Fizminutka on the topic of migratory birds with movements. Physical education about birds

A flock of birds fly south
The sky is blue all around. (Children flap their arms like wings.)
To fly faster
You have to flap your wings. (Children wave their hands more intensively.)

Physical education minuteBirds

Swans fly, flap their wings (Children wave their hands)
Bent over the water, shake their heads (Shake their heads)
They know how to stand straight and proudly (Straighten their back)
Very silently sit down on the water (Sit down)

Fizkultminutka Migratory birds

Birds jump, fly (Children jump)
Little birds collect. ("Peck")
The feathers have been cleaned
Beaks cleaned (depict)
Birds fly, sing (waving their hands)
The grains are pecking (bending down)
We flew further
And they sat down in place (fly away, sit down)

Fizminutka Nimble tit jumps

A nimble tit jumps, (Jumping in place on two legs.)
She can’t sit still, (Jumping in place on her left leg.)
Jump-jump, jump-jump, (Jumping in place on the right foot.)
It twirled like a top. (We circle in place.)
Here I sat down for a minute, (Sit down.)
She scratched her breast with her beak, (Stand up, head tilts left and right.)
And from the track - to the wattle fence, (Jumping in place on the left foot.)
Tiri-tiri, (Jumping in place on the right leg.)
Shadow-shadow-shadow! (Jumping in place on two legs.)
(A. Barto)

About birds

We made a feeder.
We opened a canteen.
Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor,
You will have lunch in the winter!
Visit on the first day of the week
Two tits have flown
And on Tuesday - bullfinches,
Brighter than the dawn!
Three crows were on Wednesday
We didn't expect them for dinner.
And on Thursday from all over -
Ten greedy sparrows.
On Friday in our dining room
The dove ate porridge.
And on Saturday for pie
Arrived seven forty

Fizminutka Gymnastics for the eyes

The bird flew up (children look up)
The bird flew to the right (look to the right)
The bird flew to the left (look to the left)
And hid on the floor (look at the floor)

Finger gymnastics "little birds"

little birds
Little birds
They fly through the forest
Seeds are harvested
Here comes the violent wind
Wanted to take the birds away
The birds hid in the hollow
It's dry and warm
(children perform actions in accordance with words)

Physical education "Bullfinches"

Bullfinches fly, flap their wings.
They don't sit still
Spin like a top
Jump - jump, jump - jump.
Went to have lunch
But all around is snow and snow.
It's good that they have a feeder,
Made by a kind person!

Fizkultminutka Stork
(The back is straight, hands on the belt. Children smoothly and slowly raise either the right or the left leg, bent at the knee, and also smoothly lower it. Watch your back.)
- Stork, long-legged stork,
Show me the way home. (Stork answers.)
- Stomp with your right foot
Stomp with your left foot
Again with the right foot
Again, left foot.
After - with the right foot,
After - the left foot.
And then you come home.

The ducks went out to the meadow
The ducks went out to the meadow,
Quack-quack-quack! (We walk.)
A cheerful beetle flew by,
W-w-w! (We wave our wings.)
Geese arch their necks
Ha-ha-ha! (Circular rotation of the neck.)
The beak straightens the feathers. (Torso turns left and right.)
Did the wind blow the branches? (We swing with our hands raised up.)
The ball also growled,
Rrr! (Hands on the belt, leaning forward, looking ahead.)
The reed whispered in the water,
Sh-sh-sh! (Raise hands, stretch.)
And again there was silence
Sh-sh-sh. (Sit down.)


Nosed gray heron (hands to nose)
The whole day stands like a statue (hands on the belt, shoulder blades to reduce)
Stand on one leg, (hands on the belt raise the left leg)
If you are a solid soldier.
Now stand on the right, (hands on the belt, raise the right leg)
If you are a brave soldier.
Nosed gray heron, (on two legs, hands to nose
The whole day stands like a statue. (hands on waist)


Here on the branches, rooks! Do not scream! (index finger to lips)
Black rooks are sitting (squat down)
They settled in the nest, (show the nest in front of you with your hands)
Fluffed out feathers, (stand up, arms to the sides)
Basking in the sun (pat your hands)
Head twirl, (head turns to the right, to the left)
They want to fly. (hands to the sides - wave)
Shh! Shh! Fly away! (clapping, hands to the sides, running on toes)
They flew, flew (fly)
And again everyone sat in the nests. (sit down)


The birds began to descend
Everyone sits down in the field.
They have a long way to go
The birds need to rest. (Children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds.)
And again it's time to go
We need to fly a lot. (Children stand up and flap their wings.)
Here is the south. Hooray! Hooray!
It's time for us to land.

