Styles of pedagogical communication and their characteristics presentation. Presentation for teachers “Communication styles, relationships and positions in teaching activities

stable connection
between methods and
methods of communication and
goals that
it haunts. That
there are some
between people.

dealt with problems
human interaction
between themselves. According to
due to
human possibility
choose one or the other
means of behavior in
a certain situation.
They separated styles

With flexible style
society, he can
in front of him, quickly
understand what's going on

With a rigid style
a person can't
not analyze
behavior, but also
has poor self-control
and it can't always
choose the right one
way of behavior and

In transitional style
signs are present
above mentioned
styles. He's not finished
is happening
him, with whom he communicates and
interactions are better

Pedagogical communication styles
Pedagogical communication styles were identified
as emotional techniques and actions of the teacher in
attitude towards the student. Teacher behavior
due to his understanding of the goal that he
the teacher also takes into account communication styles

communication implies
what the teacher leaves
reserve the right to decide
questions yourself.
students, activities in
each student personally.
As a rule, this mode
dictatorship and care for

Ways to teach a liberal style teacher
different from the methods included in other styles
teacher communication. He strives to reduce all chances
take any part in life activities
class, does not want to bear responsibility for the students.
The teacher is limited to performing exclusively
their pedagogical functions.

Manipulative communication style

With this style of communication
achieving the goal. Usually,
the interlocutor is trying to show
the best aspects of him
goal so that he helps her
achieve. Despite the fact that
both participants in the conversation
the one who is more skillful will win

Humanistic style of communication

communication style is about
relationships in which
the person wants him
understood, supported, gave
to him
empathized. Initially
this type of communication is not
folds up
current events.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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The essence and features of pedagogical communication are revealed in the works of teachers and psychologists A.A. Bodaleva, N.V. Kuzmina, Ya.L. Kolominsky, I.A., Zimnyaya, A.N.Lutoshkin, A.K.Markova.

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Style as a manner of communication is represented in pedagogical practice by three main forms of organizing pedagogical interaction: - cooperation between teachers and students in the joint search for knowledge; - teacher pressure on students and fettering (limiting) their activity and creative initiative; - a neutral attitude towards students, the teacher’s withdrawal not only from the problems of his students, but also from solving his own professional problems.

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The style of pedagogical communication is the individual-typological features of the social-typological interaction between teachers and students. The style of communication expresses: - features of the teacher’s communicative capabilities; - the established nature of the relationship between the teacher and students; - creative individuality of the teacher; - features of the study group, class.

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Authoritarian style - - it is characterized by the following features: the teacher single-handedly determines the direction of the group, class, indicates who should sit and work with whom, suppresses any initiative of students who are forced to be content with guesses. The main forms of interaction are orders, instructions, instructions, reprimands.

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The democratic style is manifested in the teacher’s reliance on the opinion of the group or class. The teacher tries to convey the purpose of the activity to the consciousness of everyone, involves everyone in participating in the discussion of the progress of the work; sees his task not only in control and coordination, but also in education. Every student is encouraged and gains self-confidence.

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Liberal style - the teacher tries not to interfere in the life of the group or class. Does not show activity, considers issues formally, easily submits to various, sometimes contradictory influences, and actually removes himself from responsibility for what is happening.

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Psychologist A.K. Markova - offers a classification of individual styles of pedagogical communication. She identifies: - emotional - improvisational, - emotional - methodical, - reasoning - improvisational, - reasoning - methodical communication styles.

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Emotional-improvisational style (EIS) The teacher of this style is distinguished by a predominant focus on the learning process. Such a teacher constructs an explanation of new material in a logical and interesting way, but during the process of explanation he often lacks feedback from the students. During the survey, the teacher addresses a large number of students, mostly strong ones, who are of interest to him. He interviews them at a fast pace, asks informal questions, but doesn’t let them talk much, and doesn’t wait for them to formulate an answer on their own.

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Emotional-methodological style (EMS) A teacher of this style is characterized by an orientation towards the process and results of learning. Focusing on both the process and the result of learning, such a teacher adequately plans the educational process, works through all the educational material step by step, carefully monitors the level of knowledge of all students, his activities constantly include consolidation and repetition of educational material, and control of student knowledge. Such a teacher is distinguished by high efficiency, he often changes types of work in the classroom, and practices collective discussions.

