Methods of studying and personnel assessment. Basic methods of personnel assessment in an organization

Personnel assessment is an integral element of the functioning of the organization. It permeates the entire personnel management system - recruitment, selection and placement of personnel, professional development of personnel (training of personnel reserves, career development, training), motivation of activities. Personnel assessment is necessary during reorganization; it allows us to identify how capable each employee is of adapting to new working conditions, select the most suitable candidates and retain them in the new organization. The assessment is needed to make an informed decision on the reduction and dismissal of an employee. Thus, personnel assessment permeates the entire personnel system. HR personnel questionnaire

There are three main personnel situations in which personnel assessment is necessary:

  • - Assessment of a candidate applying for a vacant position (C 1).
  • - Current periodic evaluation of the employee (C 2).
  • - Assessment of an employee of the organization applying for a vacant position (horizontal or vertical movement of the employee) (C 3).

Any person - a future employee (candidate for a vacant position) once comes to the organization for the first time. At this stage, for the first time he is faced with the need for assessment (C 1). If the candidate meets the requirements of the vacant position and turns out to be the best among other applicants, he is accepted into the organization and becomes an employee. Thus, the first (initial) stage of an employee’s career cycle in an organization is his beginning of work in this organization.

After working for some time, a new employee is faced with another type of assessment - the ongoing periodic assessment of his activities (C 2). Based on its results, it becomes clear how he copes with his work, whether everything works out for him. If, as a result of the current assessment, it turns out that the employee satisfactorily copes with the assigned work and meets the requirements of the position, he continues to work in his previous position. If the results of the current assessment are not satisfactory, it is necessary to find out what exactly the employee is having difficulties with, what is the reason for them, and what can be recommended to correct this situation. As a result of the current assessment, promising employees can also be identified who cope well with their duties, but also have the potential to work in another, more complex, responsible position. Thus, the candidate is included in the personnel reserve (for promotion). The presence of a personnel reserve in an organization is necessary, since in practice it happens quite rarely when an employee is completely suitable for a vacant position that appears in the organization. More often, an employee is found to lack experience, certain knowledge, and professional skills. These gaps can be corrected and corrected as a result of properly organized work of the personnel reserve. When an employee is on the reserve list and knows that he has a chance for promotion, he has additional incentive to perform better and fill his gaps in knowledge and practice. Thus, ongoing periodic evaluation of an employee's performance is necessary to determine whether the employee's continued employment in a given position is justified.

The third personnel situation in which it is necessary to conduct a personnel assessment is the assessment of an employee of an organization applying for another position (C 3). This could be either a promotion or a horizontal move. It happens that there is no required applicant for a vacant position within the organization, then it is necessary to look for a candidate outside of it. In this case, we return again to the first key personnel situation - the evaluation for a vacant position of a candidate who has not previously worked in the organization.

Thus, all the identified key personnel situations are linked to a certain career cycle of an employee’s existence in the organization: his hiring to a certain position, work in it, relocation, work in a new position, further relocation, etc.

Depending on the purposes of the assessment, the question of what characteristics of workers and their performance indicators will be assessed and by what method will be decided. The purpose of conducting an assessment in the first and third personnel situations (assessment of a candidate not working in the organization applying for a vacant position - C 1; assessment of an employee of an organization applying for a vacant position - C 3) is obvious. This is the selection of workers to fill a vacancy. The goals of conducting a personnel assessment in the second personnel situation (current periodic employee assessment - C 2) can be varied.

The main goals of the current personnel assessment:

  • - differentiation of wages (changes in compensation packages);
  • - planning of vocational training;
  • - staff rotation;
  • - determining the degree of rationality in the use of personnel;
  • - formation of a personnel reserve;
  • - increasing employee motivation.

Moreover, personnel assessment can pursue either one of the listed goals or several at the same time.

The personnel assessment method is a method of obtaining and measuring evaluative information. When choosing assessment methods, an important place should be given to their manufacturability: simplicity, degree of labor intensity, accuracy of results, and the possibility of automating the assessment procedure. Decisive when choosing one or another assessment method should be indicators of reliability (obtaining the same results when conducting independent examinations) and validity (the existence of a relationship between the assessment methodology used and the quality being measured). At the same time, assessment methods must, first of all, correspond to the goals set for the assessment, the structure of the organization, and the nature of the personnel’s activities. The reliability of the information obtained during personnel assessment is achieved through the use of various, complementary assessment methods: the more methods are involved, the more comprehensive and deeper the employee is assessed. Next, I want to list the main methods used to evaluate candidates for a position.

Document analysis (studying a candidate’s resume, written recommendations and educational documents) is the simplest and most natural assessment method, which is primarily taught to a novice recruiter. During the interview, the reliability of the data presented in the resume (education, qualifications, work experience, responsibilities, functions, achievements) is assessed. Based on the results of the interview, the candidate is given his written consent to verify the information he provided. Its qualitative analysis provides a highly reliable forecast of the candidate’s effectiveness at his future place of work.

Checking references is essentially an extension of assessing a resume for credibility. It can also be carried out by a recruiter or secretary by calling the candidate's previous place of work to verify factual information (position, duration of work, responsibilities, functions, achievements).

