How to make a commercial proposal example. How to correctly write a commercial proposal using a sample

A commercial proposal is an ideal tool for working with old partners; such an offer is also used to find new partners. From our article you will learn in detail about the specifics of commercial proposals: rules for drawing up, mistakes that can be made, you will receive useful information, as well as examples of proposals and templates.

What is a commercial offer?

Often a company thinking about expanding its customer and partner base chooses commercial proposals as its main tool. Conventionally, commercial offers can be divided into 2 types:

  • Personalized, sent to a specific addressee and containing a personal message inside. The main advantage of such offers is that the client involuntarily begins to feel involved in your company; he is pleased that he will individually receive an offer with a special discount or bonuses. Of course, he doesn’t need to know that several dozen other people received a similar letter.
  • Non-personalized, which is also called cold. It contains impersonal information, is not directed to a single person, but is designed for a large circle of consumers. This proposal also has its disadvantages: firstly, the lack of personal appeal generalizes the information, reducing the degree of interest of the client. Secondly, the offer can be read by a person who will not make the purchasing decision (secretary, middle manager, relative, etc.).

Any type of commercial proposal will help you achieve the following goals:

  • Will attract the attention of a potential client/partner.
  • Will arouse interest and desire to purchase the product.
  • It will help the buyer decide to make a purchase or order a specific service.

Taking these decisions into account, a commercial proposal is developed, but the principle of its “work” is similar to that of a regular advertising campaign. Naturally, the textual content of a commercial proposal is 50% of success; if you create a personalized proposal, then you need to pay great attention to the paper and even the envelope in which it will be sealed. Usually, in order to attract the client’s attention, the proposal is supplemented with the company logo or an emphasis is placed on corporate colors.

Structure: compose a sentence sequentially

The standard structure of such a proposal consists of 5 main parts. Let's look at them with examples.

Title and subtitle of the CP

  • Headline, which uses an enticing phrase and, if possible, a corporate logo.
  • Subtitle, which defines the service or product offered.

Which is correct?

Example No. 1

  • Title: How to reduce the cost of a click in Yandex Direct while maintaining a CTR of 40-50%?
  • Subtitle: The IT company will reduce the cost per click by half in 10 days, increasing CTR by at least 10%.

Example No. 2

  • Headline: The Minutka courier service will deliver your order from the cafe so quickly that the dishes will not have time to cool down!
  • Subtitle: Services for delivering hot lunches for employees directly to the office.

Example No. 3

  • Title: Express Italian courses: we will refund you 100% of your payment if your employees do not speak Italian in 3 months!
  • Subtitle: Special service for preparing personnel for the arrival of foreign colleagues, foreign business trips, and maintaining documentation.

Example No. 4

  • Title: What to do if the contractor missed the deadline, and there is no time left for interior finishing of the apartment?
  • Subtitle: Company "Repair M": we carry out finishing work in a short time and give a 10% discount.

How wrong?

  • Headline: LLC "Wall": let's build it as if it were for ourselves.
  • Subtitle: The Stena LLC company has been engaged in construction work for more than 10 years.

Information and benefits block

  • A block that attracts attention and provides advertising information about a product/service.
  • The benefits that a partner or client will receive from cooperation with your company.


The courier service “Minutka” has been on the market for these services since 2010. They leave only positive reviews about our work, we have more than 500 clients, but this is not the limit. Our service cooperates with the companies Technotrade LLC, Autoservice 100 and others. We are the best delivery service in our segment:

  • Large car park.
  • We cooperate with a large number of cafes and restaurants.
  • We provide discounts to regular customers.

The cost of our services depends on the number of your employees, the distance of the cafe from your office and other factors. To find out more, contact us by phone or email!

There is no “pepper” in KP, there is no intrigue and that very “candy” that attracts customers. You definitely need to use more numbers, tempting phrases and offers that will make a person read the letter to the end and call you.

Which is correct?

The Minutka courier service offers to organize meals for your company’s employees. Hot lunches in the office mean not only saving material resources, but also increasing the efficiency of your team. Why waste time looking for a cafe, because the Minutka courier service will bring hot dishes from any restaurant or cafe in Nizhny Novgorod within 30 minutes.

5 reasons why you should contact a courier service in a minute:

  • Our services are used by more than 15 organizations in Nizhny Novgorod.
  • We work 744 hours a month, accepting orders day and night.
  • We cooperate with more than 25 food outlets of different price categories.
  • The service has its own fleet of vehicles and the latest equipment, allowing it to accept and deliver orders within 30 minutes - 1 hour.
  • If you find food delivery cheaper, we will give you a personal 20% discount.