The birds are sitting in the nest

The birds are sitting in the nest
And they look out into the street.
They want to take a walk
And quietly all fly. (Children "scatter", flap their arms like wings.)

Come on, birds, fly

Come on, birds, fly,
They flew and landed
pecked grains,
Played in the field
Drinking water,
Washed the feathers
Looked to the side
They flew away. (Walking turning into running.)

Fizminutka Swans

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

The swans are flying
They flap their wings, (smooth hand movements with a large amplitude)
Bent over the water
Shake their head, (leaning forward, bending over)
Straight and proud they know how to hold on,
Quietly sit on the water (squats)



"Sparrow visiting the children"

Region : Cognition.

Sections : Ecology, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Tasks :

    Educational to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to take care of them; to cultivate moral qualities: kindness, responsiveness; love for nature;

    educational : consolidate children's knowledge of wild birds. Generalize and systematize children's knowledge about temporary changes in nature;

    Educational : replenish the active dictionary (wintering, migratory); continue to form ideas about the quantitative account within 5,develop visual and auditory perception, observation, attention, memory, imagination, logical thinking.

Preliminary work: observation of natural changes during a walk, observation of the behavior of birds; bird feeding.

Bilingual component : winter -kys, one - bir, two - ekі, three - үsh, four - cake, five - demon.

Regional component : winter in the village of Samarskoye; wintering birds in our area (titmouse, bullfinch).

Health-saving technologies : physical minute.


Demo material: bird pictures (bullfinch, owl, swallow, woodpecker, starling); picture for the didactic game "Who is superfluous?". Sparrow toy. Pictures for the game "Who lives where?".

Handout: cards with two stripes; circles (red, yellow) for each child, 6 pieces; a set of numbers from 1 to 5 for each child.

Lesson progress

Motivational - incentive stage.

The teacher offers to solve the riddle and find out who will come to our lesson.


This little bird

Wears a gray shirt

Picks up crumbs fast

And escape from the cat.

Children guess the riddle

Children: - Sparrow.

That's right guys, it's a sparrow.

Puts a sparrow toy on the table.

Children: - Hello! Salemetsiz be!

Organizational - search stage.

The first task from the sparrow

What season is it now?

Children: - Winter.

What can you tell about winter time? Name the winter months.

Children talk about winter.

What season comes after winter?

Children: - Spring.

The teacher hangs out a picture depicting wintering birds, and a swallow.

D / I “Who is superfluous?”

Guys, look at the picture, name what birds are drawn on it?

Ratmila: Owl, titmouse, crow, sparrow, swallow.

Anya tell me who is superfluous in this picture? Why?

Anya: A swallow, because all birds are wintering, and a migratory swallow flies to us in the spring.

What winter birds do you know? What birds come to us in spring?

What birds live with us all year round?

Children answer questions.

And now the sparrow wants to know how well you know about the life of wild birds.

The next task, you need to resettle the birds in their houses.

D / I "Bird in the house"

Children take a picture with the image of some bird and attach it to the desired house (starling, sparrow to the birdhouse, swallow, magpie, crow to the nest, owl to the hollow).

Well done guys, well done! And what do birds eat?

Children: - Grains, seeds, crumbs, worms.

And how does a person take care of the birds in winter, when it is very difficult for them to find food for themselves?

Children: - People make feeders, put there: seeds, bread crumbs, millet ...

The next task from the sparrow

Sparrow will give you examples, and you will have to solve them correctly.

A rooster flew over the fence

I met two more there.

How many roosters were there?

Children: Three

Four ducklings and one gosling

They swim in the lake, scream loudly.

Well, count quickly -

How many babies are in the water?

Children: Five

Well done guys and you did a great job. You worked well, and now the sparrow is calling you to play with him.

Fizminutka "Sparrows"

Sparrows sit on branches and look out into the street

(children squat, turn their heads to the right, to the left)

They want to take a walk and quietly fly.

(get up, wave hands)

They saw crumbs, pecked a little

(squat down and tap fingers)

Suddenly they saw a cat, scattered in all directions!

(scatter around the group, waving their hands)

They flew, flew and sat on the chairs.

(sit down to their seats)

Look, different birds are studying with our guest sparrow in the class.

