. Parties will be organized where the best dancers of the center, teachers and coaches will perform. The modern dance and fitness center "Amsterdam Fitness" is aimed at the middle class. There is a flexible system of discounts for non-commercial time and for students, as well as a subscription system, including family, children's and corporate subscriptions.

CHAPTER 3. Development and evaluation of the marketing strategy for the fitness center "Amsterdam Fitness"

3.1 Competitive analysis

Table 4 shows the general characteristics of competitors located directly in the area where the Amsterdam fitness center is located.

Table 4Main competitors


Evaluation based on customer reviews 7

Expert evaluation 8

Summary score


Weak sides

"Start 7"

Gym, aerobics, yoga, dancing, sports for children, massage room, solarium, karaoke cafe.

Availability of a gym. A wide range of services. Friendly atmosphere

Lack of martial arts and professional training.


Swimming pool, gym, aerobics

Gym, pool available. Relatively low prices for a middle-class club, given the presence of a pool.

Lack of professional training by class. Lack of martial arts hall. Poor condition of equipment, showers and changing rooms.

"Before and after 40"

Aerobics, gym, sauna.

Gym and sauna available. Good location.

Lack of dance classes, martial arts and professional training for all of the above classes.

Maximum Dance– dance school (R’n’B Hip-hop, Club Dance)

Wide network in Moscow, popularity and popularity of the club, low prices, professional dance training, location

Lack of showers, poor equipment of the halls. Lack of other services besides dancing.

Club "Mango"

Aerobics, gym, dancing, cafe, karaoke bar, solarium, beauty salon.

Good location (Novoslobodskaya metro station), a wide range of services, professional dance training, friendly atmosphere in the club. Permanent clientele.

Lack of a wide range of martial arts.

On Fig. 3.1 The competitors listed above are located depending on the quality of the services provided, which is based on a summary assessment of the club by experts and customers, and the range and variety of services provided in them. Fitness center "Amsterdam Fitness", based on the assumption that the quality of the services provided is high and the level of training is professional, and the range of services is wide, is on a par with the leader among competitors in terms of quality, and is inferior in terms of the set and variety of services due to the lack of a gym and a swimming pool , but retains 3rd place in terms of services offered.

Service quality

Set and variety of servicesG


2 -1 0 1 2

Fig. 3.1 Positioning of the fitness center "Amsterdam fitness" in the market of fitness services.

Table 5 presents a SWOT analysis, which presents and analyzes the opportunities and threats from the market for the company, reflects the strengths and weaknesses in comparison with competitors. Having established links between them, the organization's strategies for each combination are developed and formed.

Table5 . SWOT- analysis


      Growing popularity of dance and sports among the population

      Entering a new market segment


      Possibility of emergence of new competitors providing similar services

      Decreased interest of the population in the services provided, due to the growing popularity of substitute services (swimming pool, aerobics, other sports)


      The novelty of the idea combined with a well-mastered principle of implementation

      Qualified coaching staff

      Cost advantages

Market development strategy:

      Conquest of a new market segment and strengthening on it

      Opening of a network of centers of the same name in Moscow and the nearest suburbs

Product development strategy:

      Development of new ideas and technologies ahead of competitors

Weak sides:

      Lack of qualified management personnel

      Lack of experience in organizing a business in this area

Market Strengthening Strategy:

      Effective pricing policy

Cost Reduction Strategy:

      Reducing the range of services and personnel

3.2 Development of a strategy for the fitness center "Amsterdam Fitness"

Sales strategy development

Preliminary studies have shown that the demand for fitness services and dance is subject to seasonal fluctuations. The boom comes in the spring before the summer holidays when everyone is trying to get back in shape. Also, before the New Year holidays, starting from mid-autumn, demand increases. In the middle of summer the halls are usually empty. Figure 3.2 shows a graph of sales volume depending on seasonality based on research conducted on the example of several fitness centers in Moscow:

Rice. 3.2 Sales seasonality chart»

The maximum capacity of the club is 462 people / day (the capacity of each hall is 23 people at the rate of 1.8 m 2 for each and the instructor 2m 2), plus a solarium at the rate that every 20 minutes. clients will come during the whole working day (14 hours) and massage on the basis that every hour the service will be in demand. From here, you can calculate the maximum number of season tickets purchased per month, based on the fact that, according to preliminary studies, different groups of customers tend to visit clubs, adhering to the following schedule options: Mon, Wed, Fri and Tue, Thu, Sat. Then 462*2=924 subscriptions, taking into account the 20% adjustment for those who visit the center daily or on a different schedule and that the demand for morning and afternoon classes is much less than 924-924*20%=739 - the maximum number of subscriptions purchased per month.