Feedback: Our company does not have its own canteen, so we have been cooperating with the Minutka courier service for more than 3 years, we are satisfied with the quality of their work and the speed of delivery. We are often given discounts and sent an extended list of cafes and restaurants with which the courier service cooperates. Our employees are satisfied, we express our deep gratitude to the Minutka service for delicious lunches and prompt delivery!

Sincerely, Recruitment Director of the New Technologies company Anna Kovalenko!

Shall we cooperate?

Here are your available contacts, address and phone number, you can add a service logo.

What is the purpose of the proposal?

All advertising tools have one goal - to sell, to sell profitably. And it doesn’t matter what tools you use, because a cheap calendar or an expensive proposal on laminated paper should attract the client and arouse his interest. Therefore, all the efforts of the person making the commercial proposal should be concentrated on competently presenting the benefits of the purchase, which even the client who is “not in the know” will see.

If your potential client reads the commercial proposal to the end, then this is a success for the company, which can bring profit and new clients.

Tips to help you write a business proposal

To create a “selling” commercial offer, you need to take into account several tips that make the offer more interesting for a potential buyer:

  • More specificity and clarity. Avoid vague phrases and vague sentences; you need to place on 1 sheet specific information about the product or service that will clearly reveal its advantages.
  • When drafting, do not make logical, semantic or technical errors that will immediately scare off clients.
  • Provide only truthful information. If the client does not receive the promised bonus or product, then he will have a worse impression of the company.
  • Be sure to indicate special offers that you can guarantee to the client.
  • Stick to structure and fill your business proposal with confident phrases. Your confidence will be transferred to the client, encouraging him to place an order.

Rules for drawing up a commercial proposal: determine the goal, audience and other parameters

Before drawing up a commercial proposal, it is necessary to analyze the target audience for which the document is intended. You must realistically assess the desires and capabilities of your potential audience in order to create a good proposal.

Check after compilation

After drawing up a commercial proposal, it is worth conducting a short test by quickly skimming the finished letter. Does it solve the client's problem? Is there any pattern in it? Is everything listed? You can carry out several such checks; believe me, all the “verbal” chaff will be eliminated, and only useful and effective information will remain on paper.

There are several tools you can use to check your offer:

  • Ask your coworker or friend to read the proposal. Let your friend evaluate the commercial proposal and say whether he would make a call to your company or not. What is important here is perception, understanding of the topic (even if the person is completely unfamiliar with your product), and the desire to call.
  • Read the text, discarding all epithets. For example, the phrase “our best hairdryer in the whole world” sounds simpler and easier without superlatives, no longer looking like a schoolchild’s essay.

This is how you simply proofread a commercial proposal, ridding it of worn-out cliches and truly ridiculous phrases. Then give it to the printing house or designer, and you will receive the CP ready for sending. But what to do next with ready-made proposals? Let's find out together!

Examples of ready-made commercial proposals: photos

If you don't have someone on staff with experience sending out such proposals, you'll probably have to hire one. Fan mailing by email or delivery by courier is a subtle science that requires certain skills. But the situation will be facilitated by using your own or purchased client base with potential buyers.

Prestigious companies have been building their client base for years, so there shouldn’t be any problems, but a young, developing business does not yet have a large number of clients. What to do? You can buy, but they may slip you a dummy with “dead souls” (non-existent email addresses, for example) or sell a database with a non-target audience. For example, a car dealership will give its base to a cosmetics store, what's the point?

Let's sum it up

Writing and sending commercial proposals is difficult, really difficult, if you want to get real results. For such an “action” to bring benefits, be sure to contact professionals or friends who have been involved in drawing up commercial proposals at least once in their lives.

There are a variety of ways to promote your business: these include advertising campaigns and active promotion on social media. networks, and various gift and bonus programs for their clients, and creating their own websites describing services and products, and influencing people’s opinions about the company through various sources of information. Constant promotions and incentives to buy this or that product can in fact be called marketing moves that allow you to create a customer base, collect the necessary data and develop the company, meeting the requirements of its customers. In all areas of any service-providing business, there is a need to somehow advertise your product and establish yourself as a good manufacturer. And in these matters, aggressive marketing is not the best solution. Each client is interested in a specific list of services, which can be set out in full only in a well-written commercial proposal, on the basis of which subsequent contracts are concluded.

What is a commercial offer

Every sales manager of any company has encountered in his life the preparation of a commercial proposal and knows firsthand what a hassle it really is.

In fact, commercial proposals are certain documents that need to be sent to your partners. If everything in the document is stated correctly and correctly, then the company is guaranteed a profitable contract. If not, then all the blame falls on the manager who drew up the specific proposal, because because of it, the company loses valuable customers.