The teacher hangs out pictures of birds (Magpie, owl, woodpecker, crow, dove).

Let's count how many birds are studying with our guest in the same class.

The teacher calls several children one by one to count the number of birds in two languages.

The teacher asks questions:

Which bird comes first?

Where is the owl on the right side?

What mark is the dove on the left side?

What is the number of dove on the right side?

Sparrow has prepared the following task for us. There are numbers in the envelopes, he thinks we don't know them yet. Let's show the sparrow that many of us already know the numbers and know where the numbers stand. Take out the numbers and lay out the number series.

Children lay out a series of numbers.

D / I "Listen"

Well done boys! Sparrow wants to play with you. He will knock with his beak, and you must raise the number that indicates the number of blows.

Well done boys! Vorobushek says that many birds, bullfinches and tits have flown into their forest this winter. He wanted to count which birds had flown in more, but he couldn't. They haven't done it in school yet. Let's help count the birds.

The teacher shows the number 4.

Put this number of red circles on the top strip, these are bullfinches.

Put this number of yellow circles on the bottom strip, these are tits. (shows the number five).

Tell me, which birds flew into the forest more?

Children: Sinits

Why do you think so?

Children: There are five yellow circles, and four red ones.

How many more yellow circles than red ones?

Children: One.

What can we do to equalize them?

Children: You need to remove one yellow circle.

Remove what happened? How many red circles?

Children: Four

How many red circles?

Children: four

What can we say about the yellow and red circles?

Children: That they are equally divided, four each.

How else can we equalize the circles?

Children: add another red circle.

How many circles are there now?

Children: Five.

Well done guys, let's make a gift for our guest. Do you know that every year more and more trees are cut down in the forest, and then where do forest animals and birds live?

Let's plant trees. First, plant the trees from lowest to highest.

Children plant Christmas trees, while calling the lowest tree, taller, even taller, even taller and tallest.

Now lay out from highest to lowest tree.

The children complete the tasks. The teacher asks several children to name the trees by height.

Well done guys, you coped with all the tasks and helped the sparrow to count the birds. Let's say goodbye to him, it's time for him to return to the forest.

Reflective - corrective stage.

Teacher: Who came to visit us?

Children: Sparrow.

Teacher: What did we do?

Children: We did the tasks.

Teacher: What was the most difficult task?

Children tell which task was more difficult than the others.

A flock of birds fly south
The sky is blue all around. (Children flap their arms like wings.)
To fly faster
You have to flap your wings. (Children wave their hands more intensively.)

Physical education minuteBirds

Swans fly, flap their wings (Children wave their hands)
Bent over the water, shake their heads (Shake their heads)
They know how to stand straight and proudly (Straighten their back)
Very silently sit down on the water (Sit down)

Fizkultminutka Migratory birds

Birds jump, fly (Children jump)
Little birds collect. ("Peck")
The feathers have been cleaned
Beaks cleaned (depict)
Birds fly, sing (waving their hands)
The grains are pecking (bending down)
We flew further
And they sat down in place (fly away, sit down)

Fizminutka Nimble tit jumps

A nimble tit jumps, (Jumping in place on two legs.)
She can’t sit still, (Jumping in place on her left leg.)
Jump-jump, jump-jump, (Jumping in place on the right foot.)
It twirled like a top. (We circle in place.)
Here I sat down for a minute, (Sit down.)
She scratched her breast with her beak, (Stand up, head tilts left and right.)
And from the track - to the wattle fence, (Jumping in place on the left foot.)
Tiri-tiri, (Jumping in place on the right leg.)
Shadow-shadow-shadow! (Jumping in place on two legs.)
(A. Barto)

About birds

We made a feeder.
We opened a canteen.
Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor,
You will have lunch in the winter!
Visit on the first day of the week
Two tits have flown
And on Tuesday - bullfinches,
Brighter than the dawn!
Three crows were on Wednesday
We didn't expect them for dinner.
And on Thursday from all over -
Ten greedy sparrows.
On Friday in our dining room
The dove ate porridge.
And on Saturday for pie
Arrived seven forty

Fizminutka Gymnastics for the eyes

The bird flew up (children look up)
The bird flew to the right (look to the right)
The bird flew to the left (look to the left)
And hid on the floor (look at the floor)

Finger gymnastics "little birds"

little birds
Little birds
They fly through the forest
Seeds are harvested
Here comes the violent wind
Wanted to take the birds away
The birds hid in the hollow
It's dry and warm
(children perform actions in accordance with words)

Physical education "Bullfinches"

Bullfinches fly, flap their wings.
They don't sit still
Spin like a top
Jump - jump, jump - jump.
Went to have lunch
But all around is snow and snow.
It's good that they have a feeder,
Made by a kind person!