A biographical interview is a structured conversation during which an evaluator collects detailed information about a person's life history, starting from childhood. What is important here are descriptions of the main life events and the candidate’s relationships with significant people, reflecting his character. It is also necessary to identify key, turning events in which the main motives and interests of a person are manifested. A description of the main successes and failures can give an idea of ​​what a person is striving for, what his main resources are, and where his capabilities are limited. All this will allow us to predict the candidate’s future achievements and aspirations. A biographical interview should be conducted by a psychologist familiar with this method.

Personality questionnaires allow you to assess a large number of applicants and obtain quantitative and descriptive results of assessing both the personality traits and competencies of potential candidates, which is especially important for large companies. Quantitative results allow you to compare or screen candidates based on certain qualities. A specially instructed administrator can conduct an assessment using personality questionnaires, and only a specialist who knows how to use a specific questionnaire can process the results and make recommendations. The disadvantage of this method is that the information received about a person’s character and his standard behavior options is not directly related to the performance results expected from him.

Ability tests allow you to assess a person’s effectiveness in a certain type of activity (analysis of numerical, verbal, technical information, reaction speed, attention to detail). The advantages of this method are the speed of implementation (from 10 minutes), the ability to evaluate a large number of applicants and obtain quantitative results. The reliability of the forecast in this case depends on the accuracy of determining the key abilities of candidates applying for a specific position and the choice of tests to assess them. Personnel should be assessed using aptitude tests by specially trained specialists.

A competency interview is a structured conversation aimed at obtaining a detailed description of real work situations that a person has encountered in his professional activities. The advantage of this method is that the interview questions are easily “adjusted” to the set of competencies required for assessment. But mastering this method requires long-term training, training and supervision.

An assessment using the “360 degree” method is obtaining data about a person’s actions in real work situations and about the qualities he exhibits from people who interact with him (from bosses, colleagues, subordinates, subordinates, clients). Obtaining information from different sources makes this method quite reliable. Its disadvantage is that it is labor intensive (if the assessment is carried out without using an automated system or additional costs arise for software).

Profile business cases are an example of a typical working situation in which the key qualities and competencies for a given position should be demonstrated and assessed. A business case is a problem with many unknowns: it contains information that the assessee must study and make a specific decision; there are actors who are also involved in this situation (the subject must interact with them). The role of additional heroes in the business case can be played by future work colleagues or employees of the HR department. An assessment center is a set of business cases for assessing not individual competencies, but a set of them, as key for a given group of positions or for the company as a whole. This method is considered one of the most prognostic, since a person in many situations is assessed by several specialists. Its accuracy is primarily determined by how correctly the key competencies are identified, as well as the quality of the cases developed for their assessment and the professionalism of the assessment specialists. In addition to business cases, the assessment center procedure may include personality questionnaires, ability tests, and competency interviews.

Certification as an official assessment method exists only for government organizations; for other companies it is rather a familiar metaphor that speaks of the organization and conduct of assessment procedures. In the process, the actual results of the employee’s activities are assessed, but certification may also include additional assessment methods that are adequate to the current tasks of the organization. The central place in the certification is occupied by personal communication between the employee and his immediate supervisor, possibly with the participation of a senior colleague and an HR manager. During such a conversation, conducted in a friendly business atmosphere, the results achieved are assessed, plans for the next period are agreed upon, possible obstacles and ways to overcome them are predicted, training and professional development plans for the year are outlined. Based on the results of the certification, the question may be raised about making adjustments to the employee’s motivation.

Assessment by KPI (key performance indicators) is the most formalized method for assessing employee performance in large companies. It requires a precisely developed methodology for identifying KPIs and automating assessments. In order for this type of assessment to really work not only to control results, but also to improve the efficiency of employees, it must, on the one hand, take into account the strategic goals of the company, and on the other hand, be clear and understandable for each employee.

When choosing an assessment method, you should take into account the scale of the company:

  • - For a small organization with up to 100 employees, the main task of personnel assessment is to select the “right” people for the company. Proper selection of personnel for a small company is entirely within the capabilities of an HR manager, who can conduct an interview based on competencies, analyze the documents submitted by the candidate, and recommendations from a previous place of work.
  • - In medium-sized companies with more than 100 employees, along with the task of selecting the “right” people, there is a need to apply uniform criteria when hiring, transferring, and motivating personnel. This places special demands on assessment methods. The assessment results should be formalized and presented in a unified format, which will allow several employees to be compared according to their assessment data. In this case, the assessment of employees in descriptive form must be supported by quantitative data that will allow one to rely on objective information when making management decisions. To obtain quantitative information for assessing candidates and employees, in addition to document analysis, checking references and competency interviews, it is necessary to use personality questionnaires and specialized business cases. Based on the results of applying these assessment methods, the manager should receive not so much a descriptive characteristic of the person, but numbers that will allow one to compare one candidate with another according to the key parameters for a given personnel decision.
  • - When using personnel assessment methods in a large-scale company with more than 1,000 employees, comprehensive services for most HR functions are provided (employee recruitment, transfer, motivation, identification of the personnel reserve, training needs and assessment of its effectiveness, creation of individual development plans). Based on these tasks, additional requirements such as unification and automation are imposed on personnel assessment methods.

Thus, to create an optimal personnel assessment system in a company, it is necessary to know the capabilities of various methods and apply them depending on the tasks set, the size of the company and the funds allocated for these purposes.

