Accounting in cafes 1.0 2.16. Programs for restaurants

On Habré, the topic of automating the restaurant business is not covered very actively. Meanwhile, this is quite an interesting market with a large number of players who develop and sell a variety of products.

In today's material, your attention is 24 tools for automating the restaurant business. In preparing the review, I also tried to evaluate the quality of the company's support services and the speed of response to requests from potential customers, information about this is also presented in the article.

System names are clickable

As a front office, you can use the local development of the same company called POSitive .

System "Expert"

A comprehensive turnkey solution includes a trading floor module, a managerial part, a reporting service, costing and warehouse modules. It was not possible to wait for the operator's answer immediately, but they answer in detail and to the point.

type of instalation: local

Price: 219000 rubles

Bit. Appetite

The company provides institutions with a range of services for the selection of software for automation (including its own production), its implementation (along with equipment) and support. The number of clients is more than 2,500 establishments in Russia and the CIS (including well-known chains like Yakitoria and Coffee House).

Own developments based on 1C in terms of embedded business processes are quite noticeably behind competing and more modern solutions. Technical support by phone, more complex questions on costing - only by mail.

type of instalation: local

Price: complex automation of the restaurant from 250000

simple dining room

A program that can be customized for a specific type of institution. It allows you to control the receipt of products, keep track of dishes, track stock balances, and so on.

Contrary to the name, installation and operation with it is not so easy. The degree of "simplicity" of interaction is best illustrated by the scheme of support work: in order for a user's problem to be considered, he needs to shoot a video of the problem, take a screenshot and backup the database.

type of instalation: local

Price: 3000 rub.


The program allows you to log all the actions of the staff of the institution, access to the reports can be obtained via the Internet, the development company also trains the staff. Support is only by phone and not particularly prompt.

type of instalation: local

Price: 45000 rubles

For rest

A convenient program that allows you to create orders, accept payments, arrange the seating of the hall, provide customers with discounts and view reports.

There are some disadvantages of the interface (for example, the price for a dish is not displayed in the invoice), but they are not critical.

Phone support only, many regional branches. Top speed.

type of instalation: local

Price: 21000 rub.


The system allows waiters to work through a stationary or mobile touch tablet or a regular computer. Stock balances are accounted for in warehouses, products are written off in real time, working hours are recorded, time and fines are recorded. Management can view reports remotely. It does not require internet to work.

Judging by the data on the website, more than 50 establishments are currently clients of the Ukrainian project.

type of instalation: local

Price: basic kit ~$530


In this review, we have considered a significant number of various tools and services, but, of course, there are many more of them, and many projects were not included in the article. Share links to interesting automation tools in the comments, and maybe in the future there will be material for another article.

Thank you for your attention!


  • automation
  • catering business
  • IT infrastructure
  • business infrastructure
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BarMaster is a bar counter software. It allows you to take an order from the client, print it in the kitchen, issue an invoice to the client, and accept payment. Data on orders accepted for a shift can be uploaded to 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8, if the “Cafe-8” block is installed in it, and automatically posted by calculation cards.

Plan of the cafe
- Discount cards with cumulative discount system
- Several printers in the kitchen
- Work with the fiscal registrar
- Printing to multiple devices at the same time
- Work with a scanner connected to the keyboard gap
- Interface adapted to the touch screen

And much more

Bar Master is successfully used in the network of pizzerias "Yaponika" and "Milano"

  • Automates the work of the bartender and the waiter at the bar counter
  • Allows you to work with multiple menus
  • Allows you to take orders from tables
  • Allows you to work with two printers: in the kitchen, for printing an order and at the bar counter, for printing an invoice and a receipt for a client
  • Allows you to make additional orders in one check several times, at different times
  • Organizes personal accounting for waiters
  • Adapted to work on the touch screen
  • Allows you to add photos of dishes
  • Supports xml data exchange
  • Works as a standalone program
  • Allows you to analyze the work of waiters
  • Allows you to analyze the profit and cleanliness of ordering dishes
  • Supports data exchange with "Cafe-8", where the accepted orders are automatically posted on the calculation cards, with the write-off of ingredients...

The program was developed directly with the participation and sponsorship of the Moscow restaurant "Kremlin", where it is successfully used. You can see BarMaster at work by visiting this wonderful restaurant.