Fizkultminutka Stork
(The back is straight, hands on the belt. Children smoothly and slowly raise either the right or the left leg, bent at the knee, and also smoothly lower it. Watch your back.)
- Stork, long-legged stork,
Show me the way home. (Stork answers.)
- Stomp with your right foot
Stomp with your left foot
Again with the right foot
Again, left foot.
After - with the right foot,
After - the left foot.
And then you come home.

The ducks went out to the meadow
The ducks went out to the meadow,
Quack-quack-quack! (We walk.)
A cheerful beetle flew by,
W-w-w! (We wave our wings.)
Geese arch their necks
Ha-ha-ha! (Circular rotation of the neck.)
The beak straightens the feathers. (Torso turns left and right.)
Did the wind blow the branches? (We swing with our hands raised up.)
The ball also growled,
Rrr! (Hands on the belt, leaning forward, looking ahead.)
The reed whispered in the water,
Sh-sh-sh! (Raise hands, stretch.)
And again there was silence
Sh-sh-sh. (Sit down.)


Nosed gray heron (hands to nose)
The whole day stands like a statue (hands on the belt, shoulder blades to reduce)
Stand on one leg, (hands on the belt raise the left leg)
If you are a solid soldier.
Now stand on the right, (hands on the belt, raise the right leg)
If you are a brave soldier.
Nosed gray heron, (on two legs, hands to nose
The whole day stands like a statue. (hands on waist)


Here on the branches, rooks! Do not scream! (index finger to lips)
Black rooks are sitting (squat down)
They settled in the nest, (show the nest in front of you with your hands)
Fluffed out feathers, (stand up, arms to the sides)
Basking in the sun (pat your hands)
Head twirl, (head turns to the right, to the left)
They want to fly. (hands to the sides - wave)
Shh! Shh! Fly away! (clapping, hands to the sides, running on toes)
They flew, flew (fly)
And again everyone sat in the nests. (sit down)


The birds began to descend
Everyone sits down in the field.
They have a long way to go
The birds need to rest. (Children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds.)
And again it's time to go
We need to fly a lot. (Children stand up and flap their wings.)
Here is the south. Hooray! Hooray!
It's time for us to land.

The birds are sitting in the nest

The birds are sitting in the nest
And they look out into the street.
They want to take a walk
And quietly all fly. (Children "scatter", flap their arms like wings.)

Come on, birds, fly

Come on, birds, fly,
They flew and landed
pecked grains,
Played in the field
Drinking water,
Washed the feathers
Looked to the side
They flew away. (Walking turning into running.)

Fizminutka Swans

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

The swans are flying
They flap their wings, (smooth hand movements with a large amplitude)
Bent over the water
Shake their head, (leaning forward, bending over)
Straight and proud they know how to hold on,
Quietly sit on the water (squats)

After kindergarten and training, D. and dad did tasks from DM.

Today's theme was birds. We repeated those whom we see every day + the bullfinch, whom D. simply knows and wanted him to be too.

at first I guessed riddles, and D. guessed.

black bird sits
On a shaggy tree.
- Kar! - He says all the time.
The beak is worse than the needle. -


She is long tailed
Black from the back.
The belly is white and the shoulders.
Chattering instead of speech.
At least he sees someone - instantly
Raises a chirping cry.

This little bird
Wears a gray shirt
Picks up crumbs fast
And escape from the cat.


Small bird -
Just small.
blue throat,
And she is like the sun.

All trees with interest
Studying Doctor of the Forest.
If a tree is eaten by a beetle,
Doctor immediately: KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!


This bird is a symbol of peace
The attics of her apartment
Where there are squares, fountains,
Looking for crumbs all the time!

Then we played outdoor games:

Fizminutka "Crows"

Here, under a green tree, crows gallop merrily.
Kar-kar-kar (loud)
Kar-kar-kar (loud)
Only at night they fall silent and they all fall asleep together.
Kar-kar-kar (quiet)
(children jump, fly, then sit down and calm down, close their eyes)

Physical education "Sparrow"

Among the white doves (children walk in a circle)

Jumping nimble sparrow (in the center is a child who jumps like a sparrow).

bird sparrow,

Gray shirt (children stand facing in a circle, walk with a side step).