Personnel assessment methods- these are effective management tools that allow you to objectively assess the contribution of employees to achieving common goals, identify promising employees, their personal and business qualities.

The simplest example is the selection of employees when hiring. Many enterprises also conduct recertification of employees, which helps determine the level of competencies and professionalism. But the real problems that can be solved using modern personnel assessment methodologies are much broader.

Objective is an opportunity to clearly define the place and role of each employee in the company, identify promising, ambitious people, and weed out unreliable and incompetent personnel. All this is aimed at increasing the efficiency of an enterprise or organization, successfully achieving goals and objectives. According to statistics, 72% of companies use personnel assessment methods to hire employees, 62% to promote their employees, 40% to identify promising employees.

Methods for assessing personnel in an organization should be selected based on the goals and objectives set. For example, to determine the level of professionalism of employees, you should opt for a combined assessment: testing, interviewing or working on “simulators”.

To compile psychological portraits of employees, a testing or interview method is suitable, which will allow the implementation of a scoring technique or another quantitative method. And to identify business or professional skills, HR managers most often choose business games./

When conducting assessment work and analysis, the competence of experts, the availability of a prepared methodological base (cases, tests) and procedures come to the fore. Only in this case can we talk about an objective assessment, which can later be used to optimize the company’s structure, promote promising employees, set bonuses, set wages, etc.

Free catalog of policies and procedures for evaluating personnel in an organization

Basic techniques

All main methods are divided according to their focus: qualitative, quantitative, complex and combined. They differ in evaluation criteria and the set of tools used by the HR department or management.

Qualitative methods of personnel assessment.

1. Matrix. Provides for comparison of employee characteristics with the initially specified (reference) ones. This method is the simplest and most common.
2. Method of arbitrary characteristics. It involves identifying the employee’s best achievements and strengths. The data is compared with the most serious errors in work, from which conclusions are drawn about success and efficiency.
3. Method for assessing the completion of assigned tasks. Allows you to obtain generalized conclusions about the employee’s work, since it evaluates his work activity as a whole (often as a result of a conversation).
4., including assessment of each employee by management, colleagues, subordinate personnel and self-assessment.
5. Group discussion method. It involves an open discussion of the employee’s work results with experts, representatives of the HR service and management.

Combined methods of personnel assessment.

1. Test method. Evaluates staff based on the completion of assigned tasks.
2. Method of summing up scores. It is necessary to evaluate all employee characteristics on a given scale, after which the average indicator is compared with the reference.
3. Grouping method. Involves organizing workers into groups based on work results.

Quantitative methods.
1. Ranked. Compiling ratings of employee success and efficiency. They are compiled by several managers, after which the data obtained is compared, and the personnel occupying the lowest positions are reduced.
2. Scoring. Provides for the awarding of points to each employee for specific achievements in their work activities. At the end of the period (usually a year), all points are summed up and the most successful and lagging employees are determined.
3. Free scoring. The process involves assessing each employee’s quality (personal or professional) by independent experts. The points received are summed up.

These methods are considered the most objective, since they allow us to draw general conclusions and express them in numerical equivalents for further comparison.

Another effective personnel assessment is comprehensive. It involves the implementation of a certification methodology that allows us to identify the level of compliance of an employee with his position in the company. Many companies practice certification of all employees once a year.

Psychological methods of personnel assessment

Psychological methods of personnel assessment are of great interest to modern HR management. They allow us to determine not only the existing personal and professional qualities, but also to identify prospects and opportunities for the development of each employee.

Psychological methods for assessing professionally significant personal qualities of employees may include:

  • conversations;
  • interview;
  • business cases;
  • psychological testing;
  • the use of “archival” methods;

Also, when conducting a psychological assessment, a structured interview, training exercises and a self-presentation method are often used.

Psychological methods are implemented by experts in the field of psychology, who select the appropriate methodology and reliably transform the results into visual conclusions. Psychological assessment methods provide high accuracy and good detail, but can be expensive for the company due to the need to attract professional psychologists for the objectivity of the analysis of work performance. This seems most justified for assessing the leadership potential of employees, the psychological portrait of future managers, and introducing a system for assessing personnel performance.

Nonverbal personnel assessment technique

Non-verbal technique belongs to the category of non-traditional methods. It is most often used when hiring a new employee, when difficulties arise with an objective assessment of the psychological portrait of an applicant for a vacancy and his professional qualities. Nonverbal methods allow us to determine with great certainty:

  • temperament;
  • communication skills;
  • strong-willed qualities;
  • leadership skills.

Specialists who use nonverbal techniques to evaluate working personnel analyze during a conversation with an employee (or potential employee):

  • total duration of answering questions;
  • duration of pauses;
  • complexity and nature of statements;
  • errors;
  • reservations;
  • corrections in speech;
  • presence of speech defects;
  • facial expressions;
  • breath;
  • coughing;
  • gestures;
  • posture changes;
  • direction of view.

It is the involuntariness and spontaneity of a person’s nonverbal reactions that allow experienced psychologists to see a person’s true emotional state, even if he tries to disguise it. Nonverbal communication, unlike verbal communication, contains virtually no deception, so specialists have the opportunity to assess the employee’s true intentions, and not just declarative statements.