Club-restaurant KREMLIN is a good place for good people. Here the atmosphere is made up of the emotions of our guests. Nice music, art, creativity. No show off. No glamour. Excellent cuisine, friendly staff and the atmosphere of an old Moscow apartment building will make your stay unforgettable and relaxing.

Printer in the kitchen.

The program allows you to work with two independent printers: on the bar and in the kitchen. If a kitchen printer is selected, the order will be printed on that printer when an order is received. The printer must be in the kitchen. This option makes sense where dishes on accepted orders are prepared.

Print a receipt to the customer upon delivery of the order.

When this option is enabled, the customer will receive a proforma invoice upon delivery of the order. The invoice is printed at the bar counter.

Use pictures in the menu

It's no secret that the sight of deliciously prepared meals can encourage customers to order more. The program supports work in the electronic menu mode. In this mode, the client can not only skim through the menu lines, but his appetite will be warmed up by bright photos. Photos will be displayed in the order form, when working with a client, when viewing the menu.

One touch of the screen photos can be enlarged.

Operate with touch screen

The software is designed to be used on the touch screen. Give your cafe a modern look. Clients will always appreciate it.

Orders are easy

What if the client doesn't want to leave? The program supports the re-order mode by table. The ordered dishes will be collected in one invoice, even if the client stays with you for a long time and makes new orders after some time. As a result, he will receive one, not several accounts.

Personal accounting for waiters

The program allows you to keep personal records of the waiters. By assigning individual passwords to waiters, at the end of the month you will get a complete picture of who and how works in your cafe.

Management reports

In the program, you can get data on the work of waiters for the period. This will encourage those waiters who took more orders. The program also allows you to get statistics on dishes that bring more profit or are ordered more often.

Data exchange with accounting software

BarMaster supports collaboration with 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8, if the "Cafe-8" block from O-Planet is integrated into it.

Using the "Cafe-8" program, you get a fully automated accounting in public catering: accepted orders will be automatically posted on costing cards, the accounting department will receive a report on expenses, and the manager and manager will receive management data.

The program is equipped with detailed and understandable instructions.

Published demo version for 1C:Enterprise 8.2, version not lower than 2.14.519

We wish you success in your business!

Establishments that do not use automation are becoming rarer and rarer. The question of whether to automate the restaurant or not is no longer relevant, it is being discussed which system to install and why.

“Those who work the old fashioned way are almost gone even in the regions,” says Konstantin Popadyuk, CEO of MENUFORYOU. “According to consulting agencies, almost all restaurants are connected to cash register systems such as R-Keeper, iiko and Tillypad.”

A consulting company can become a good assistant, which will select a solution taking into account the whole range of needs and niches in which you can develop a business


Denis Pashchenko, CEO of MANQRO RUS, identifies three waves of automation that have formed along with the development of the industry and information technology.

The first refers to the early 90s - this is the automation of accounting, warehouse, inventory management and other general business functions. The undisputed leader is 1C.

The second, from the mid-90s, is POS systems, integration with receipt printers, kitchen management, sales, product balances, that is, the direct functions of the restaurant business. The leaders are UCS (R-Keeper) and iiko, each with approximately 40% of the market.

The third wave of automation continues to this day - it is the automation of direct customer service: order acceptance, loyalty programs, marketing, delivery, etc. Both experienced UCS and iiko, as well as new companies - Plazius, "Loyalty Factories" have solutions.

Capitals and million-plus cities are going through the third wave - accounting and POS systems are automated in all restaurants operating legally. The third wave has not yet covered the regions, but there is a demand for modern solutions, as well as an understanding that consumer expectations are growing.

In Russia, UCS (R-Keeper) and iiko are considered absolute leaders in the POS segment

There are no fundamental differences in the first two waves - the functions and their set are standardized, but there are nuances, such as the level of prices and technical support (opinions differ, but in general it is believed that the smaller the company, the better the service). Solutions of the third wave of automation are very different from each other - there are no clear leaders and standards, there are serious differences in functionality. The exact set of solutions must be chosen carefully; one of the functions, as a rule, is the leading one, the rest complement it and increase the scale of the implemented innovations.