Respond, sparrow!

Fly out, don't be shy! (Sparrow tries to fly out of the circle, and the children, holding hands, do not let him in.)

Look how many birds flew to the feeder.

How are all birds alike? (Birds have a beak, wings, feathers).

What is the difference? (The size, the shape of the tail, the size of the wings).

Why do birds need feathers?

Are all bird feathers the same?

In the wings, flight feathers help during the flight.

In the tail, tail feathers - direct the flight

Down feathers - protect from bruises, scratches, from heat, from cold, from getting wet, drying out.

And the habits of birds are different. In winter, crows like to sit on trees, sparrows - on bushes, doves - on the eaves of roofs. They sit, ruffled, hide their beaks and paws, fluff their feathers. So they are saved from the cold and frost.

Discussed how people differ from birds.

. What are we eating? (Mouth.)

And the birds? (Beak.)

. In humans, the body is covered with skin, but in birds with what? (With feathers.)

. We have legs. What about birds? (Paws.)

. We have hands. What about birds? (Wings.)

We tried to figure out how the birds talk - D. was not at all interested:

Tell me, how do birds talk? Crow - car! So what does a crow do? (Caws.)

Magpie - tr-tr! So what does a magpie do? (Chorus.)

Pigeon - hooray! So what does the dove do? (Crows.)

Owl - wow! So what does an owl do? (whoops.)

Sparrow - chirp chirp! So what does a sparrow do? (Cheeks.)

Look, the birds have flown - they have lost their house. We need to help them settle down! (number houses). It was something. We had never done this before and the child did not understand at all what I wanted from him. But surprisingly patiently they completed it (I was ready to stop the lesson at any moment, because I saw that there was not so much interest, but a complete misunderstanding in response).

Then they figured out what the birds eat. D. drew and attached a magnet to the bird.

Then they read a story about boys and a feeder and did tasks for the development of speech (in the first post I wrote which book). He also sat out surprisingly patiently - he wriggled out, but answered questions (sometimes he rolled his eyes and said, "God, how much can you already!"))).

At parting with the birds, we decided to make a picture "Titmouse".

For entertainment, the balls were transferred with a spoon from one nest to another.

After a daytime sleep, D. and I only had enough to complete the tasks from the DM, and then my head ached again and all further plans were canceled.

During the last couple of days, D. and dad have been making a feeder. Dimka, of course, only occasionally participated, but he helped with sawing and drilling. The feeder came out good, but they haven’t had time to hang it yet))))

We made a postcard for my grandmother and tasks for DM.

Deer Day and Letter O

We started with a riddle:

Believe it or don't believe it

An animal ran through the forest.

He carried on his forehead for a reason

Two spreading bushes.

Thought and guessed. Deer promised D. to help find another letter. But first you need to make his portrait. D., under strict guidance, made ovals from the rectangles I cut out and glued the deer. I did not interfere in the gluing process)))

Then the deer asked to help him deal with the gifts - to arrange them correctly (sudoku).

As the gifts were laid out, the Deer offered to fly in search. First, on a magic cloud, where you need to circle all the letters O, until it started to rain.

Then he and the deer ran around the room until the deer got tired. He asked D. to feed him with words where there is a sound "O" (such exercises are not going very well yet, sometimes D. easily determines whether there is a sound, and sometimes you have to pronounce the word very clearly, emphasizing the sound). We discussed that on in fact, deer eat, as they are born, as they grow.

Then it turned out that whole herds of deer were already running through here - we counted them.

We helped these deer to reach the sled (copy). And then, quite unexpectedly, a donkey came and, of course, very hungry. He asked me to make bagels for him. Then we immediately realized that these were the letters O and the lesson was over - to sculpt it for a long time. The donkey gave us a letter and D. happily attached it to our poster.

We made a card for my grandmother.

It turned out to be a gypsy bee (as our dad called her). But the child did everything with such diligence that I did not dare to say enough. It turned out how it turned out)))) Then there was also plasticine fireworks and more confetti ....

This was the second week of waiting. Tasks from DM D. does quite necessarily and diligently - I did not even expect. Growing))) Performs tasks that I thought would cause difficulty - but no, he does. Here's a good guy!