Recently, it has been widely believed that commercial proposals are a type of modern selling text, which clearly and in detail describes all the company’s services provided, the conditions for receiving bonuses, discounts and special offers. Well, due to the fact that there is no specific framework for preparing a commercial proposal as such, it is quite possible that it can be drawn up in free form and have a different structure. The main thing is that it brings results, namely the company’s profit.

Types of commercial offers

Any manager working in a large company knows how to draw up a commercial proposal. Just like any copywriter can write the appropriate “selling text”. So is there a difference in the first and second cases? Of course there is! And it really is huge. As mentioned earlier, in one case it is a standard document, in another it is a well-written text calling for the purchase of a particular product.

There are basically two types of commercial offers - personalized and non-personalized. From these names it is quite easy to guess how exactly the commercial proposal drawn up in both cases differs. A sample of a well-written document will help you avoid mistakes in the main points.

Personification of the offer

A personalized commercial offer is prepared by company representatives specifically for one client. At the same time, it is important for the document to satisfy his individual needs. If a commercial proposal is successfully drawn up, the company will have a satisfied client and a good reputation.

Let's consider the example of a large business. Partners tend to meet with each other and discuss the details before concluding any contract. If one of them is satisfied with the terms of the other party, then he sends a request for a commercial proposal, which describes the type of services provided, the individual terms of the transaction and the amount of payment for certain services. Both parties remain satisfied. And if one of the parties does not fulfill the terms of such a “contract,” then the deal is terminated.

Non-personalized offers

Unlike the first case, non-personalized commercial offers are a way to attract the attention of a new audience. This is the type of those very selling texts, which describe in detail the various advantages of the company and express an incentive to buy the product.

A non-personalized commercial offer, a sample of which, no doubt, everyone has seen, is also called “cold”.

A characteristic feature of this proposal is the lack of appeal specifically to the potential client. The text is aimed at a wide audience of people, often of different age categories. It is only needed to attract a new customer base. Doesn't have much uniqueness. It may describe the company's advantages and one or two conditions for receiving a discount, but nothing more than that. As a rule, such proposals, written by skilled specialists, attract people.

Quote functions

From what has been written above, it is clear that commercial offers are an integral part of an advertising campaign. But what exactly is their function? What should a person feel when reading about a particular company on the Internet or on flyers?

Here are a few criteria that a written commercial proposal must meet:

  • attract attention;
  • interest potential consumers;
  • encourage a person to buy a product;
  • push to purchase using bonuses, exclusive offers, etc.

Based on these requirements, a commercial proposal is subsequently drawn up. It is very important to know which audience this document is aimed at, because different generations have different needs.

Therefore, it is stupid to advertise dentures, for example, using tools that are relevant to modern youth. To attract the truly desired audience, a commercial proposal must be correctly drawn up. It's not difficult to find a sample.

Drawing up a commercial proposal, its structure

Any commercial proposal form must include:

  1. Heading: logo of the company providing the services. This will attract the client's attention.
  2. Subtitle: describes the product or service provided by the company.
  3. Brief advertising of services and conditions.
  4. The advantages of choosing your company, the terms of cooperation, a description of the benefits of cooperation.
  5. Sender's contacts: phone, email, company address.
  6. Trademarks.

At the same time, in order not to tire the potential client, you should make a commercial proposal, the template of which is described above, no longer than 1-2 pages. This way, there is a greater chance that the potential client will read the proposal received to the end, and not throw it in the trash on the first lines.

What marketing tactics are best to use?

When drawing up a commercial proposal, it is important to pay attention to the problems of the population and target audience. If you competently convince a person that your services are exactly what he needs, the advertising can be considered successful.

It is customary to distribute commercial offers either by mail or on the Internet by e-mail; one-page sites also work well, where the provision of the necessary services is described in detail.

When printing out a commercial proposal for the provision of services on paper, special attention should be paid to:

  • the quality of the paper on which it is printed;
  • color scheme;
  • absence of errors;
  • clearly defined conditions;
  • watermarks as an indicator of the seriousness of the company.

Most people judge by the cover. So design plays an important role in attracting clients and their response to the commercial proposal, the form of which he will hold in his hands.

  1. In the eyes of a potential client, you are reduced to a dull spammer.
  2. Your letter may end up in the spam folder, and people simply won’t read it.
  3. An ugly and illiterately designed electronic offer will clearly not benefit your reputation.

Cold selling works much better with phone calls than with sending unsolicited text to other people's email addresses.

Often, a company’s reputation due to aggressive marketing turns out to be lower than expected results, and therefore such companies, as a rule, do not have a client base, or people treat all offers with some distrust, so you should carefully monitor the activities of employees, study the market and purchasing power your clients and learn about their wants and needs. It is important not only to attract, but also to give attention to other people, expressing this through flexible commercial offers.