Automation in HoReCa can be divided into several areas: cash registers, KDS (Kitchen Display System) systems, booking services, customer acquisition, loyalty and retention, and ordering services, says Konstantin Popadyuk. They, in turn, are further divided into three categories:

In-house - for everything that is inside a restaurant, cafe or hotel;

Outdoor - works "outside". These include SaaS solutions (Software as a Service - software as a service) and guest acquisition services;

You can automate anything: taking orders, entering orders at the cashier, sending orders to the kitchen, printing pre-checks, generating financial reports, quality control of waiter service. Some of the programs on the market are narrowly focused, but the line is blurred, because it is beneficial for service providers to satisfy all the needs of the customer - they try to sell a comprehensive solution, rather than a separate product.

The set of modules of the automation program is not limited only by the proposed solution of the supplier. “In practice, it is often necessary to individually develop or refine specific solutions for specific customer tasks,” explains Konstantin Popadyuk. ‒ The more experience and competence a supplier has, the more additional modules he offers. For example, in our company, in addition to the flagship product “Menu on a tablet”, integration modules-designers have appeared that complement automation solutions - for example, karaoke, a banquet module, a module for monitoring and increasing sales for waiters (“Targets / Target”), a personal account of a restaurateur, a module waiter and manager's mobile terminal.

Ten years ago, it was enough to automate sales and inventory accounting in a restaurant, but now more and more restaurateurs use systems very actively: they update programs, master new functions, use advanced financial planning and analytics tools, set up motivational programs for staff and optimize purchases, install mobile applications to control the business.

Mobile "waiter's notebook" allows you to significantly increase the speed of serving guests and reduce the burden on staff

The functions needed by the restaurant are listed using the example of VietCafe Alexander Zolotarev, Network Director for Business Support and Financial Reporting:

Identification of personnel by magnetic cards;
automated order entry and saving;
addition of a previously entered order;
transmission of special notices to the kitchen or base (for example, “cook later”, “with ice”, etc.);
transferring the order to another waiter or changing the table (for example, guests were sitting at the bar and then moved to the hall);
choice of payment type (cash or card);
providing discounts, bonuses;
printing orders on remote printing devices (kitchen, bar, etc.);
printing of provisional invoices for guests;
division, consolidation of the account;
printing of a fiscal receipt (regardless of the cash register used);
removal of final and current reports on turnover (general, on waiters, cashiers, stations);
removal of final and current reports on the sale of dishes (general or divided into categories);
removal of special reports (on the provided discounts, balance, hourly turnover, etc.);
closing of the working day;
x-report, deposit/withdrawal of money, periodic fiscal reports;
transferring food orders from one table to another;
generation of reports on sales amounts by personnel and other criteria;
control of the movement of goods;
control of the situation in the restaurant hall;
speed of work of bartenders and waiters and ease of serving guests;
reliable protection against machinations of personnel.

System selection

The automation system should have a convenient interface for integration with third-party products, a kind of "socket" in which you can plug in a new application, and it will work as a full-fledged part of the system - it can be a mobile application for guests or employees, a tool for remote control over the establishment , a widget for receiving orders for delivery and much more.

The choice of the program and the necessary functions is influenced by the scale of the institution, says Denis Pashchenko: “A small business with 15-30 seats in general can only put a POS system on a tablet and not automate warehouse and marketing. Additional services often require their own automation systems, which do not always successfully integrate with POS systems. Smaller restaurants also often forgo tech support and manage on their own.”

Konstantin Popadyuk believes that it is not the scale itself that is important, but rather the format of the institution and the method of providing these services to consumers: “It is a set of specific tasks for improving the quality of service, optimizing and increasing profitability that determines specific software solutions for this institution. For example, in a small cafe, the "Electronic menu" and "Mobile waiter terminals" are likely to be in demand, and in a large banquet restaurant, where all orders for events are accepted in advance, the "Banquet Menu", in which it is convenient to choose dishes and agree on all the details of the upcoming events.

Important factors when choosing an automation program Alexander Zolotarev thinks:

Efficiency of data processing;
comprehensive service;
ease of use in the system;
technical support;
professionalism of the supplier;
the ability to work remotely;
system openness;
data exchange and synchronization;
complex system;
question price.