Game physical minutes for preschoolers

Classes with children in teaching literacy, mathematics, fine arts, etc., board games, and just watching television programs, cartoons often take place at a table, on the floor or in an armchair, that is, in a stationary state. But a long stay in one position, one position for children, especially preschool and primary school age, is a very heavy load, since they are characterized by instability of nervous processes. They quickly get tired, attention decreases, interest in the game or activity is lost, which, of course, negatively affects their effectiveness.

Especially tiring for children of this age is prolonged monotonous work or tasks that do not arouse their keen interest, and the volitional efforts necessary for their implementation are not yet sufficiently developed.

During classes with children, you should often change activities, interest them in some bright, unusual subject, or diversify frequently repeated actions, tasks with some new element that is attractive to the child. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of fatigue, to detect signs of its occurrence in a timely manner and to remove them as quickly and effectively as possible, since fatigue, accumulating, can develop into overwork and cause various nervous disorders.

Signs of fatigue in children 3-4 years old appear after 7-9 minutes of class, in children 5-6 years old - after 10-12 minutes, 7-8 years old - after 12-15 minutes. They can be expressed in different ways: yawning, scattered attention, distractibility, irritability, the appearance of automatic, involuntary side movements (scratching, tapping, rocking in a chair, sucking fingers, etc.), impaired posture and coordination of movements.

One of effective ways preventing fatigue, improving the general condition of children, changing their activities are short-term physical exercises, the so-called physical minutes.

They relieve muscle tension caused by immobility, switch attention from one activity to another, giving rest to the nerve centers involved in it, and restore children's working capacity.

Physical minutes are held in the middle of the lesson for 1-3 minutes in the form of game actions. Children really like imitative exercises, accompanied by verses and, if possible, related to the topic and content of the lesson. But the main thing is that the movements are simple, accessible and interesting to the child, quite intense, affecting many muscle groups, but not excessive.

The physical minute complex usually consists of 2-3 exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle such as sipping - to straighten and relax the spine, expand the chest; for the body - tilts, turns; for legs - squats, jumps and running in place.

Here are examples of physical minutes for various activities.

Physical minutes for board games and speech development classes

- Fizminutka "Charging"

leaned over first

Down our head (tilt forward)

Right - left we are with you

Shake our head, (tilts to the side)

Hands behind your head, together

We start running in place, (imitation of running)

I will take away and you

Hands over head.

- Fizminutka "Masha-confused"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

Masha is looking for things, (one way turn)

Masha is confused. (turn to the other side, to the starting position)

And not on the chair, (hands forward, to the sides)

And there is no under the chair, (sit down, spread your arms to the sides)

Not on the bed

(hands down)

(tilts of the head to the left - to the right, "threaten" with the index finger)

Masha is confused!

- Fizminutka "Jumping"

Get up girls, get up boys! Jump like bunnies! Jump like balls! Jump-jump, jump-jump, Let's sit down on the grass: Let's listen to the silence, Let's eat the carrot. Let's take a break and move on. Higher, higher, jump high! Don't be lazy, jump on your toes easily! Jump high!

- Fizmnoutka "Like balls"

Movements are performed in the course of the poem.

Girls and boys jump like balls

They stomp their feet, they clap their hands, they nod their heads, they all rest together.

- Fizminutka "Forest"

Movements are performed in the course of the poem.

One day the children went to the forest, They went around the whole meadow, They approached the old spruce, They found a huge mushroom there. Our guys were so happy! And run back home.

- Fizminutka "In winter"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

How fun it is for us in winter! (show thumbs up)

We ride on a sled in a crowd, (imitate sledding)

Then we will play snowballs, (imitate modeling and throwing snowballs)

All together we put on skis, (“put on” skis, “take” sticks, “go”)

Then everyone got on skates, (depict skating)

Happy winter days! (show thumbs up)

My ball is bouncing merrily, (movements imitating hand tapping on the ball)

My car is running without gas (steering wheel simulation)

My brother is still a baby, (show his height with his hand)

My cat will sleep a little, (tilt head to the side, hands under the cheek)

- Fizminutka "Freeze"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

We stomp our feet (stomp)

We clap our hands (clap)

Shake your head (shake your head)

We raise our hands (hands up)

Then we lower them, (hands down)

We give hands (hands to the "castle")

And we run around, (circle in place)

One, two, three (three claps)

Any figure freeze! (depict any figure)

- Physical drink "Cabbage"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

We chop cabbage, chop, (sweeping movements with our hands, like an ax)

We mash cabbage, we mash cabbage,

We salt and salt the cabbage, (“they take” a pinch of salt and “salt”)

We press cabbage, press, (flexion and extension of the hands)

- Physicist "Tree"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

The wind blows in our face, (movements of hands to ourselves)

The tree swayed, (swaying with raised arms)

The breeze is quieter and quieter - (gradual squatting)

The tree is getting higher and higher, (get up, stretch on your toes)

Every day in the mornings We do exercises, We really like to do everything in order: It's fun to walk, it's fun to play, Raise your hands, lower your hands. Squat and stand up, Jump and ride.

