Presentation on the topic of mixed economy. The main focus of the lesson

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The presentation on the topic "Mixed Economic System" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Economics. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 12 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Mixed economic system

A mixed economic system is a way of organizing economic life that combines elements of a market and command economy, in which land and capital are predominantly privately owned, and the distribution of limited resources is carried out both by markets and with significant state participation.

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In relation to modern conditions, a mixed economy appears in the following enlarged forms: a mixed economy of developing (especially underdeveloped) countries, in which "mixing" is caused by a low level of development and the presence of backward economic forms; mixed economy of developed countries (developed mixed economy).

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The mixed economy has a multisectoral, multistructural character. Private property, which forms the framework of a market economy, coexists and interacts with state property, the property of non-profit organizations, and collective and cooperative forms of ownership. On the basis of various forms of ownership, various types of economy and entrepreneurship function, various sectors and structures of the national economy are formed.

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The main sectors in developed countries are the private sector, which includes the modes of medium, large and small businesses, the monopoly-oligarchic structure; state, municipal cooperative and family sectors, sector of non-profit organizations: Each sector occupies its own niche in the economy, depending on how effectively it satisfies a particular need of society,

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Mixing of the economy characterizes not only the presence of various structural elements in its composition, but also the formation of specific forms of their combination in the real economy. This can be exemplified by public-private joint-stock enterprises, contractual agreements between state bodies and private firms, social partnerships, etc.

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Scale of socialization of production Prevailing form of ownership

Socialization and stateization of a part of the economy on a national and international scale Economic activity based on collective private and state property

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Incentive for productive labor Basic principle of production Regulation of the economy Competition

Factor income The principle of matching supply and demand Active state regulation of the national economy to stimulate consumer demand and supply, prevent crises and unemployment, etc. There is

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Shadow economy Coordination

Only for goods prohibited by the state The role of coordinating the actions of economic entities and the allocation of goods is determined by both the market mechanism and state regulation.

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Pricing Salary Social guarantees

Flexible prices Established in the process of competition with the balance of supply and demand in the labor market, but the state sets the minimum wage Establishment of public and private social insurance and social security funds

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

Economic systems are a set of principles, rules, legally fixed norms that have historically emerged or established in the country, determining the form and content of the main economic relations that arise in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of an economic product.

Economical systems Traditional Common property Distribution according to tradition Command and control State property Distribution according to the plan Market Private property Distribution through the market Mixed Private property Distributed . through markets and with the participation of the state

A mixed system is an economic system based on a variety of equal forms of ownership of the means of production, in which decisions are made by economic entities independently, but under the influence of the state

Characteristic features: Legislative provision of equality of different forms of ownership Combination of economic planning and economic forecasting The use by the state of predominantly indirect, economic regulators The provision of social protection by the state of citizens Protection of competitive principles in the country's economy Pricing based on the balance of supply and demand with the active participation of the state in this process

Basic elements of a mixed economic system Scope of market mechanisms q Private property rights q Markets for resources and goods q Private economic initiative State control q Redistribution of income and resources q Creation of public goods q Weakening of externalities

Positive and negative aspects of a mixed economy Advantages: q No shortage of goods and services q Freedom of initiative and entrepreneurial entrepreneurship q Increasing role of the social orientation of the state's activities Disadvantages: q High unemployment and inflation q Huge role of monopolies

Mixed economy models - a combination of market forces and state participation in the regulation of economic processes Mixed economy models: American model Japanese model Swedish model German model Chinese model British model Italian model Russian model 9

The American model of a mixed economy is a liberal market-capitalist model that assumes the priority role of private property, a market-competitive mechanism, capitalist motivations, and a high level of social differentiation.

Features: Encouragement of the enrichment of the most active part of the population Assistance to low-income groups of the population Highest level of labor productivity Mass orientation towards achieving personal success Small share of state property (10 -12%) Minimal regulatory role of the state in the economy. Such intervention, as a rule, is initiated by economic crises (30s, 70s) or a sharp rise in the economy. Encouragement of entrepreneurship. Small business provides about 80% of new jobs in the US every year. Sharp differentiation between rich and poor. Acceptable standard of living for low-income groups of the population. eleven

The Japanese model of a mixed economy is a model of regulated corporate capitalism, in which favorable opportunities for capital accumulation are combined with an active role of state regulation in the areas of economic development programming, structural, investment and foreign economic policy, and with a special social significance of the corporate principle.

Features: developed planning and coordination of government and private sector activities economic planning of the state is advisory (indicative) in nature preservation of national traditions while borrowing best practices from other countries obstacles to property stratification are not placed exceptionally high development of national self-consciousness the readiness of the country's population to make certain material sacrifices for the sake of prosperity state priority of the interests of the nation over the interests of a particular person 13

The Swedish model of a mixed economy is a social democratic model that gives the state the place of the supreme social economy. economic strength

Features: vigorous participation of the state in ensuring economic stability and in the redistribution of income implementation of a strong social policy high level of taxation minimum unemployment rate relatively small differences in the incomes of various groups of the population high level of social security of citizens combination of relatively high economic growth rates with a high level of employment and well-being of the population 15

The German model of a mixed economy is a model of a social market economy, which links the expansion of competitive principles with the creation of a special social infrastructure that alleviates the shortcomings of the market and capital, with the formation of a multi-layered institutional structure of subjects of social policy.