Provision of services

There is a common belief that a commercial offer is a kind of marketing ploy that is just as useless as other advertising leaflets, but this is not the case. A well-drafted commercial proposal for the provision of services (see the picture for a sample) is almost a full-fledged contract that only needs to be signed.

It is quite stupid to aggressively encourage people to purchase a particular product without calling or first familiarizing themselves with the company’s services. It is important to understand what problems the client is experiencing and how you can present your services to him in the most favorable light.

There is no formula for an ideal commercial offer due to the fact that, after all, companies and services are very different, and for one circle of consumers some aspects are most relevant and important, while for another, other problems come to the fore.

Gross errors in drawing up a commercial proposal

Many marketers abuse the fact that they make a commercial offer oversaturated with information, which is why many clients are perplexed, and ultimately the meaning of the message becomes not entirely clear to them. Or it happens that the text is replete with beautiful speech patterns and “praise” of clients, which leads to certain suspicions.

To understand all these mistakes, you need to approach the situation more practically. Let's say there is a need to make a commercial offer for a product. This product is computer chairs and chairs. And we need a way to sell them.

What should not be written in a commercial proposal form:

  • history of the company and its leader;
  • long stories about how painstakingly and carefully you take the production of chairs;
  • even longer stories about how comfortable the chairs are to sit on;
  • various “serenades” to clients and the promise of mountains of gold and a cure for all diseases.

Write briefly about the company's experience in the market, you can add 1-2 reviews from satisfied customers, focus directly on the needs of customers, the main need in this case is convenience and practicality, as well as maintaining health.

A commercial supply proposal, a sample of which is publicly available, is also easy to draw up. The scheme is absolutely the same - you should not be scattered about some abstract topics. The main thing in delivery is efficiency and quality, and this should be emphasized. Many companies often need prompt delivery of raw materials for their production. The proposal form itself may look rather modest, but here the quality of execution comes to the fore.

But there are identified patterns that state that:

  1. Most people notice the title first, and if it interests them, they read on.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to “special” words that attract attention, such as “free”, “new”, “amazing”, “best”, “top quality” and so on.
  3. The text must be structured and divided into paragraphs so as not to “overwhelm the reader.”
  4. It’s even better if the document contains illustrations. This allows you to hold your gaze longer.

Modern technologies make it possible to create bright forms that attract attention, and to sufficiently, broadly and openly describe all types of services provided. All that remains for a person in this case is to write a literate text, the machines will do the rest.

Drawing up a commercial proposal online using a template

Not all managers are able to cope with this task, and therefore often resort to the help of the Internet. Yes, nowadays it’s enough to just download a ready-made form or, even better, make a commercial proposal (a sample for services below) online. Of course, such an offer will not be ideal and is unlikely to interest a large audience. But for a new company, ready-made templates with modern graphic solutions will be just right.

The visual component should be pleasant, and by and large it does not matter whether it is very similar to others, but as the company develops, great attention should still be paid to the design of its services.

A commercial proposal is the best way to express yourself in the modern world, where every second person dreams of a successful business, and few achieve dizzying success. However, if you sell your services correctly and know how to interest your clients and treat them humanely, then even the smallest business will flourish.

Have you sent a proposal for cooperation to a client? Congratulations: you've just increased your chance of closing a deal by 50%. Have you forgotten anything? According to statistics, 60% of managers do not include a call to action in their CP. And this is a fatality. We turned to copywriting experts and learned how to create a commercial proposal to be sure to interest the client.

Types of commercial offers: which one to choose?

You are about to write a commercial proposal. First, answer yourself two questions: who is it addressed to and for what purpose. Its content depends on this. book author “An effective commercial proposal. Comprehensive guide" Denis Kaplunov divides CP into hot and cold, and also identifies 7 types of letters depending on the task being solved. Let's look at this classification in more detail.

1. Determine the target audience

Based on their readiness to make a purchase, the audience is divided into “cold” and “hot”, which is why commercial letters are usually divided into these two types. Additionally, Denis Kaplunov highlights combined CP.

  1. Hot KP sent after a telephone conversation or meeting. You already know the client’s needs, so include the information he requested in the text: the price for a specific brand, and not for a full catalog, information on a special offer, and not a full price list, etc. Start the text like this: “In continuation of our conversation, I am sending an estimate...”, “Based on the results of the negotiations, at your request, I am sending options for solving the identified problem.”
  2. Cold KP create a mass mailing to those customers with whom you have not yet contacted and who do not know about your company and product. In this case, for each product (or group of products) you only need to create one sample commercial proposal.
  3. More common combined gearboxes. You define your target audience, find out their needs by conducting marketing research or a survey, and mass send out an offer tailored to them. That is, it is a cold letter written for a specific audience and responding to their unique pain points.