- Fizminutka "Teremok"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

Stands in the field of a teremok, (the palms of both hands are connected at an angle)

There is a lock on the door, (fingers clenched into the lock)

The wolf opens it - Derg-derg, derg-derg. (hands clenched into the castle move forward - backward, left - right)

Petya the cockerel came and opened the lock with the key, (fingers open and connect with each other, forming a "teremok")

- Fizminutka "Beetle"

Children imitate movements along the text of verses.

On the lawn, on the chamomile, the Beetle flew in a colored shirt. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, I am friends with daisies. Quietly swaying in the wind, I bend low, low.

- Fizminutka "Bunny"

Movements are performed in the course of the poem.

It's cold for a bunny to sit, You need to warm up your paws. Paws up, paws down. Pull up on your toes, Put your paws on the side, On your toes, jump-jump-jump. And then squatting, So that the paws do not freeze. Jump hare much, He jumped ten times.

- Fizminutka "Buratio"

Movements are performed in the course of the poem.

Pinocchio - stretched,

Once - bent over

Two - bent over

Raised hands to the sides,

Apparently the key has not been found.

In order for us to get the key, we must stand on our toes.

- Fizminutka "Birds"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

Birds sit in nests (children sit on chairs)

And they look out into the street.

Suddenly wanted to fly

And everyone immediately flew, (children run around the group. To the words of an adult “birds in nests”, children take their places)

- Fizminutka "Clock"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

All clocks go like this.

Tick-tock, tick-tock. (tilts head to shoulders)

Look what time it is.

Tick-tock, tick-tock. (body swaying)

Left - one, right - one,

Tick-tock, tick-tock. (tilts of the body to the left - to the right)

We can do that too.

- Physicist "Three Bears"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

Three bears went home: (children go like bears)

Dad was big, big, (raise hands up)

Mom is with him - smaller in height, (arms at chest level, stretched forward)

And the son is just a baby, (squat down)

He was very small

I walked with rattles, (they get up and imitate playing rattles, raise their hands up and say the words: ding-ding-ding)

- Fizminutka "Swans"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

Swans fly, flap their wings, (smooth hand movements with large amplitude)

Bent over the water

Shake their head, (leaning forward, bending over)

Straight and proud they know how to hold on,

Quietly sit on the water (squats)

The horse is waiting for me on the road (hands clasped behind the back)

Beats with a hoof at the gate, (rhythmic alternate raising of legs bent at the knees)

Mane plays in the wind

Lush, fabulously beautiful, (shaking his head, then tilting to the side)

Quickly jump on the saddle

I won’t go - I’ll fly, (jumps on the spot)

Tsok - tsok - tsok,

Tsok - tsok - tsok, (arms bent at the elbows in front of you)

There beyond the distant river

I'll wave my hand to you, (jumps in place)

- Fizminutka "Bears"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

Bear cubs lived in the thicket, They twisted their heads. Like this, like this, they twisted their head, (circular movements of the head alternately in different directions)

Bear cubs were looking for honey, Together they shook the tree. Like this, like this, they shook the tree together. (tilts to the sides, arms forward)

They waddled around And drank water from the river, Like this, like this And drank water from the river. (bearish walking, leaning forward)

And then they danced, Raised their paws higher. Like this, like this Raise the paws above.

- Fizminutka "Grasshoppers"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

Raise your shoulders, (energetic shoulder movements)

Jump, grasshoppers, Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Stop! Sat down, ate grass,

They listened to silence, (squats)

Higher, higher, high Jump on your toes lightly (jumping in place)

Here the motor turned on, the propeller spun, F- (rotational movements of the hands in front of you)

They rose to the clouds, And the landing gear was removed, (alternately raising the knees)

Here is the forest - we will prepare a parachute here, (swinging with arms spread apart in different directions)

Push, jump, Fly, buddy, (jump up, arms to the sides)

The parachutes all opened, the children landed softly, (squat, arms to the sides)

- Fizminutka "Birds"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

Like a woodpecker with its head between the foliage, it hollows out the trees. (move head up and down)

Like fishing and waddling, the goose runs after the goose. (running in place with arms extended)

As surprised, the Geese stopped at the very river,

They drank water, opened their wings (tilt forward, arms back)

And slowly went, (steps in place)

- Fizminutka "Horses"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

Hey horses, follow me!