A mobile application for couriers, such as iikoDeliveryman, controls every step of order fulfillment

As far as payment for automation is concerned - Konstantin Popadyuk considers the SaaS business model to be the most demanded: “The main advantage for the consumer is the absence of costs for installing, updating and maintaining equipment and software, the restaurant pays only for monthly software maintenance. Another significant plus is that the cost does not depend on the number of devices on which the restaurant plans to install the software.”

A consulting company can become a good assistant, which will select a solution taking into account the entire range of needs and niches in which business can be developed.

Procurement automation

Modern electronic trading platforms (ETPs) allow you to fully automate purchases - from planning and direct execution to reporting and analytics on past auctions.

Russian restaurateurs are only on the way to mastering them, says Andrey Boyko, commercial director of the universal platform for corporate e-commerce B2B-Center. He explains this by the peculiarities of the market: “The restaurant business is more of a creative process, when the chef independently chooses suppliers and the necessary goods. ETP is used by large energy and industrial companies, the main task of which is to ensure an uninterrupted production process; it's more of a conveyor rather than piece purchases. Therefore, automation of purchases using the ETP is more suitable for large establishments and restaurant chains that order standard goods in large volumes - uniforms for employees, computer and office equipment, food products. They want to buy cheaper and on better terms, so they provide a high level of competition for potential suppliers through publicity and openness of bidding. B2B-Center was actually the first to work with restaurant customers. Now purchases in electronic form are carried out by Burger King and "Shokoladnitsa"; We are working with several more networks.

“ETP makes it possible to conduct purchases for the conclusion of long-term contracts. For example, choose the best offer from a meat supplier, conclude a contract with him for a year, and a year later, carry out the procedure again, - gives an example Andrey Boyko. “This will help ensure the uninterrupted supply of necessary products and keep your traditional suppliers in good shape.”


Systems become interactive and intelligent; the restaurateur turns to them not only for the necessary data. Thus, iiko will soon begin to analyze sales statistics for previous periods and create a forecast for the near future, taking into account current and planned events and circumstances; based on this forecast, automatically calculate the procurement plan, production plan and the need for certain employees. That is, the system will inform the restaurateur that by this Friday they need to buy these products (at the same time, the electronic invoice has already been generated and is waiting to be sent to the supplier), for tomorrow you need to defrost this, and here is the optimized schedule of employees, taking into account the load during the day . In addition, it will automatically analyze the situation in the restaurant, track dangerous operations and deviations from planned indicators, and notify the manager via smartphone.

Another important direction is the development of cloud technologies. This is convenient: I connected to a cloud server, downloaded the cash register module to inexpensive tablets, and the back office - to a laptop, and you can work. No need to buy and maintain an expensive server; data is always available from anywhere in the world. In addition, the cloud solution does not require a large initial investment.

“The only thing that has not yet been automated is human communication with guests, an integral element of the service,” says Konstantin Popadyuk. ‒ However, in some American, European and Japanese restaurants there is no staff, and all orders are taken from the electronic menu on the tablet; food is delivered on a conveyor belt. Whether it will be successful, time will tell.”

Konstantin Popadyuk,


A good automation solution is a tool that benefits the establishment from the first days of installation: it automatically registers guests’ orders at the checkout and in the kitchen, increases the average bill due to additional sales at the time of order, saves service time by monitoring the readiness of dishes in the kitchen, and much more .

Denis Pashchenko,

General Director of MANQRO RUS

There is no single automation program that takes into account all the needs of a restaurant's business activities, marketing management, etc. The modules in R-Keeper and iiko look the most impressive, but even they cannot cover everything completely. Additional opportunities for process optimization are created by players of the third wave of automation.

Andrey Boyko,

commercial director of B2B-Center

The larger the company and its purchasing costs, the more carefully these costs need to be controlled. Therefore, large restaurants and chains will receive the greatest effect from procurement automation.
Choose a large ETP, which is already used by many customers from different industries and, accordingly, suppliers. This will provide an economic effect due to the high competition in your purchases.

Pay attention to the reputation of the site. An independent ETP will ensure procurement transparency and availability for all potential suppliers. Equally important are the convenience and functionality of the system.