Modern methods of personnel assessment

Modern methods represent a combination of the most objective and effective traditional methods. Assessment centers, which represent centers for assessing personnel and performance results, have become widespread. Work in them is based on simulating situations in which an employee is able to demonstrate his strengths in the workplace, both in terms of personal qualities and professional skills. Such exercises usually include:

  • analytical presentations;
  • written business exercises;
  • group discussions;
  • personality questionnaires;
  • role-playing games.

Modern methods of personnel assessment show the most promising areas of employee development and allow a comprehensive assessment of the necessary personal data to perform job duties. Often, such methods are automated and computerized classical methods for assessing business qualities, significantly simplifying the interaction between the employees being assessed and experts (brought in from outside or employees of the same company).

Modern popular methods for determining employee competencies include the “360 degree” method. It was developed in 1987. In Russia, the method gained popularity only in the 2000s. Its main advantage is that it involves determining suitability for the position held and feedback, which is implemented through the employee’s self-assessment.

Particularly important is the complete anonymity of the survey using the “360 degree” method. If this requirement is neglected, the correlation with independent testing is less than 1%, and the technique becomes completely ineffective. Assessing an employee using the “360 degree” method is considered stressful, so it is recommended to use it when planning further career advancement or creating a list of employees sent for training, etc. The assessment must be clearly justified.


As an example of conducting a comprehensive assessment of personnel at an enterprise or organization, the following cases can be cited.

1. The HR department is tasked with assessing employees on their intellectual level, diligence, communication skills, desire for self-development, stress resistance and non-conflict. These qualities are important for effective and successful work. To systematically assess such a large set of characteristics, complex methods were chosen, including psychological testing, competency interviews, training exercises on communication skills and a “360 degree” assessment.

2. The distribution company assessed the professionally significant personal qualities of managers working with clients. It is necessary to evaluate achievement orientation, organizational skills, charisma, and the ability to competently express one’s thoughts to the public. A set of tools for assessing such characteristics was selected as follows: self-presentation, business case, psychological testing.

3. To assess the leadership qualities of personnel at a large industrial enterprise, an assessment of the most promising employees was carried out. For this purpose, a third-party expert organization was invited, which proposed the following set of assessment tools: interviews, psychological testing, written business exercises, role-playing games.

Improving methods for assessing personnel performance

In order for the work of personnel assessment at an enterprise or organization to constantly improve and become more effective, a number of factors must be observed:

  • interest from management;
  • involvement of competent, highly qualified specialists in the assessment to assess the characteristics of employees and their professional activities;
  • documenting the operation of the personnel evaluation system;
  • regularly informing employees about the implementation and operating principles of the personnel assessment system;
  • establishing a strong and clear connection between the assessment system and the work motivation system.

Compliance with all of the above conditions creates the necessary minimum basis for the successful implementation of a system of employee assessment and improvement of the method used for assessing the results of personnel work in the organization.

The main requirement for the system is efficiency. If, based on the results of the personnel assessment, the company has not made any changes in staffing, wages, or bonuses to employees, then the assessment system will be perceived as an unnecessary link in personnel management.

The system will be effective when employees who receive high ratings in the evaluation system will have increased bonuses compared to those who received low results. Alternatively, successful employees can be sent for training, advanced training, enrolled in the personnel reserve, awarded vouchers or valuable prizes.

In addition to being effective, the personnel evaluation system must be practical (easily applicable in practice). The constantly improving assessment system allows:

  • accurately determine the performance of employees;
  • form a personnel reserve in a timely manner;
  • create a corporate identity and a clear understanding of corporate objectives and goals.

To improve the system and methods for assessing the organization’s personnel and the results of their work, the following is required:

  • increasing the role of the personnel service in the enterprise;
  • competent regulatory and legal support for assessment activities;
  • introduction of instruments of responsibility for made personnel decisions;
  • development of a personnel recruitment and selection system;
  • improving the quality of professional training of workers.

It is necessary to eliminate all unnecessarily complex methods and techniques, and try to establish the most objective evaluation indicators that will not cause resistance and negative attitudes from employees.

Methods for assessing personnel when hiring

Hiring personnel is always a responsible decision that can affect the further development of the company, especially when it comes to top management. Therefore, the enterprise needs to develop an objective system for personnel selection, which will allow assessing professional achievements and personal qualities.

Most often, personnel services use the following 3 methods when hiring.
1. Psychological testing.
2. Interview. Includes situational behavioral interview and competency assessment.
3. Nonverbal assessment methods.

Methods for assessing candidates for vacancies are selected based on the characteristics of the company’s field of activity and the vacancy itself. They will be radically different in the case of selecting a workshop foreman and a sales manager, since they require the assessment of various personal qualities necessary for successful professional activity.

Methods for assessing the effectiveness of personnel management

Assessing the effectiveness of personnel management is a tool that allows you to determine how effectively the personnel service operates, to what extent the costs associated with the implementation of the personnel program are justified, and how successfully employees can realize their potential.

Key performance indicators of the personnel management system:

  • labor productivity;
  • personnel costs;
  • quality of products (services);
  • psychological situation in the team;
  • level of staff satisfaction;
  • effectiveness of implementation of management programs.

When assessing the effectiveness of employee management, the organization of managerial work and the quality of personnel management are taken into account. The following methods are used for this:

  • mathematical and statistical modeling;
  • based on the experience and knowledge of professionals;
  • based on the analysis of information flows;
  • complex techniques.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel management is carried out systematically. It is the comparison of current and previous assessment results that will make it possible to analyze the dynamics, see the improvement or deterioration of the enterprise’s personnel policy and take timely corrective measures.