Features: providing all forms of economy (large, medium, small) with opportunities for sustainable development; implementation of a strong social policy; special patronage is given to small and medium-sized farm-type enterprises; stimulation of technological and organizational innovations; the minimum level of unemployment the active influence of the state on prices, duties, technical and technological standards a high level of social security of citizens 17

Chinese mixed economy model government regulation in the form of guiding planning two-tier economic development model: - 75–80% of the economy (mainly basic sectors of the economy) operate on the basis of centralized management using both directive and economic regulators - 20–25% of enterprises (light and the food industry, the service sector, etc.) operate on the principles of market regulation, high rates of economic growth (at least 9–12% per year) and the provision of social guarantees for workers. eighteen

Great Britain Before the war: The active role of state regulation. Partial nationalization of a number of industries, a unified system of public health and social security has been created. large public sector and extensive system of state regulation Post-war: limiting state intervention in the economy and allowing more freedom for market forces. privatization of most state-owned enterprises, encouragement of private entrepreneurship. control over prices, wages, dividends was eliminated. The targeted nature of free medical care has increased. All this has improved the efficiency and competitiveness of the British economy.

The Italian model is a peculiar variant of the Western European model Extensive public sector Highly developed large private business prevails Characterized by ways left from early capitalism Large proportion of small businesses Developing cooperative sector The public sector occupies a key position. The most numerous category of state enterprises are joint-stock companies with mixed capital. Liberal reforms did not introduce radical changes in the state sector. Developed social infrastructure and a high degree of social protection.

Russia The Russian economy is at a complex and contradictory stage of development, designated as a transitional one - from an administrative-command system to a mixed one. The Russian model of a mixed economy should be based on: a variety of forms of ownership. variety of forms of entrepreneurial activity. mixed economic mechanism for regulating the economy. variety of forms of distribution of the national product. The distribution system should be based on two fundamentally different, but in many respects similar distribution mechanisms. One of them is based on market methods, the second - on the principle of distribution according to work.

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Completed by students
Groups 3U15 KBSH(k)
Valiev Aizil,
Gainanova Dilyara,
Kasimova Diana

mixed economy

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A mixed economy is an economy that includes both private and corporate, and public or state ownership of the means of production. It allows private entrepreneurs and individuals to make independent financial decisions, but their autonomy is limited by the fact that the state or society has priority in these financial matters.

The concept of a mixed economy

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In a mixed economy, both the state and private enterprises and corporations have the right to own or operate the means of production.

The activity of the state is financed by taxes and excises, but mainly by its own economic activity.

Characteristics of a mixed economy

The state also carries out regulation - labor, antimonopoly, corporate, customs; protection of intellectual property, consumer rights, environment.

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Character traits

Freedom of choice;
Private property;
Division of labor.

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Market mechanism

The market mechanism connects producers and consumers, sellers and buyers, makes them interact.
Its main elements:
price signal,
Supply and demand,

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Private property
freedom of choice
Commitment to development and application of new technologies

Market impartiality
Income distribution inequality
Market instability

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Mixed economy in Sweden

Two dominant goals clearly stand out in Swedish politics:
and income equalization.

The state is actively involved in ensuring economic stability and in the redistribution of income.

In the broadest sense, the Swedish model is the whole complex of socio-economic and political realities in the country with its high standard of living and wide scale of social policy.

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Mixed economy of Japan

Japanese model. The formation of a modern economic model took place in conditions of specific development. Having abandoned military spending, Japan concentrated all its resources for use "for peaceful purposes" and, above all, for building up economic potential in industry.

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Command and mixed economic systems

Plan: Command economic system. Mixed economic system. Socially regulated market. Economic system in modern Russia.

Command economic system This is a way of organizing economic life in which capital and land are owned by the state, and the distribution of limited resources is carried out according to the instructions of the central government and in accordance with plans.

The heyday of the command economy was after the First World War. An example of a country in the 20th century with a command economic system was Soviet Russia.

The activities of the command economic system were as follows: What to produce - established by the State Planning Department; How to produce - was established by the sectoral ministry; To whom to sell - established the State Committee for Supply; At what price to sell - set the State Committee on Pricing; How much to pay workers - was established by the State Committee on Labor and Wages; How to use income - established by the Ministry of Finance; What to build for production - established the State Committee for Construction; What to sell abroad and buy was established by the Ministry of Foreign Trade.

Planning in a command economic system is very intelligent. The plan must: Be drawn up on the instructions of a private owner who bears full financial responsibility; Be implemented on the basis of a free choice of partners in the transaction; To be checked for reasonableness by the demand of buyers; Rely on existing economic information.

Mixed economic system This is a way of organizing economic life based on the use of various forms of ownership, in which the distribution of limited resources is carried out by markets, and with significant state participation.

A mixed economic system prevailed for the civilizations of the late twentieth century. The basis of a mixed economic system is private ownership of economic resources.

Some countries have a public sector. It includes enterprises whose capital is wholly or partly owned by the state, but which: Do not receive plans from the state; I work according to market laws; Forced to compete on an equal footing with private firms.

The main elements of a mixed economic system:

A socially regulated market This is a kind of mixed economic system in which society and the state are clearly striving not only to ensure economic growth, but also to fully implement the principles of combining economic freedom, reasonable distribution of responsibility for the life of society between citizens and the state, and civil solidarity.

The basis of the mixed economic system is the conscious life position of every able-bodied citizen - "I am responsible for my well-being myself!"

In modern Russia: The foundations of the command system are destroyed; The mechanism of the market system is still being formed; Factors of production have not yet been completely transferred to private ownership. In the near future, Russia will inevitably have to recreate market mechanisms and build a mixed economic system on their basis.

Thank you for your attention The presentation was prepared by Anzhelika Alexandrovna Danilchuk, a teacher of economics at MBOU Secondary School No. 5 in Kashin

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