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Reasoning-improvisational style (RIS) The teacher is characterized by an orientation towards the process and results of learning, adequate planning of the educational process. Compared to teachers of emotional learning styles, a teacher using RIS shows less ingenuity in selecting and varying teaching methods and is not always able to ensure a high pace of work. He practices collective discussions less often; the time his students spend spontaneously speaking in class is less than that of teachers with an emotional style. A teacher who uses RIS speaks less himself, especially during a survey, preferring to influence students indirectly (through hints, clarifications, etc.), giving respondents the opportunity to formulate the answer themselves.

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Pedagogical communication and its functions

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Pedagogical communication is the professional communication of a teacher with students in and outside the classroom, aimed at creating a favorable climate.

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Communication functions Characteristics
Informational Messaging, i.e. reception and transmission of any information in response to a request, as well as exchange of opinions.
Contact Establishing contact as a state of mutual readiness to receive and transmit a message.
Incentive Stimulation of the activity of a communication partner, directing him to perform certain actions.
Coordination Mutual orientation and coordination of actions when organizing joint activities.
Understandings Not only adequate perception and understanding of the meaning of the message, but also the partners’ understanding of each other.
Establishing relationships Awareness and fixation of one’s place in the system of role, business, and interpersonal connections of the community in which the teacher will act.
Communication functions:

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Authoritarian (striking arrows). The teacher single-handedly determines the direction of the group's activities, indicates who should sit and work with whom, suppresses any student initiative, students live in a world of guesswork. The main forms of interaction are order, instruction, instruction, reprimand. Democratic (returning boomerang). It manifests itself in the leader’s reliance on the opinion of the team; the teacher tries to convey the goal of the activity to the consciousness of everyone. The main ways of communication for such a teacher are request, advice, information. Liberal (floating raft). The teacher tries not to interfere in the life of the group, does not show activity, considers issues formally, and easily submits to other contradictory influences.
Styles of pedagogical communication

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1. Announcer model (“Mont Blanc”). Pedagogical functions are reduced to information communication in the absence of personal interaction. lack of psychological contact, lack of initiative and passivity of students.
2. Non-contact model (“Chinese Wall”). There is weak feedback between the teacher and the student due to communication barriers: lack of desire to cooperate, informational rather than dialogical nature of the lesson. weak interaction with students, and on their part - an indifferent attitude towards the teacher.
3. Model of differentiated attention (“Locator”) Based on selective relationships with students. Teachers are not focused on the entire composition of the audience, but only on a part, for example, on talented, weak, leaders. The integrity of interaction in the “teacher-team” system is violated; it is replaced by the fragmentation of situational contacts.
4. Hypo-reflective model (“Grouse”). The teacher seems to be closed in on himself in communication: his speech is mostly monologue. Such a teacher shows emotional deafness to others. There is practically no interaction between the student and the teacher (a field of psychological vacuum).
5. Hyper-reflective model (“Hamlet”). The teacher is concerned not so much with the content of the interaction as with how it is perceived by others. Interpersonal relationships take on dominant significance for him. heightened socio-psychological sensitivity of the teacher, leading him to inadequate reactions to remarks and actions of the audience; the reins of power may be in the hands of the trainees.
Teacher behavior patterns:

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names of models characteristics consequences
6. Model of inflexible response (“Robot”). The relationship between the teacher and students is built according to a rigid program, but the teacher does not have a sense of the constantly changing communication situation. They do not take into account the composition and psychological state of the students, their age and ethnic characteristics. low effect of social interaction.
7. Authoritarian model (“I am myself”). The educational process is entirely focused on the teacher. He is the main and only character. From him come questions and answers, judgments and arguments. Lack of initiative is fostered, the creative nature of learning is lost, and the motivational sphere of cognitive activity is distorted.
8. Model of active interaction (“Union”). The teacher is constantly in dialogue with students, keeps them in a positive mood, encourages initiative, easily grasps changes in the psychological climate of the team and reacts flexibly to them. The style of friendly interaction predominates while maintaining role distance. Consequence: emerging educational, organizational, ethical and other problems are creatively solved through joint efforts. This model is the most productive.