Business assessment of personnel - this is a purposeful process of establishing compliance of the characteristics of personnel and the results of their activities with the requirements of a position or workplace.

In connection with the characteristics of business assessment of personnel, they often talk about employee certification. The assessment procedure can be strictly regulated, formalized and informal. For example, daily assessment of a subordinate by a manager, assessment of the completion of individual tasks. An assessment can pursue various, sometimes quite narrow objectives, not necessarily related to assessing compliance with work standards; it can be a psychological assessment, an assessment for the purpose of strengthening control, etc.

Certification is aimed at assessing the employee’s suitability for the position held. This is a procedure for systematic formalized assessment based on specified criteria for the compliance of the activities of a particular employee with the standards of performance in a given position for a certain period. The certification procedure must be completed in accordance with legal requirements and local regulations.

Business personnel assessment is an important personnel process that is linked to other personnel processes.

Main business assessment tasks personnel are:

Firstly, determining the value of an employee for the organization based on an assessment of his labor potential, an assessment of the degree to which this labor potential is used, as well as an assessment of suitability for the position held;

Secondly, obtaining relevant information for making management decisions on other personnel processes and problems of managing the organization.

The solution to the following management problems is based on the results of a business assessment of personnel :

recruitment and selection of personnel(assessment of personal and professional qualification characteristics of applicants);

determining the degree of compliance of the employee with the position held(re-certification of employees; analysis of the rationality of the placement of employees; assessment of the employee after completion of the probationary period, after completion of the internship; assessment of the completeness and quality of performance of job duties);

improved staff utilization(determining the degree of workload of workers; using according to qualifications; improving the organization of managerial work);

assessment of the contribution of employees to the results of the organization’s (division’s) activities: organizing employee incentives (strengthening material and moral incentives, ensuring the relationship between pay and work results, determining methods of external motivation, organizing bonuses); establishment of penalties;

making decisions on career and professional advancement of employees(formation of a personnel reserve; employee career planning);

management of personnel training in the organization(identification of training needs, selection of types, forms and methods of training, assessment of the effectiveness of staff training);

improvement of the organizational structure of organization management(justification of the number of management staff and by category, by management level, by position; development and clarification of job descriptions);

improvement of management methods(improving leadership style, developing organizational culture, improving interaction between managers and subordinates).

To ensure high efficiency of the business assessment procedure for personnel, the following principles must be observed when conducting it:

    the assessment procedure should include all personnel;

    the technology for conducting business assessment (methods, composition of indicators) should be differentiated by category, profession, position;

    compliance with the uniformity of assessment requirements for all employees of the same positions and management levels;

    ensuring the objectivity of personnel assessment based on the use of a fairly complete system of indicators characterizing the employee, his activities and behavior;

    simplicity, clarity and accessibility of the assessment procedure. The most accurate and understandable indicators and methods for assessing personnel should be used. The assessment procedure should be clear not only to developers, but also to all participants in the assessment process;

    providing effective feedback during the personnel assessment process. The employee must know how the results of his work are evaluated, what is defined as achievements, and what shortcomings are noted in his work. availability of information for conducting an objective and reliable assessment of personnel;

    ensuring transparency of the assessment procedure. Employees must be familiar with the procedure and methodology for conducting assessments. They must understand well what decisions can be made based on the results of its implementation. The results of the assessment must be communicated to all interested parties;

    democracy (public participation, involvement of colleagues and subordinates in the assessment);

    effectiveness (mandatory and prompt adoption of effective measures based on the results of the assessment procedure).

There are the following types of personnel assessment:

· Evaluation of the candidate when hiring:

· Certification - ongoing, periodic assessment.

Personnel performance assessment is designed to help achieve the following goals:

1. Administrative purposes. Performance evaluation provides guidance to decisions such as pay, promotions, demotions, transfers within the organization, and termination.

2. Providing feedback to employees about the degree to which their work and performance meet the organization's requirements. This is one of the tools for motivating employees to improve their performance.

3. Assessing the quality of management activities and improving the organization’s management system.

4. Improvement of the personnel management process.

Thus, based on the results of certification, management can draw conclusions and make decisions regarding the reorganization of the labor process.

The main objectives of employee assessment are determining the employee’s growth prospects, identifying his labor potential, the degree to which this potential is used, the employee’s suitability for the position held or his readiness to take a specific position when hired.

Features of assessment when hiring employees (methodology, procedure)

The task of the personnel service, which evaluates candidates for employment, is, in essence, to select an employee who is able to achieve the result expected by the organization. In fact, admission assessment is one of the forms of preliminary quality control of an organization's human resources.

As a rule, before the organization makes a decision to hire a candidate, he must go through several selection stages:

Stage 1. Preliminary selection conversation. The main purpose of the conversation is to assess the applicant’s level of education, his appearance and defining personal qualities. For effective work, it is advisable to use a general system of rules for assessing a candidate at this stage.

Step 2. Filling out the application form. Applicants who have successfully completed the preliminary interview must fill out a special application form and questionnaire. The number of questionnaire items should be kept to a minimum, and they should ask for information most relevant to the applicant's future job performance. Questionnaire questions should be neutral and allow for any possible answers, including the possibility of refusing to answer. The points should flow from one another.