In the project fitness center, taking into account the general trend of sales seasonality and the period of promotion of the enterprise, it can be assumed that the sales volume for the first year will have the following form (see Fig. 3.3):

"Rice. 3 3 .Volume of sales»

Commodity strategy is described in clause 2.3

Pricing strategy. The average prices of clubs and studios providing similar services and oriented to the middle class are taken as the basis for setting prices for the services of the center.

To attract more customers, a system of discounts and a subscription system has been introduced (see Table 6).

Table 6Pricing strategy


Cost, rub

Cost, $

Subscription price (unlimited access to any classes in the center + solarium 1x/week or massage 1x/week)

3500 rubles/month

Subscription for children (teenagers) groups (unlimited visits to classes in the center + visits to the theater, exhibitions, competitions, etc., organized by the administration of the center 1 time / month)

2500 rubles/month

Semi-annual subscription price (-»-)

Annual subscription price (-»-)

First visit

Massage, single visit

Massage subscription price (10 times a month)

6 rub/min

Tea room service

for free

Corporate offer ( semiannual price subscription for 10 people: unlimited visits to classes in the center + solarium 1 time / week. or massage1time/week)*

Corporate offer ( annual subscription price for 10 people: unlimited access to classes in the center + solarium 1 time / week. or massage1time/week)*

Summer subscriptions (unlimited access to the center for 3 summer months)


* If more than 10 people discount for each additional client (for a corporate offer)

2% for all subscriptions

Discounts for non-commercial time from 9.00 to 17.00 weekdays

20% for all subscriptions

Family pass discounts

20% for all subscriptions

Discounts for students and pupils

20% for all subscriptions

Communication strategy.

Table 7. Description of the communication strategy

Type of promotion


Cost, $




2 times per year

$2300/week + manufactured

1 time in six months of the existence of the center. -1 time per year starting from the 2nd year of the center's operation

The list of services and the system of subscription offers is extensive, in order to describe the services provided in more detail and attract residents of nearby areas, the cheapest and most rational way is direct mail. To increase the effectiveness of DM, each envelope will include a coupon for a three-day free visit to the club at any time during the week from the moment the club opens, so that the client can decide on the direction and time of visit that is suitable for him, as well as evaluate the level of services provided.

1 time per year

20 thousand copy. at 500 points / week = $ 1920

They are located in cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, entertainment centers, sports clubs and cinemas, which are mainly visited by representatives of our target segment (active middle-aged people and young people with an income of 1500 USD per family member). The promotion is held in February. in bad weather, people prefer to relax in the above establishments, but the active season, which begins in March, is already close.


Relatively inexpensive and effective source of information about the center, services, clients, etc.


A low-cost advertising option that allows you to reach a larger number of customers and stakeholders. You can register both on thematic, rating sites, and agree on mutual banners with business partners.

Publications in magazines (Shape, Fitness, Men's health…..)


Articles with advice on healthy eating, new, fashionable trends and trends in dance and fitness. PR

Annual organization of master classes in cooperation with other clubs.

1 time per year (September)

Public attention action. The opportunity to get acquainted and try all the services provided by the modern dance and fitness center for free

Organization of club parties and show programs

For every significant, mass holiday

Creating a name for the center and increasing the attractiveness and popularity among people professionally fond of dancing, sports and fitness. The club is rented, tickets are sold among clients and other interested parties, guests and artists from outside are invited, teachers of the center perform.

3.3 Evaluating the effectiveness of a marketing strategy


Amount, rub.

Sales in Q4 2007 before promotional activities

Monthly sales volume

1 857 160/3=619 053

Sales growth in the first 3 months (in %)

The economic effect of the conducted marketing costs for 3 months.

3x61 9053 x10%=185715

Growth in sales over the next 5 months (in %)

The economic effect of the conducted marketing costs for 5 months.

5 x680958x7% = 238335

Sales growth over the last 4 months (in %)

The economic effect of the conducted marketing costs for 4 months.

4 x728625x4% = 116580


Thus, the economic effect of the proposed measures is 540,630 rubles. in a year

Evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing strategy.


In recent years, along with the increasing role of marketing, the role of marketing strategies has increased. These two concepts have now become inseparable, as modern marketing requires much more than creating a product that satisfies the customer's needs, pricing it appropriately, and making it available to target consumers. Firms need to communicate with their customers, inform about their products, make their purchase profitable.