2. Seven reasons to send a commercial proposal

How to correctly write a commercial proposal based on a goal that is relevant to the company? Denis Kaplunov identified seven types of CP that solve different company problems. We have collected them in a convenient table and indicated important nuances.

Type of commercial offer Situation Peculiarities
Presentation Introducing a new partner company for the clientShow the benefits of cooperation or purchasing your product.
Updated product It is necessary to inform about a new product, product modernizationOutline the advantages of the new version compared to the previous one. Distributed also to former clients
Promotional Ongoing promotional event (sales, personal prices)Specify offer validity dates or other restrictions
Thank you note Receive feedback from the client, express gratitude for cooperationInclude an additional personal offer in the CP
Congratulatory Promotional offer dedicated to general holidaysOnly a personalized offer, the client must feel unique
The invitation Upcoming event, business presentationSent to existing and potential clients. Describe the bonuses from attending the event
For "lost clients" The client abandoned your services/products in favor of competitorsKiller offer (pre-examine the competitor’s product). Periodically remind the client about yourself

Checklist for an ideal commercial proposal: 8 mandatory points

Regardless of the type and type, any commercial offer is built according to the same rules. Together with Evgeniy Malyshenko - copywriter and author of a blog about commercial proposals- we have compiled an algorithm that will help you understand how to competently draw up a commercial proposal:

  1. The company name, logo, contacts are in the CP header. If the market is very official, then you need to indicate the details of the legal entity.
  2. Destination. The name of the company or employee to whom you are sending the letter.
  3. Title. DO NOT write “Commercial offer” in the title. Choose something catchy that will make the recipient put things aside and read the text. Google “The 100 Greatest Headlines in Copywriting History” and something interesting is bound to pop into your head.
  4. Lead. A few introductory phrases that logically follow from the title and prepare the ground for the proposal itself. Here you can identify the client’s problem that your product will solve or, as it were, predict his needs.
  5. Offer. What you offer the client. The offer must be specific. Compare: “We invite you to consider the possibility of mutually beneficial cooperation” and “We offer you to use the new service and save up to 40% on delivering goods to your customers.” A logical continuation of the offer is a description of the benefits of your offer: provide facts, specific figures, examples.
  6. Reasoning or selling price: convince the client that your offer is worth the specified money. Too expensive? Focus on quality and status. Cheap? Describe how you managed to optimize the price.
  7. Call to action. Push the client to call, follow a link, etc. Be specific (no “If you are interested in our offer...”) and use the formula “action + stimulant.” For example: “Click the link now and get 30% off your first order.”
  8. Signature. The name and position of the person responsible for the proposal.

How to write a commercial proposal letter correctly

A well-drafted proposal for cooperation is half the success. But all efforts will be in vain if the letter is lost in the client’s mail. To avoid disaster,

a) be sure to indicate the subject of the letter (again, NOT “Commercial offer”, but something that encourages reading);

b) write a succinct and informative cover letter.

It is optimal to compose a letter of no more than six sentences answering the question of how and why the client needs to familiarize himself with the commercial offer right now.

  • say hello;
  • introduce yourself;
  • mention the background of the communication (if any) and talk about the proposal;
  • briefly disclose the details of the CP;
  • indicate a couple of benefits from the offer;
  • call to action.

Evgeny Malyshenko, copywriter, expert in creating commercial proposals:
– You can place a commercial offer directly in the body of the letter, or you can just write an introduction here and attach the commercial proposal as a separate file. Exactly how to proceed depends on the situation. For example, if you are addressing a specific person, describe the proposal in a business letter. It is more logical to attach a universal commercial proposal, a presentation of a service or a company, to a cover letter. The target action of such a letter is to download the file. As for the headlines and subject lines of the letter: in b2b markets there is something that always works - this is the client’s benefit: indicate it.

As the response showed, this topic was of great interest to a large number of readers. Which is understandable.

By and large, its further fate depends on the introductory part of the commercial proposal.

A person reads one page of text (carefully) for 2-3 minutes. Commercial offers are scanned in a few seconds. And if in these seconds we were unable to “hook” the reader, the phraseological unit immediately comes to mind - “write is lost.”

To continue the topic raised, we decided to prepare another article, only to approach the issue from a completely different angle: to show with what expressions original commercial proposals can be started.

Follow the rules of the game

A commercial proposal begins not with the first line, but with thinking. First, it is thought out in the head in the form of a “fish”, and then it goes on to paper. And only then various “gadgets” are connected.

Never forget the specific purpose of your sales pitch. There are a lot of them, and the company’s arsenal should have several “blanks” for different purposes.