Stage 3. Hiring conversation (interview).

Stage 4. Testing, professional testing. A source of information that can provide information about the personal characteristics, professional abilities and skills of the candidate. The results will make it possible to describe both potential attitudes and orientations of a person, as well as those specific methods of activity that he already actually masters.

Step 5. Checking references and track record. Information from letters of recommendation or conversations with people whom the candidate named as recommenders can make it possible to clarify what exactly and with what success the candidate did in previous places of work, study, or residence.

Stage 6. Medical examination. It is carried out, as a rule, if the job places special demands on the health of candidates.

Stage 7. Decision making. Comparison of candidates. Presenting results for consideration by decision-making management. Decision making and execution.

The essence of personnel certification - objects, indicators, organization of the certification process

Personnel certification is personnel activities designed to assess the compliance of the level of work, qualities and potential of an individual with the requirements of the activities performed. The main purpose of certification is not to control performance (although this is also very important), but to identify reserves for increasing the level of employee productivity.

Elements of certification are labor assessment and personnel assessment.

Labor assessment is aimed at comparing the content, quality and volume of actual labor with the planned result of labor, which is presented in technological maps, plans and work programs of the enterprise. Labor assessment makes it possible to assess the quantity, quality and intensity of work.

Personnel assessment allows you to study the degree of preparedness of an employee to perform exactly the type of activity in which he is engaged, as well as to identify the level of his potential capabilities for assessing growth prospects.

Certification is carried out in several stages: preparation, certification itself and summing up.

1 . Training provided by the HR department includes:

· development of principles and methodology for certification;

· publication of regulatory documents on the preparation and conduct of certification (order, list of the certification commission, certification methodology, certification plan, management training program, instructions for storing personal information);

· preparation of a special program to prepare for certification activities (when conducting certification for the first time using a new methodology);

· preparation of certification materials (blanks, forms, etc.).

2 . Carrying out certification:

· Certified persons and managers independently (according to the structure developed by the personnel service) prepare reports;

· those being certified and not only managers, but also employees and colleagues fill out assessment forms;

· results are analyzed;

· meetings of the certification commission are held.

3 . Summing up the certification results:

· analysis of personnel information, input and organization of use of personal information;

· approval of certification results.

The assessment method used in the organization must ensure maximum objectivity in measuring specific indicator values. Therefore, the assessment methodology must describe in detail the quantitative and qualitative interpretation of possible indicator values.

Basic methods of personnel assessment:

    Comparative methods (ranking).

    Written methods.

    Management by objectives.

    Behavioral rating scales. This assessment method is based on a combination of rating methods and a description of the employee's behavior in the workplace in different situations . The main advantage of this method is that linking examples of behavior to a rating scale can significantly increase the manager’s objectivity and outline directions for adjusting the employee’s behavior.

    Ranging- this is a determination of the order in which jobs are arranged in a list, in which the names of workers with the highest performance indicators are indicated in the first places, and those with the lowest in the last places. The most well-known ranking methods are:

      alternate ranking; ranking methods of paired comparisons.

    Essence alternate ranking consists of ranking workers from different ends of the list. First, the employees with the highest and lowest scores are identified, then the name of the employee next to the best and the name of the employee preceding the worst employee are entered into the list alternately. In the specified order, a list is formed from both ends.

    Paired comparison method based on all possible pairwise comparisons of all employees with each other. This method is convenient to use in organizations with a small number of employees. The most convenient way to conduct pairwise comparisons is to create a matrix.

    Written methods. This group of methods includes: writing employee characteristics; method of critical situations.

    Critical Situation Method based on recording effective and ineffective examples of behavior during work. These examples of behavior are “critical situations.” When evaluating an employee, these records for the evaluation period are used as the basis for discussing the employee's performance and for the final evaluation. Such records can be very useful for the manager, as they allow him to be objective when analyzing situations and assessing the employee’s performance.

    Questioning. Questionnaires for the purpose of personnel assessment can be carried out in several modifications.

    Direct survey. In this case, the employee is asked to fill out a questionnaire independently, answering various questions regarding his professionalism, personal qualities, communication with colleagues, and work plans. The data obtained is summarized and carefully analyzed.

    Comparative survey. When using this modification of the assessment questionnaire, an assessment key is developed, which allows you to determine the worst, average and best option for filling it out.

    Prescribed survey. In questionnaires of this type, all questions contain a fixed set of possible answers. In this case, the employee being assessed only chooses the most appropriate answer option.

    WITH In order to improve the efficiency of business assessment procedures for personnel, we will indicate the most common mistakes, which, of course, should be avoided:

    1) the use of different standards for workers performing the same work;

    2) changing standards during the assessment process;

    3) the tendency to evaluate an employee in comparison with other employees, rather than with the standards established for the job;

    4) attaching greater importance to the employee’s behavior in the period preceding the assessment, compared to work during the entire assessed period;

    5) assessment of the employee not as a whole, but according to one characteristic;

    6) manifestation of similarity of beliefs, interests, hobbies between the employee and the manager as a factor influencing the assessment;

    7) the tendency to unauthorizedly spread one aspect of an employee’s activity to all areas of his activity (the effect of one mistake or achievement”).