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Justice Ability to put oneself in the place of another Kindness Restraint Tolerance Beauty, style Good verbal abilities Accessibility of presentation of material Strictness
Students’ choice of teacher’s personal qualities

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Interest in people and working with them; Flexibility, operational and creative thinking; Ability to sense and maintain feedback in communication; Ability to manage oneself; Empathy (the ability to put oneself in another’s place); Ability for spontaneity of communications; The ability to predict possible pedagogical situations and the consequences of one’s influences; Good verbal abilities: culture, speech development, rich vocabulary, correct selection of linguistic means; The ability for pedagogical improvisation, the ability to use a wide variety of means of influence (persuasion, suggestion, the use of various methods of influence)

There are two main figures in school - the teacher and the student. Their communication in class, in extracurricular activities, and at leisure becomes an important condition for the effectiveness of the educational process, a means of shaping the student’s personality. Relationships with teachers occupy a very important place in children's lives, and children are very worried if they do not work out.

A teacher is not only one who shares knowledge, wisdom and experience. He is the person who organizes and directs the educational process.

How to build a relationship with a student so that interaction with him allows you to obtain maximum results in the field of education and personal development, and at the same time remains promising for further constructive communication?

The answer to this question may be the “teacher-student” interaction model, the purpose of which is to optimize the educational process. But today the “teacher-student” cooperation model has become outdated and has taken on a new form of “person-to-person.” And this has significantly changed the entire social psychological aspect of their interaction.

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“Presentation “Styles of communication between teachers and students””

Styles of pedagogical communication

Paramonycheva Tatyana Sergeevna,

MBOU "Lyceum No. 16 at Ulyanovsk State Technical University of the city of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region"

  • Authoritarian (suppression)
  • Indifferent (indifference)
  • Democratic (cooperation)

  • An orderly tone, harsh remarks, tactless attacks against some members of the group and unreasoned praise of others.
  • Subjective assessment of the success of their students, making comments not so much about the work itself, but about the personality of the performer.
  • Assessment of children as impulsive, lazy, undisciplined, irresponsible.
  • Single-person classroom management and establishment of strict control over the fulfillment of requirements for students.
  • The desire to manipulate the class, placing the task of organizing discipline at the forefront.
  • Submission of children to their authority in a categorical form, without explaining the need for normative behavior.
  • Psychological pressure on the child’s personality.

  • Self-removal of the teacher from the educational process.
  • Lack of initiative in organizing certain events.
  • Decision-making under pressure from the administration - “from above”, or from schoolchildren - “from below”.
  • Lack of desire for innovation, fear of initiative on the part of students.
  • Lack of joint activities between students and teacher.
  • Lack of discipline in the classroom and organization of the educational process.
  • Lack of positive conditions for personal development.

  • Facts are assessed, not the student's personality.
  • The class takes an active part in discussing the entire course of the upcoming work and its organization.
  • Initiative increases, sociability and trust in personal relationships increases.
  • The teacher relies on the student body, encourages and fosters independence in the children.
  • Students' problems are discussed together, without imposing the teacher's point of view.
  • When interacting directly with students, the teacher uses not so much direct as indirect forms of encouragement to action (request, advice, information).
  • The student is considered as an equal partner in communication, a colleague in the joint search for knowledge.
  • The teacher takes into account not only academic performance, but also the personal qualities of the students.

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Pedagogical communication is a specific form of communication that has its own characteristics, and at the same time is subject to general psychological patterns inherent in communication as a form of human interaction with other people, including communicative, interactive and perceptual components.

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Achieving a positive result of communication and interaction is associated with the accumulation and correct generalization of information about each other, depends on the level of development of the teacher’s communication skills, his ability to empathy and reflection, to observation, from the ability to listen, understand the student, influence him through persuasion, suggestion, emotional contagion, changes in communication styles and positions, the ability to overcome manipulation and conflicts. An important role is played by the psychological and pedagogical competence of the teacher in the field of psychological characteristics and patterns of communication and interaction.

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Styles of pedagogical communication We can distinguish six main styles of teacher leadership of students: - autocratic (autocratic style of leadership), when the teacher exercises sole control over the group of students, not allowing them to express their views and critical comments, the teacher consistently makes demands on students and exercises strict control over their execution; - an authoritarian (domineering) leadership style allows for the opportunity for students to participate in the discussion of issues of educational or collective life, but the decision is ultimately made by the teacher in accordance with his own attitudes;

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The democratic style presupposes that the teacher pays attention to and takes into account the opinions of the student, he strives to understand them, convince them, and not command, and conducts dialogical communication on equal terms; - the ignoring style is characterized by the fact that the teacher strives to interfere less in the life activities of students, practically eliminates himself from managing them, limiting himself to the formal fulfillment of the duties of transmitting educational and administrative information;

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A permissive, conformist style manifests itself when a teacher withdraws from leading a group of students or goes along with their desires; - inconsistent, illogical style - the teacher, depending on external circumstances and his own emotional state, implements any of the mentioned leadership styles, which leads to disorganization and situationality of the system of relationships between the teacher and the student, and the emergence of conflict situations.