I want to be precise and clear: the title of the article “10 phrases with which you can start a commercial proposal” is in itself absurd. Because stereotypes are far from being held in high esteem today.

It would be more correct and accurate to say this: “ 10 scenarios on how to start a commercial proposal" Words (as well as phrases) can always be used differently, but the essence must remain inviolable.

For clarity, we will not shake the air with our imagination and “come up” with convenient examples, as many authors of educational articles do.

We will present 10 scenarios for starting the formation of individual commercial proposals and support them with examples from our personal practice - that is, fragments of commercial proposals that we prepared for clients of the Denis Kaplunov Studio.

No. 1 - answer to the request

The very first scenario. The situation is simple: we send a commercial proposal for a specific client request. That is, the client himself wants to study our CP.

The situation is very favorable, because we no longer need to “warm up” the client. It is enough for him to tell him what he himself asks for, and to do it brightly.

In such a situation, the easiest way to start a commercial proposal is to remind the client what he himself asked for and show that this is exactly what we are doing.

Purely on a subconscious level, the client begins to read carefully, because he himself asked for this information.

Natalya, hello!

We have carefully studied your request and are fulfilling it immediately so that you can quickly receive all the information on stationery.

These are the conditions for exactly the positions you requested.

At the same time, we can select analogues based on the invoice (or price list) of another store so that you can compare prices and make the best choice.

Or another example of a commercial proposal after a telephone conversation with a client:

Good morning, Ivan Ivanovich!

As we agreed during the telephone conversation, we are sending interesting information on your company’s website.

Today, it receives an average of 75 potential clients a day.

At the same time, we found out that the audience of potential clients for your services is MUCH WIDE! Simple forecast: 420 leads per day.

Are you more interested in 420 leads per day or 75?

Here are just the results of a small study of the main search queries entered by representatives of your target audience:

  1. Request No. 1 – __ person
  2. Request No. 2 – __ people
  3. Request No. 3 – __ people

And there are only 24 such requests. We attach more detailed information to this letter.

As you understand, this scenario is suitable specifically for “hot” commercial offers. Although, with certain skills and abilities, they can be turned into “warm” ones and even made into working pieces. But that's another conversation.

And finally, a little advice: if you are asked for a price list, do not send a bare table. Before it, add personalization - contact the client by name, remind him that he himself requested this information from you. It brings us closer together.

No. 2 - a blow to the main problem

Every business has problems. Every business area has common problems. And there are also problems that cannot yet be solved with existing capabilities.

This scenario is ideal when selling a new, unique solution that helps relieve the client of a pressing problem.

Look how we played with this situation when preparing a commercial proposal for a new widget for online stores, which allows you to take and present accurate measurements of things. It is important for buyers to be sure that the indicated sizes correspond to their personal natural data:

If you sell clothes , then you know that at least 40% of items are returned by customers for the most banal reason - the size does not fit...

You use sizing charts, provide detailed descriptions, and high-quality photographs, but the items keep coming back...

We focused on a real problem that is relevant to the target audience - the systematic return of goods due to size mismatch. For online clothing stores, this is a real weak point, since the buyer sees only a picture and does not have the opportunity to try on the item before purchasing.

No. 3 - current need

Needs are a constant thing. One is replaced by another, and this continues almost without stopping. It's like shopping for a dress with your lady. He bought it, and then it turns out that there are no shoes for him in his wardrobe. A-ya-yay. We need to fix this. We bought shoes. Well, what about without a handbag? And so on.

It's the same in business. There are always current needs. Therefore, if the client thinks about them, we can turn this to our advantage and start the commercial proposal with that.

You have created a website and are puzzled by questions:

  1. How to make it popular?
  2. How to direct a flow of potential clients to its pages?
  3. How can you use it to increase your sales?

There are several answers to these questions. At the same time, the most effective and high-quality answer is search engine promotion.

Why? Because the result of search engine promotion is “warm clients” who themselves are looking for companies that provide the necessary services.

That is, they already want to buy.

Won't it work? It will not work? Oh well. At first people also did not believe that the Earth was round.

#4 - shocking statement

Here we connect the effect of surprise. In words we ask for a light cold shower. A man reads and thinks " Oh come on. How can this be

Do you know that 10-20% of the numbers in your phone database are inactive?

Let's imagine that you decide to send SMS to your customer base. You collected data, and you have 10,000 customer numbers in your database.

You plan to send SMS at least once a week. According to general statistics, from 10 to 20 percent of subscriber numbers are inactive for various reasons. That is, your messages are going “nowhere”.

Which exit?

No. 5 - a more rational solution

From kindergarten we remember that there are several ways to tie shoelaces. Now men are learning how to tie ties, and girls are learning how to tie scarves.