Let's hurry to the watering hole! (arms forward, springy leg movements)

Here is a river, wide and deep,

You won't reach the bottom. (smooth spreading of the arms to the sides, bending forward)

And the water is delicious! Drink! Good vodka! Let's knock with a hoof! (foot tapping)

Hey horses, follow me! (arms to the sides, smooth movements up and down)

Ride home, (jumping in place) Hop-hop-hop!

- Fizminutka "Parts of the body"

Children should show body parts in accordance with the text of the poem.

Here with the sound [l] of the word: Forehead, back of the head, head, Fists, palms, elbows, There is no sound [l] in the word “nails”. Eyes, body and shoulder blades, There is no sound [l] in the word "heel".

- Fizminutka "Morning exercises"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

We are funny guys, We are preschool kids, (walk in a circle)

We do sports, We don’t know about diseases.

One - two, two - one, We have a lot of power! (arms to the sides, to the shoulders)

We're leaning over now, (leaning down) Look at us!

One - two, do not yawn! Sit down with us! (squats)

One jump, two jump! Jump fun, my friend! (jumping on both feet)

Take a deep breath with your nose - “Sh-Sh-Sh” we’ll say everything later, (inhale with your nose, without raising your shoulders)

Physical minutes for classes in fine arts

The text is spoken during the exercises. All movements are performed while sitting.

- Fizminutka "Fingers"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

1 option.

We drew today, Our fingers are tired. (active flexion and extension of fingers)

Let them rest a little, they will start drawing again. (shake hands in front of you)

Together we will take the elbows, (vigorously take the elbows back)

Let's start drawing again.

Option 2.

We drew today, Our fingers are tired, Shake our fingers, Let's start drawing again, (slowly raise your hands in front of you, shake your brushes)

Feet together, legs apart, Drive in a nail, (spread and bring legs together, stamping)

3 option.

For a long, long time we sculpted, Our fingers got tired, (shaking brushes in front of us) Let them rest a little, And they will begin to sculpt again. Together we will spread our hands And again we will begin to sculpt, (take your hands back - down, leaning back on the back of the chair)

4 option.

Fingers played hide and seek And removed their heads, (squeezing and unclenching the brushes)

Like this, like this, So the heads were removed, (flexion and extension of 1 and 2 phalanges of the fingers)

- Fizminutka "Trees in the forest"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

Hands raised and shook - These are trees in the forest, (smooth swaying with arms raised up)

Hands bent, brushes shaken - The wind knocks down the dew, (shaking hands in front of you)

Let's gently wave our hands to the sides. This is birds flying towards us.

We will also show how they sit down - Wings folded back. (2 times)

Fizminutki for classes in mathematics

The text is pronounced before the start of the exercises.

- We count up to five, squeeze the weights, (ip - standing, legs slightly apart, raise your hands slowly up - to the sides, fingers clenched into a fist (4-5 times))

- How many points will be in the circle, We will raise our hands so many times (on the board there is a circle with dots. The adult points to them, and the children count how many times you need to raise your hands)

- How many times I will hit the tambourine, We will cut the firewood so many times, (I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands in the lock up, sharp bends forward - down)

- How many green Christmas trees, So many slopes, (ip - standing, legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilts are performed)

- How many cells to the line, Jump as many times (3 to 5 times), (5 cells are shown on the board. An adult points to them, children jump)

- We squat as many times as we have butterflies (i.p. - standing, legs slightly apart. During squats, hands forward)

- We will stand on our toes, we will get the Ceiling (I. p. - the main stand, hands on the belt. Rising on toes, hands up - to the sides, stretch)

- How many dashes to the point, So many stand on toes (4-5 times), (ip - main stance. When lifting on toes, arms to the sides - up, palms below shoulder level)

- Bent over as many times as we have ducks. (I. p. - standing, legs apart, Do not bend your legs when tilting)

- How many circles I will show, How many jumps you will perform (5 to 3 times), (ip - standing, hands on the belt, jumping on toes)

- We count the berries, We squat together, (ip - the main stance, hands on the belt. Do not lower your head, back is straight)