    Why personnel assessment is needed, and how HR services can most effectively implement personnel policies. The article talks about systems, methods and criteria for personnel assessment. An algorithm for constructing an employee evaluation system is described. What methods of personnel assessment exist, in what cases are they used. This article will help you understand the rather complex structure of the personnel evaluation system, and will allow you to understand how you can obtain valuable information about a person to make decisions aimed at increasing the performance of subordinates.

    Structure of the evaluation system

    Many companies sooner or later face the problem of personnel assessment. After all, for successful development, any structure needs to constantly improve, know its prospects and correct mistakes.

    Personnel assessment allows managers or personnel services to more effectively implement personnel policies, improve, attract new employees instead of those who cannot cope with their responsibilities and, thereby, do work of higher quality.

    Personnel assessment is a system for identifying certain characteristics of employees, which then help the manager in making management decisions aimed at increasing the performance of subordinates.

    Typically, personnel assessment is carried out in three areas:

    • assessment of an employee’s qualifications - when the characteristics of a standard are identified and compared with a specific person;
    • analysis of work results - here the quality of work performed is assessed;
    • assessment of the employee as an individual - personal characteristics are identified and compared with the ideal ones for the given place.

    If we generally talk about building an assessment system in a company, it is very important to remember three main features, isolation from which will not give the required result.

    First, assessments must be carried out regularly.

    Secondly, it must have a clearly defined goal.

    And thirdly, the assessment system must be transparent to everyone and based on commonly understood criteria.

    The personnel evaluation system itself is a whole series of actions and activities aimed at evaluating employees and of a permanent nature.

    To be effective, this system must be based on a basic and universal scheme for conducting this assessment.

    The first thing that needs to be done is to identify the company's need for personnel assessment and, on their basis, formulate clear goals that will be pursued when conducting employee assessment. The main goals usually include monitoring the social climate in the team, assessing the quality of work and the degree to which a person’s qualifications correspond to the position held.

    The second stage is to determine the subject of assessment, that is, who to evaluate. Depending on the goals, the target audience about which the enterprise needs information in the first place is determined.

    This is followed by defining the criteria by which the assessment will be carried out.

    This requires professionals in the industry who can highlight the most appropriate characteristics for each specific position.

    After selecting the criteria, it is necessary to select an assessment method based on them. The choice of the method itself is also carried out depending on certain criteria, including compliance with the goals set at the beginning, the degree of complexity of a particular suitable method, objectivity, which is best expressed in quantitative characteristics, understandability for those being assessed, and relevance, that is, the results should really be necessary.

    The next stage of the personnel evaluation system is called the preparatory stage. Here you need to perform a number of actions that will help in conducting the assessment itself.

    • creation of an internal regulatory framework for assessment - development of regulations, regulations;
    • training of the personnel who will directly conduct the assessment;
    • informing staff about the upcoming assessment and its benefits.

    After this, the assessment system enters its main stage - the actual assessment itself, the implementation of the entire project.

    Then it is necessary to analyze all the information collected as a result of the assessment for its relevance and the quality of the system itself.

    The final stage of implementation of the evaluation system is action - making management decisions in relation to those people who were evaluated - promotion, demotion, training.

    Personnel assessment methods

    Let us now consider the methods themselves that can be used in personnel assessment.

    Based on their focus, they are classified into three main groups: qualitative, quantitative and combined.

    Qualitative methods are methods for identifying employees without the use of quantitative indicators. They are also called descriptive methods.

    • matrix method - the most common method, involves comparing the qualities of a particular person with the ideal characteristics for the position held;
    • method of system of arbitrary characteristics - management or personnel department simply highlights the most striking achievements and the worst mistakes in a person’s work, and by comparing them draws conclusions;
    • task performance assessment is an elementary method when the employee’s work as a whole is assessed;
    • “360 degree” method - involves assessing an employee from all sides - managers, colleagues, subordinates, clients and self-assessment;
    • group discussion - a descriptive method - which involves a discussion between an employee and his managers or experts in the industry about the results of his work and prospects.

    Mixed methods are a combination of descriptive methods using quantitative aspects.

    • testing is an assessment based on the results of solving pre-set tasks;
    • sum of scores method. Each characteristic of a person is assessed on a certain scale, and then an average indicator comparable to the ideal is displayed;
    • a grouping system in which all employees are divided into several groups - from those who work excellently to those whose work is unsatisfactory compared to the rest;

    Quantitative methods are the most objective, since all results are recorded in numbers;

    • ranking method - several managers make a rating of employees, then all ratings are compared, and usually the lowest ones are cut;
    • point method - for each achievement, staff receive a certain number of points in advance, which are summed up at the end of the period;
    • free point assessment - each quality of an employee is assessed by experts for a certain number of points, which are summed up and an overall rating is displayed.

    All of the above methods are able to effectively assess only a certain aspect of a person’s work or his socio-psychological characteristics.

    Therefore, it is not surprising that recently a universal comprehensive method has been increasingly used - the method of assessment centers, which has absorbed elements of many methods to achieve the most objective analysis of personnel.

    This method has as many as 25 criteria by which a person is assessed.

    Among them: the ability to learn, the ability to make oral and written generalizations, contact, perception of the opinions of others, flexibility in behavior, internal standards, creative characteristics, self-esteem, the need for approval from superiors and colleagues, careerist motives, reality of thoughts, reliability, diversity of interests, stability to stressful situations, energy, organization, organizational and management skills.