There are always several ways to achieve a goal of interest. If your product is one of these, you may want to think about tactics to differentiate it from other alternatives. And take advantage of this difference.

We used this tactic when preparing a commercial proposal for a printer rental service:

“Printer rental from 1000 rubles/day”

There are many situations where buying a printer (and then servicing and maintaining it) is not economically justifiable, especially if it can be rented.

Examples of situations from our clients:

  1. Taking part in an exhibition or forum
  2. Business trip and inability to take the printer with you
  3. The need for a printer for one-time work (for example, printing in color)
  4. Need for an additional printer during a tax audit
  5. You need to urgently and quickly print a large volume of documents.

#6 - strict product presentation

I will say this: when there is correspondence between serious companies, it is customary to use a certain style. Classic copywriting and sleight-of-word techniques may not work here.

Sometimes it is enough to maintain clear and specific language. Don't beat around the bush, but get straight to the point.

This technique is advisable to use when the client already knows what the text will be about. For example, if our commercial offer is formulated on a website page where the reader comes for a specific purpose.

See an example of the text in which we presented “autogas”:

Autogas - the choice of modern drivers who know how to count their money. It allows you to significantly reduce fuel consumption per kilometer of travel, while maintaining the usual comfort and power of the car.

More than 10 thousand drivers in Latvia and 20 million drivers in Europe have chosen autogas because it is much more profitable than gasoline and even diesel fuel.

And here is proof of this:

This method can also be used for cold and warm mailings or when publishing a commercial offer in the form of leaflets and other printed materials.

By the way, one of the company’s clients admitted that before our competent example, he read a commercial proposal for diesel fuel and rejected it.

No. 7 - new benefit in the near future

Any businessman is looking for new ways to gain value for his product or service package. And, naturally, he is ready to study information about such opportunities.

Here it is very important to know and understand the guidelines of such “profitable” directions. And sometimes they are just in front of your nose.

Here is an example of the beginning of a CP to promote one technological improvement in the production process of sausages and smoked meat products:

Tomorrow you will be able to reduce the cost of producing deli meats by 30-35%.

This will allow you to offer the market a more favorable price without losing product quality. Consequently, you get a new competitive advantage and the opportunity to increase the profitable part of your business.

And all this can be achieved with one simple technological solution.

No. 8 - business plan language

I love this style when you need to sell the opportunity to save or earn money and when we have an audience of entrepreneurs and investors. Especially non-beginners.

Such people do not need slow dancing and foreplay. Give them the “meat” right away. “Get to the point,” as they say.

So, if we are selling a business, we need to approach it accordingly.

Your mini-plant for the production of aerated concrete

  1. Investments pay off in a period of 2 to 6 months
  2. Profit – from 600,000 rubles per month
  3. This takes no more than 3 working hours per day

The beginning is interesting because there is a sense of benefit in it. Then we simply open the proposal. And we build it according to the business plan scenario. Just don't need 100 pages.

Briefly, specifically, to the point.

No. 9 - “Product face”

If your goal is to draw attention to a product using a commercial offer, take a closer look at this technique.

“Product face” is when you offer really interesting things. Ideal - when they have clearly defined differences that are useful for the target audience.

But even if you can’t brag about it, the “Product with Your Face” technique will come in handy. Its main feature is to use product images at the very beginning of the commercial offer.

The reader will definitely look at the pictures, and if they attract him in any way, your text will be read more carefully.

An example from a commercial proposal that we prepared for a representative of a manufacturer of women's bags (the text was aimed at wholesale buyers).

We immediately connected several “hot spots” to the power of images:

New fashionable women's bags in Moscow - wholesale!

  • Wholesale/retail price margin - 300%
  • Free delivery within Moscow
  • Assortment - more than 1500 models per season
  • The minimum order for wholesale price is RUB 10,000.
  • All documents for inspection authorities

Look at these bags:

The redhead is very good, right? That's why she's in the center.

No. 10 - “Sweet Candy”

Children love sweets. And adults love money. By and large, money can be called sweets.

Each of us wants to earn even more than we can today. And if the offer is worthy, we are ready to consider the possibility of additional income.

This is what the “Sweet Candy” technique is based on, when at the very beginning of the commercial offer we show how and through what the reader can earn extra money.

See the example we prepared for one regular client. The audience is managers of car dealerships. They are offered additional income by selling cars to customers. This is an offline affiliate program:

Good morning, Ivan Ivanovich!

TOYOTA is a legendary brand. Cars of this brand have been bought, are being bought and will always be bought.

What if you start earning an additional $125 to $750 from the sale of each car? And for this you do not need to invest a penny and not disrupt your work schedule.