Alexander Zolotarev,

director of business support and financial reporting of the VietCafe chain

Our network uses R-Keeper, one of the most widely used automation systems. In general, it is convenient to work with it, but each program has its pros and cons, any program can fail - this, unfortunately, cannot be avoided. In such situations, the competence of the employees serving the system plays an important role. Many issues have to be resolved on their own, as technical support does not always cope.

"Cafe-8"- multifunctional software for accounting and production accounting in restaurants, bars, cafes and other catering establishments. A feature of the entire line of programs "Cafe" is their compatibility with the 1C program, because they are built on the basis of its configurations. This is an indisputable plus, because. Most accountants are familiar and understand the 1C software environment. Your employees who have already worked with 1C will not have to retrain, so there will be no failures and downtime in their work.

The program interface is designed according to the principle "Everything is at hand", the program is convenient to use, and its development takes the user no more than 5-10 minutes.

The Cafe8 program provides the following possibilities:

  • automatic filling of calculation cards of dishes;
  • release of products on the basis of specified cost estimates;
  • automatic write-off of materials for manufactured products;
  • automatic filling of documents for the sale of finished products;
  • automatic accounting of component welding;

The program implements printing of registers of production output, consumption of materials, printing of menus and intake sheets.

Concerning accounting support, then the program allows:

  • maintain separate production and accounting records of material consumption;
  • carry out group processing of cost estimates;
  • the program is guaranteed to be updated to new 1C releases;
  • compatible with quarterly reporting issued by 1C;

All menus, documents and reports of typical configuration are saved without changes, the program provides all the necessary list of production reports.

The program allows you to fully automate accounting in your restaurant, cafe or bar. If now you only roughly know what the amount of your expenses and incomes are, then " Cafe-8" allows you to make accounting 100% accurate. A dishonest cook will not have a single chance not to add food to the dish, all his actions can be controlled by calculation cards.

The Cafe-8 program is ideal for any catering establishment, and for the most advanced and modern cafes, the possibility of using the electronic menu. To do this, you need to install a touch panel with a menu in the hall so that orders come directly to the program, and then from the computer to the kitchen or behind the bar.

The electronic menu module in the program is sure to decorate your room, give a modern look to the interior of the room.

You don't even know how many times electronic menu will help you increase sales. You will not only save the speed of collecting orders, but also attract customers with images of mouth-watering and beautiful dishes, the better the photos of beautifully decorated dishes, the more often customers will order them.

Convince yourself of the postulate that good automation always pays off quickly.


Contact e-mail address:

Automation of public and work processes is increasing every day. Public catering establishments do not stand aside either, this is especially noticeable when looking at the work of actively growing private fast food chains and canteens of large enterprises.

The specifics of production and a sufficient amount of funds allocated for the rationalization of the work of personnel are decisive in the idea of ​​reducing the loss of staff working time and achieving high standards of customer service.

Why automation is needed

Automation of any of the establishments, be it a canteen or, will help solve several age-old catering problems:

  • facilitating the work of staff;
  • minimizing the number of errors in the transfer of orders;
  • suppression of most staff abuses;
  • accurate recording of all balances in the bar, kitchen and warehouses in real time without constant revisions;
  • obtaining complete recorded information for managing the institution and correcting its personnel and pricing policy;
  • coordinating the work of each member of the team.

But the most important condition for both canteens (school and factory) and fast food establishments is the speed of customer service, because it is on this value that the throughput, and ultimately the company's profit, depends.

In the case of canteens, this is also a high-quality and error-free system for working with food stamps, calculating the necessary subsidies and special meals. Naturally, a huge responsibility falls on the shoulders of the accounting department, and who, if not for her, is most beneficial for the automation of production.

Features of automation in the use of technology and software equipment

Full-fledged complex automation cannot be imagined without a wide range of electronic trading equipment, such as:

  • service print printers - reliable mini-printers designed for instant printing of receipts and orders;
  • fiscal registrars designed to issue checks with extended information;
    programmable keyboards with high functionality, containing up to 70 characters;
    touch screens;
  • barcode and magnetic card readers;
  • customer displays;
  • mobile terminals based on Pocket PC.

Extended terminal - a cashier's workplace in canteens and fast food establishments consists of up to five modules (a cashier's monitor, a specialized keyboard with a magnetic card reader, a fiscal registrar and a cash drawer) connected to a common system, the center of which is system unit.