    Main evaluation criteria

    All criteria for personnel assessment are usually divided into two main categories - performance criteria and competence criteria.

    When assessing performance, the achieved performance indicators of a particular person are compared with the planned indicators for a given period of work. To achieve this, clearly measurable objectives are set before the start of the reporting period. Performance is expressed in specific indicators: sales volume, number of completed projects, profit amounts, number of transactions.

    When assessing the competence of an employee, his knowledge and ability to apply it in practice, personal qualities, and behavior are assessed.

    One of the most effective ways of such an assessment is to solve situational problems taking into account the position that the employee occupies or for which he is applying.

    These tasks are of two types - descriptive and practical, and differ in the nature of actions when solving a specific problem.

    Thus, the personnel assessment system is quite complex and has many nuances and aspects that need to be given maximum attention. Otherwise, all the work invested in conducting the assessment may result in a complete lack of the required output information.

    The head of the organization must rationally use human resources. At the same time, it is important not only to effectively manage employees who are already hired, but also to control the selection of new ones.

    In 2018, the manager must apply modern assessment principles that will help achieve economic objectives. Their advantages lie in independent expert assessment.

    It is carried out by a special center. This center will be able to confirm whether the employee's skills meet pre-established standards enshrined in law.

    What methods of personnel assessment are more effective?

    Practice shows that the most effective modern method is combined. This is an integrated approach that combines four systems of qualitative and quantitative analysis.

    This includes:

    • system of summative assessments;
    • testing;
    • system of a given grouping of employees.

    Qualitative methods of employee assessment

    Modern qualitative methods do not include quantitative indicators.

    These include:

    • a method common in modern conditions is matrix;
    • "360 degrees";
    • discussions held in groups;
    • system of arbitrary characteristics;
    • task performance analysis.

    Basic methods of personnel selection and assessment

    Basic principles of recruiting that provide the company with an effective staff:

    • Complexity. Expert analysis of biography and career, identification of work and personal qualities, determination of the level of knowledge and competence;
    • Objectivity. Minimum subjective opinion of the recruiter. Repeated samples must show the original results;
    • Continuity. The employee search process should not be urgent. The talent pool should be part of the company's strategy;
    • Planning. The company must take into account development prospects and the need for new employees;
    • Alternative. Effective selection involves the benefits of selection. To do this, it is worth attracting more candidates;
    • Activity. Modern recruiting must be effective. Its main task is to work with potential personnel.

    Effective employee selection should be carried out in stages:

    • preliminary selection;
    • survey;
    • autobiography;
    • interview;
    • testing;
    • checking references;
    • medical checkup;
    • expert decision-making on employment.

    There are four main methods of personnel selection:

    • Mass recruiting. The task is to find low- and mid-level employees. Personnel analysis is simplified and aimed at identifying the candidate’s compliance with established requirements;
    • Direct search. The purpose of this technique is to select a senior employee, or a specialist with special skills and knowledge;
    • Headhunting. A type of direct search. The technology consists of finding a highly qualified specialist and luring him to a competitor’s company. Only an experienced HR professional can cope with such a task;
    • Premilinaring. A modern, effective way of recruiting personnel. Involves the selection of workers among intern students. Certification is carried out by HR managers.

    Four expert qualitative methods of personnel assessment:

    • Primary selection, is carried out at the stage of resume analysis (qualitative assessment of the compliance of the candidate’s characteristics with the established characteristics, experience and requirements of the vacant position);
    • Interview(analysis of the candidate’s professional and personal qualities during a personal meeting with the employer);
    • Assessment center(comprehensive analysis aimed at identifying the real qualities of applicants, their professional and psychological characteristics, and potential);
    • Professional surveys(direct test of the knowledge and skills required by the candidate).

    When is it better to use quantitative employee assessment methods?

    Modern quantitative methods are considered more objective than qualitative ones. The main benefits of quantifying in specific numbers recorded in a report.

    Eat four effective quantitative methods, which employers can apply around the world:

    • Quantitative method for compiling ratings;
    • Specified score;
    • Free scoring;
    • Graphic profile system.

    Advantages of non-traditional methods of employee assessment

    Employers can conduct non-traditional expert analysis.

    Modern non-traditional methods and their advantages:

    • Graphological. The worker writes several sentences under dictation. The result of the work is checked by a specially hired specialist - a graphologist. You can reveal a person’s character and learn his skills;
    • Physiognomic– not only unconventional, but also modern. Its advantage lies in the complete decoding of personality based on facial features. At the same time, it is difficult for a person to hide his true feelings. In forensic science, physiognomy is often used, but many argue whether it is worth using, not trusting the results;
    • Psychological tests– non-traditional for personnel analysis. Tests help analyze an employee's abilities and readiness to perform job duties. By analyzing psychological tests, a psychological portrait of a person is compiled that fully reveals the potential and predicts the level of development;
    • Modern and non-traditional methods of analysis- astrology and numerology are charlatanism for many. That does not prevent them from existing, and from many companies choosing them as their main ones.

    In order to provide the company with high-quality staff, and not burden the employee with responsibilities for which he is not ready, employers must use modern classical (quantitative and qualitative) and non-traditional methods.

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