Let's say if you sell 100 cars a month, that's an additional $12,500 - $75,000 every month.

Thus, in just 1-2 months you can easily earn money for yourself (or your loved ones) for a brand new Toyota.

Notice the personalization? That's right, the brand name. Naturally, a proposal was sent to the Ford dealership with information on cars and the Ford brand, etc.

Personalization is always good for business proposals.

Instead of a postscript

You've just learned 10 techniques for developing your sales pitch intro. And you see that they are all different. In fact, there are even more of them, and we are discovering new ways every time.

Because very often you have to take into account the personal task of a commercial proposal, its audience, the degree of uniqueness and attractiveness, the delivery factor, the development of printing design, “hot spots” and many more subtleties that affect efficiency.

If you need a working commercial proposal, contact us at the Studio, we will definitely come up with an original design for your task.

Are you sending out commercial offers, but clients don’t call? Or did your boss set the task of writing a CP, but there are no ideas? Then we study the issue, look at examples and learn to create the right commercial proposal, the result of which is not sent to the client’s trash bin, but is reflected in the increasing sales figures of your company.

A commercial proposal (CP) is an offer of services provided by one company to another organization or a specific person. The category of services may include consulting, the sale of a specific product, training of the organization’s personnel, the creation of a website, and an offer for the supply of building materials.

Interaction with a client is a certain chain of actions that must be completed before he makes a purchase decision and pays the invoice.

Companies selling a certain product create their websites, hire managers to call customers, send out offers, create and send product catalogs, develop presentations, and participate in exhibitions. Each of the listed actions performs its functions in the overall sales system, pursues its own goals and must achieve certain results.

The commercial offer in this chain also has its place and performs specific functions:

  • attracting the attention of a potential client to the service provided by the enterprise;
  • generating interest in the information presented in the document and in the product offered;
  • stimulating the desire to purchase the product.

By and large, a commercial proposal is an informational occasion that can be discussed with the client, which means it is a method of “opening doors” to a potential partner’s company.

Types of commercial offers

CPs sent to clients at different stages of sales differ in goals and expected results.

It is sent to complete strangers to potential buyers with whom the sales manager has had no prior contact.

Its main characteristics:

  • standard text for clients with an emphasis on the product or service offering;
  • short in volume, and, as a rule, created on one sheet;
  • sent en masse, which resembles a spam mailing.

Such an offer will “hook” those customers who have formed a need for the product even before they received the letter.

"Warm" CP

Such an offer is sent after a preliminary call to the client. As a rule, the conversation was short. To complete it faster, it was easier for a potential buyer to request a commercial proposal than to listen to information about a product that he does not yet need or simply does not have time to communicate.

As a result, the sales specialist sends a letter to the potential client, referring to the agreements reached over the phone. By and large, this is still the same “cold” client, but the first contact has already taken place with him. Based on the results of the sending, it becomes possible to call again and clarify whether he is ready to discuss the information voiced in the proposal. This CP is individual, unlike the “cold” version.

If at the time of the manager’s return call the client has not read the letter, then you can clarify the date and time of the return call. This is how the client begins to get used to communicating with the manager. If he is at least a little interested in the text of the proposal and is satisfied with the communication with the “sales person,” there is a chance to continue the dialogue.


Every client is different. The needs of each of them are individual: some are only interested in the product itself at a low cost, some want to receive the product and delivery, others focus on the quality of the service or product.

At the moment of communication with the client, in the case of correctly structured communication, the manager receives information about the specifics of his needs. And if this happens, then the sales specialist has every chance to make an individual commercial offer that will hit the target. In this case, it is restructured, specific accents are placed, since it is clear which target group the potential buyer belongs to.

The same option is sent out if the client proactively sends a request for a commercial proposal to the company. Often in his address he clarifies what exactly interests him.

Features of the “hot” offer.

  1. Sent individually to a specific person or employee of the company, and his name is indicated either in the body of the cover letter or in the structure of the proposal.
  2. It can be more voluminous, placed on two or more sheets or in the form of a presentation.
  3. The discussion organized by the manager after the client has reviewed the proposal is more substantive and constructive.

Let's give an example of a proposal that can be sent after discussing all the details of cooperation with a partner.

Commercial offer structure

The commercial offer is built according to a certain scheme. Each part has its own tasks. Managers creating this document need to think through each of its structural elements.

The proposal includes the following sections:

  • title;
  • offer;
  • belief;
  • limitation;
  • call;
  • contacts;
  • P.S.


The first thing a client sees in a commercial proposal is the title. It will take no more than 20 seconds for a person to read it and make a decision: send the letter to the trash bin or read the entire document. If “cold” offers are sent to customers, then the headline is practically the only chance to interest them.