Programs for automating catering establishments

Efficient service, loyal customers, motivated staff, cost optimization - this and much more you get by installing the Avers system.

Poster is an effective solution for cafes, restaurants, pubs and fast food establishments. It is easy and pleasant to work with this application, and the training will take only 15 minutes!

Do you want to prepare tax and accounting reports of a restaurant in one program and simplify these processes as much as possible? Install a program designed just for this! Come visit us and we'll give you a name.

Looking for a modern and affordable system to automate your restaurant, but without success? Don't despair, we can help!

Do you want to improve and automate the work of your restaurant as much as possible, but are you lost in the variety of programs and utilities? Visit our website, we will help you make the right choice

Automation of processes in catering establishments

Although it seems to many aspiring restaurateurs that a nice smile of a waitress and a notepad in her hands are enough for the spectacular work of their establishment, in fact this is a cruel delusion that costs many of their burned-out business. Modern establishments are aimed at getting a result - big profits and use a variety of methods for this: excellent cozy design, quality cuisine, delicious menu, extensive advertising, well-trained and sociable waiters and, of course, the most modern means to link it all together. . It is this function that carries the full automation of the process of communication with the client and the employees of the institution.

Technique in the work of a waiter allows you to:

  • create a complete grid of orders for all tables, taking into account each individual guest - this means that not a single dish will confuse its owner;
  • regroup guests - distribute tables with a smile, without running after other waiters with clarifications;
  • automatically transfer orders to the bar and kitchen - no more forgotten dishes and lost leaflets;
  • track the time of order execution - to have an instant answer to any question of the client, without wasting time on going to the kitchen and back;
  • print a preliminary and final invoice and, of course, a fiscal receipt;
  • control several halls and the bar counter with a smaller number of waiters, since reducing trips with orders to the kitchen or for a check to the bar will save time and energy;
  • keep a record of hourly services (sauna, bowling) in accordance with their tariffs.

Technique in the work of the administrator is:

  • automatic accounting of balances and expenses on technological maps in real time, which will help to avoid the problem of suddenly running out of products;
  • simplification of work with suppliers on orders and settlements;
  • accounting for revenue with an instant deduction of all necessary expenses;
  • discount policy calculation;
  • full display of the current situation in the restaurant with a table report, current revenue, order cancellations;
  • formation of daily and weekly reports for accounting and their translation, if necessary, into 1C with subsequent printing.

Difficulties in implementing automation

Oddly enough, the difficulties in introducing new methods of work do not lie in technical aspects, but in human inertia.

From the leader's point of view:

  • unpreparedness for new changes or a desire to introduce the system by half, avoiding large expenses;
  • inability to interest in automation the main divisions in the form of accounting or IT-department;
  • excessive faith in the overstated promises of equipment sellers who are ready to offer mountains of gold and stunning success in response to the coveted signature on the start of work;
  • turnover among management in the middle of the restructuring process.


  • lack of a clear work plan;
  • underestimation of the size of the project or, on the contrary, artificial inflation;
  • waste of time and money of the enterprise.


  • lack of motivation of employees and deliberate sabotage in the event of the loss of left sources of income;
  • lack of staff training or smooth implementation of the system, leading to unforeseen disruptions;
  • incompetence in modern technology and unwillingness of employees to learn.

Pros and cons of turnkey automation

The advantages of turnkey solutions for enterprises with a large staff, a complex billing system and high customer traffic are obvious:

  • Development of software that takes into account personal income and expenses in relation to all employees of the enterprise eating in the canteen, with the calculation of complex identification systems with the linking of mutual settlements to a personal account, with sending data to the general accounting system of the enterprise, which makes the final settlement with the employee, subtracting payroll food costs. The system becomes more complex when the company has subsidies or internal credit, as well as the need to take into account the possibility of paying with cash or credit cards. It is not surprising that when creating such programs by the forces of, say, the factory IT department, constant problems are possible that require lengthy polishing.
  • Official license to use the software.
  • Professional assembly and adjustment of equipment by the company's specialists.
  • High-quality training of all employees of the enterprise in new technologies.

The disadvantages of industrial automation include the high cost of equipment, programs and installation work.