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Famous psychologist V.A. Kan-Kalik identified the following styles of pedagogical communication:

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1. Communication based on the high professional standards of the teacher, his attitude to teaching activities in general. They say about such people: “Children literally follow on his heels!” 2. Communication based on friendship. It presupposes passion for a common cause. The teacher plays the role of a mentor, a senior friend, and a participant in joint educational activities. 3. Distance communication is one of the most common types of pedagogical communication. In this case, in relationships, distance is constantly visible in all areas, in training, with reference to authority and professionalism, in upbringing, with reference to life experience and age. This style forms the “teacher-student” relationship.

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4. Intimidating communication is a negative form of communication, inhumane, revealing the pedagogical failure of the teacher resorting to it. 5. Communication-flirting - typical for young teachers striving for popularity. Such communication only provides false, cheap authority.


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Most often in teaching practice there is a combination of styles in one proportion or another, when one of them dominates. Among the classifications of pedagogical communication styles developed abroad in recent years, the typology of professional positions of teachers proposed by M. Talen seems interesting.


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Model I - "Socrates". This is a teacher with a reputation as a lover of controversy and discussion, deliberately provoking it in the classroom. He is characterized by individualism, unsystematicism in the educational process due to constant confrontation; Students strengthen their defense of their own positions and learn to defend them. Model II - "Group Discussion Leader". He considers the achievement of agreement and the establishment of cooperation between students to be the main thing in the educational process, assigning himself the role of a mediator for whom the search for democratic agreement is more important than the result of the discussion. Model III - "Master". The teacher acts as a role model, subject to unconditional copying, and above all not so much in the educational process, but in relation to life in general.


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Model IV - "General". He avoids any ambiguity, is emphatically demanding, strictly seeks obedience, because he believes that he is always right in everything, and the student, like an army recruit, must unquestioningly obey the orders given. According to the author of the typology, this style is more common than all of them combined in teaching practice. Model V - "Manager". A style that has become widespread in radically oriented schools and is associated with an atmosphere of effective class activity, encouraging their initiative and independence. The teacher strives to discuss with each student the meaning of the problem being solved, quality control and evaluation of the final result.


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Model VI - "Coach". The atmosphere of communication in the classroom is permeated with a corporate spirit. Students in this case are like players of one team, where each individual is not important as an individual, but together they can do a lot. The teacher is assigned the role of inspirer of group efforts, for whom the main thing is the final result, brilliant success, victory. Model VII - "Guide". The embodiment of a walking encyclopedia. Laconic, precise, restrained. He knows the answers to all questions in advance, as well as the questions themselves. Technically impeccable and that is why it is often downright boring.


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Professionally important qualities of pedagogical communication 1) interest in people and working with them, the presence of NEEDS and communication skills, sociability, communicative qualities; 2) the ability of emotional EMPATHY and understanding of people; 3) FLEXIBILITY, operational and creative thinking, providing the ability to quickly and correctly navigate changing communication conditions, quickly change the speech impact depending on the communication situation, the individual characteristics of the student; 4) the ability to sense and maintain FEEDBACK in communication; 5) the ability to CONTROL YOURSELF, to manage your mental states, your body, voice, facial expressions, the ability to control your mood, thoughts, feelings, the ability to relieve muscle tension; 6) ability for SPONTANEOUS (unprepared) communication; 7) the ability to PREDICT possible pedagogical situations, the consequences of one’s influences; 8) good VERBAL ABILITIES: culture, speech development, rich vocabulary, correct selection of linguistic means; 9) mastery of the art of PEDAGOGICAL EXPERIENCES, which represent a fusion of life, natural experiences of the teacher and pedagogically appropriate experiences that can influence the student in the required direction; 10) the ability to PEDAGOGICAL IMPROVISATION, the ability to use all the variety of means of influence (persuasion, suggestion, infection, the use of various methods of influence, “devices” and “extensions”).


Last presentation slide: Pedagogical communication styles

Thus, the personality of the teacher plays a special role in pedagogical communication these days, whether it is doomed to failure or, conversely, to success...