Currently, the service sector is becoming increasingly important in the Russian economy. The importance of services is determined not only by their contribution to job creation, but also by the fact that many activities that do not have independent value for end-customers are essentially services that are consumed by intermediate buyers such as departments and divisions of the organization.

The special characteristics of services and their differences from goods require additional knowledge, their marketing, marketing communications.

In the field of sports services, in addition to traditional solutions (setting a price for a service, thinking over distribution channels and informing consumers about the availability of such a service on the market), a consumer service process is being developed; staff is motivated for quality service; a material environment is created where the service process will take place. Accordingly, when developing a marketing strategy, it is necessary to inform consumers about how the product of a fitness center (service process; personnel involved in the service; service environment) differs from similar products of competitors. This is the specificity of developing a communication strategy in service marketing.

The fitness center must have a continuous communication link with existing and potential customers. Therefore, each fitness center inevitably begins to play the role of a source of communication and a generator of all means of promoting information about services to the markets.

Modern sports organizations manage a complex system of marketing communications. The firm has a communication relationship with its intermediaries, consumers and various members of the public.

The most effective type of marketing communications in the provision of services by sports organizations, in our opinion, is public opinion formation. Sometimes, the funds invested in advertising do not justify themselves, unlike PR. Public opinion formation events are not only a more accessible tool, but also form a reliable image of the company in the eyes of the consumer, which is more important in this market situation. Most of the leaders of small fitness centers believe that PR is beyond their power, and therefore they remain small, while other entrepreneurs use communication tools in an integrated manner and continue to increase their market share.

Thus, in this paper, the theoretical aspects of marketing strategies were studied, a marketing strategy for the Amsterdam fitness center was developed, the costs of developing a marketing strategy were calculated, and a method for calculating the effectiveness of the marketing strategy of the Amsterdam fitness center was presented.


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Rules for visiting the fitness center "Amsterdam Fitness"

        The doors of the Center are open for you every day, except January 1st. We are waiting for you from 9:00 to 00:00 on weekdays and from 9:00 to 23:00 on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. You may use the premises and equipment only during the opening hours of the Center.

        Your subscription is a pass to the Center. Submit it to the reception. If you don't have a card, please show your ID and leave a deposit for the key. Keys to the closet and towels are issued in exchange for a club card (subscription). In case of loss of the club card, key, wardrobe number or towel, the established penalty will be charged.

        Payment for services is accepted in cash and non-cash form in rubles, by credit cards or in the form of a deposit.

        Payment for services can be made only at the cash desk of the Center.

        The cost of additional services, as well as their content and duration can be changed at the discretion of the Center administration.

        For members of the Center, additional services are offered for a fee: personal training, massage, solarium and others. To use them, you must agree on the time with the instructor, sign up at the reception and make a payment. You can cancel or reschedule the booked service at least 12 hours in advance. In this case, the deposited amount remains on your club account.

        For training at the Center, you must change into sportswear and sneakers, as well as follow the rules of general and personal hygiene.

        We ask you to maintain cleanliness in all areas of the Center. It is not allowed to walk around the Center in outerwear and street shoes. The administration has the right not to allow training in street shoes or without sports shoes.

        After the end of training, it is necessary to return the used equipment to specially designated places. The Center's clients are financially responsible for the loss or damage to the inventory and equipment used.

        Group classes are held according to the schedule, which can be changed by the administration of the Center. Please come to class without delay. Rules for attending group classes are specified additionally in the schedule.

        During club events, the training area may be limited.

        Clients of the Center can use the services of instructors of the Center only. Club members are not allowed to conduct personal training.

        Filming and photography in the Center without a special agreement with the administration is not allowed.

        Independent use of musical and other equipment of the Center is not allowed.

        All Center premises are non-smoking areas. It is also not allowed to be drunk in the Center and eat in places intended for training, in recreation areas and locker rooms.

        When visiting the Center, do not leave personal belongings and clothing unattended. Use lockers in locker rooms for storage. There are special safes for storing valuables. The administration is not responsible for lost or left unattended things.

        The Center is not responsible for technical inconveniences associated with seasonal preventive and repair and construction works.

        The Center is responsible for harm caused to the health of the Center's clients during the provision of sports and recreation services.

        The Center is not liable if such damage is caused as a result of unlawful actions of the third type, if the cause of harm to health was a gross violation of the rules for using the Center's equipment, safety regulations.

        The Center is not responsible for damages related to the deterioration of health if the client's health status has deteriorated as a result of an acute illness, exacerbation of an injury or a chronic illness that the client had prior to the visit.

        In case of violation of the Rules of the Center, the administration reserves the right to review the validity period of your subscription.

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